Re: emoji props in the ucdxml ?

From: Ken Whistler via Unicode <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 11:59:31 -0700

On 7/5/2017 10:01 AM, Daniel Bünzli via Unicode wrote:
> I know the emoji properties [1] are no formally part of the UCD (not sure exactly why though),

Because they are maintained as part of an independent standard now (UTS
#51), which is still on track to have a faster turnaround -- and hence
faster data updates -- not synched with the annual versions of the
Unicode Standard. Hence they cannot be formally a part of the UCD --
unless the entire Unicode Standard were going to be churned on a faster
cycle as well.

> but are there any plans to integrate the data in the ucdxml [2] (possibly as separate files) ?

No. Not unless and until they become formally part of the UCD.

Received on Wed Jul 05 2017 - 14:00:18 CDT

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