On 15 May 2017, at 23:43, Richard Wordingham via Unicode <unicode_at_unicode.org> wrote:
> The problem with surrogates is inadequate testing. They're sufficiently
> rare for many users that it may be a long time before an error is
> discovered. It's not always obvious that code is designed for UCS-2
> rather than UTF-16.
While I don’t think we should spend too long debating the relative merits of UTF-8 versus UTF-16, I’ll note that that argument applies equally to both combining characters and indeed the underlying UTF-8 encoding in the first place, and that mistakes in handling both are not exactly uncommon. There are advantages to UTF-8 and advantages to UTF-16.
Kind regards,
-- http://alastairs-place.netReceived on Tue May 16 2017 - 02:26:48 CDT
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