I created a neat little project based on Unicode emojis. I thought
some on this list may find it interesting. It encodes arbitrary data
as 1024 emojis. The project is called Ecoji and is hosted on github
at https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji
Below are some examples of encoding and decoding.
$ echo 'Unicode emojis are awesome!!' | ecoji
$ echo 🐦😱🔫🤜👢🔥🇮🐾💎🗓🔯🚜👖🚢🐙🌩💮🔪🎨🤚👥📤🌈📑 | ecoji -d
Unicode emojis are awesome!!
I would eventually like to create a base4096 version when there are more emojis.
Received on Sun Mar 11 2018 - 09:36:41 CDT
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