Re: Tag characters and in-line graphics (from Tag characters)

From: Doug Ewell <>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 10:44:24 -0600

David Starner wrote:

> I would say that a system would conform with Unicode in having yellow
> heart red (in a non-monochrome font) as well as if it made it a cross.
> Either way it's violating character identity. I'd say that being
> monochromatic is now like being monospaced; it's suboptimal for a
> Unicode implementation, but hardly something Unicode can condemn as
> nonconformant.

This seems fair and sensible. My main point was that being monochromatic
(i.e. black) is conformant, and was an attempt to challenge the
statement about character color "sometimes being a recorded property." I
don't see any Unicode character properties that identify color, only
character names, which don't carry property information.

Doug Ewell | | Thornton, CO 🇺🇸 
Received on Sun May 31 2015 - 11:45:20 CDT

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