On 5/23/2017 4:04 AM, Janusz S. Bien via Unicode wrote:
> Quote/Cytat - Manuel Strehl via Unicode <unicode_at_unicode.org> (Tue 23
> May 2017 11:33:24 AM CEST):
>> The rising standard in the world of web development (and others) is
>> called
>> »Semantic Versioning« [1], that many projects adhere to or sometimes
>> must
>> actively explain, why they don't.
>> The structure of a »semantic version« string is a set of three integers,
>> MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where the »sematics« part lies in a kind of contract
>> between author and user, when to increment which part.
> Perhaps I am missing something, but I don't understand this thread. Cf.
You are not missing anything, the OP is being obtuse. We just didn't
want to run the search for him. :)
> http://unicode.org/versions/
> Version numbers for the Unicode Standard consist of three fields,
> denoting the major version, the minor version, and the update version,
> respectively.
> The differences between major, minor, and update versions are as follows:
> [...]
> Best regards
> Janusz
Received on Tue May 23 2017 - 07:29:44 CDT
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