On 08/03/18 19:33, Arthur Reutenauer <arthur.reutenauer_at_normalesup.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 07:05:06PM +0100, Marcel Schneider via Unicode wrote:
> > https://www.amazon.fr/Unicode-5-0-pratique-Patrick-Andries/dp/2100511408/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1206989878&sr=8-1
> You’re linking to the wrong one of Patrick’s books :-) The
> translation he made of version 3.1 (not 5.0) of the core specification
> is available in full at http://hapax.qc.ca/ (“Unicode et ISO 10646 en
> français”, middle of page), as well as a few free sample chapters from
> his other book.
> Best,
> Arthur
Indeed, thank you very much for correction, and thanks for the link.
I can tell so much that the free online chapters of Patrick Andriesʼ translation
of the Unicode standard were to me the first introduction, more precisely ch. 7
(Punctuation) which I even printed out to get in touch with the various dashes
and spaces and learn more about quotation marks. [I didnʼt have internet and
took the copy home from a library.] Based on this experience, I think there isnʼt
too much extrapolation in supposing that millions of newcomers in all countries
could use such a translation. Although the latest version of TUS is obviously more
up‐to‐date, version 3.1 isnʼt plain wrong at all. Hence I warmly recommend to
translate at least v3.1 — or those chapters of v10.0 that are already in v3.1 —
while prompting the reader to seek further information on the Unicode website.
We note too that Patrickʼs translation is annotated (footnotes in gray print) with
additional information of interest for the target locale. (Here one could mention
that Latin script requires preformatted superscript letters for an interoperable
representation of current text in some languages.)
Some Unicode terminology like “bidi‐mirroring” may be hard to adapt but that
isnʼt more of a challenge than any tech/science writer is facing when handling
content that was originally produced in the United States and/or, more generally,
in English. E.g. in French we may choose from a panel of more conservative
through less usual grammatical forms among which: “réflexion bidi”, “réflexion
bidirectonnelle”, “bidi‐reflexion” (hyphenated or not), “réflexible” or, simply,
“miroir”. Anyway, every locale is expected to localize the full range of Unicode
terminology — unless people agree to switch to English whenever the topic is
Unicode, even while discussing any other topic currently in Chinese or in Japanese,
although doing so is not a problem, itʼs just ethically weird.
So we look forward to the concept of a “Unicode in Practice” textbook implemented
in Chinese and in Japanese and in any other non‐English and non‐French locale if it
isnʼt already.
As of translating the Core spec as a whole, why did two recent attempts crash even
before the maintenance stage, while the 3.1 project succeeded?
Some pieces of the puzzle seem to be still missing.
Best regards,
Received on Fri Mar 09 2018 - 08:58:59 CST
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