Re: Unicode Emoji 5.0 characters now final

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 01:58:24 +0200

This only describes the sequences encoded with 2 characters, not the newer
longer sequences for flags of subnational regions. the
unicode_region_subtag data does not contain anything about the flags for
the first 3 regions in GB.

2017-03-28 1:35 GMT+02:00 Markus Scherer <>:

> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Philippe Verdy <>
> wrote:
>> Note also that ISO3166-2 is far from being stable, and this could
>> contradict Unicode encoding stability: it would then be required to ensure
>> this stability by only allowing sequences that are effectively registered
>> in
>> (independantly of the registration ins ISO3166-2), and nothing is said if
>> ever ISO3166-2 obsoletes some codes and then some years later decide to
>> reassign these codes to new entities: it should not be possible to do the
>> same thing in Emoji sequences, and specific assignments will need to be
>> made in the Unicode database.
> The emoji sequences are stable. Please read
> reports/tr51/proposed.html#valid-emoji-tag-sequences and follow the links
> to the CLDR spec and data.
> Let SD be the result of mapping each character in the tag_spec to a
> character in [0-9a-z] by subtracting 0xE0000.
> 1. SD must then be a specification as per [CLDR
> <>] of either
> a Unicode subdivision_id
> <>
> (data
> <>)
> or a 3-digit unicode_region_subtag
> <> (
> data
> <>),
> and
> 2. SD must have CLDR idStatus equal to "regular" or "deprecated".
> markus
Received on Mon Mar 27 2017 - 18:59:06 CDT

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