I vaguely recall asking something like this before, but if so, I didn't
save the answers, and a search of the archives didn't turn up anything.
Some of the rules in UAX #29 don't make sense to me.
For example, rule WB7a
Hebrew_Letter × Single_Quote
seems to say that a Hebrew_Letter followed by a Single Quote shouldn't
break. (And Rule WB4 says that actually there can be Extend and Format
characters between the two and those should be ignored).
But the earlier rule, WB6
(ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) × (MidLetter | MidNumLet | Single_Quote)
(ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
seems to me to say (among other things) that a Hebrew Letter followed by
a Single Quote shouldn't break if and only if the latter is also
followed by either an ALetter or another Hebrew Letter (again modulo
ignored Format and Extend letters)
This seems contradictory. One rule says something unconditionally, and
the other rule adds conditions.
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