There is some evidence that Unicode is now being introduced to Computer Science pupils in UK Schools. Hove Park School give a summary of their Computer Science curriculum for Years 8 and 9
From Year 9 curriculum summary: "• Students code text into binary using ASCII and understand the limitations of this and the need for Unicode"
I think it unlikely they give much coverage of Unicode at Hove Park School but it is a promising start. Personally I am much encouraged, as Computer Science education in the UK, at all levels, continues to be dominated by ASCII.
as part of my continuing endeavours to get Computer Science/IT/ICT Internationalization on the School/College/University curricula I recently setup a google discussion forum!forum/computer-science-curriculum-internationalization If you know of any academics who might be interested please do let them know of this new forum. Unicode is, of course, a fundamental building block for internationalization and so should feature prominently in Computer Science teaching, at all levels.
André Schappo
Received on Fri Jul 07 2017 - 04:03:49 CDT
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