Bold imageUnicode CLDR 33 provides an update to the key building blocks
for software supporting the world’s languages. This data is used by all
major software systems for their software internationalization and
localization, adapting software to the conventions of different
languages for such common software tasks.
/This release had a limited submission phase./ The focus was on
improvements to emoji keywords and to the Odia and Assamese locales,
addition of typographic names data, and improvements to the structure
for specifying keyboard layouts. Improvements include:
* *Structure*
o New structure for typographicNames translations (such as
terms for /Bold/, /Italic/, ...), with data for 33 locales.
o The structure for specifying keyboard layouts was
significantly enhanced, with many new elements and
attributes, and expanded syntax for some preëxisting
attribute values.
* *Additional Translations/Data*
o Annotations (emoji keywords) for a limited set of locales
had a full review (ar, en_GB, de, es, ja, ru).
o Two additional locales (Odia, Assamese) were brought up to
Modern coverage level; some missing items were added in
other locales.
o Added 4 new transforms, and number spellout rules for 6
additional languages.
* *Property files*
o The emoji property data file ExtendedPictographic.txt has
been removed from CLDR data, since the contents are now part
of the UTS #51 “Unicode Emoji” data.
o labels.txt was added for emoji categories and subcategories.
For further details and links to documentation, see the CLDR Release
Notes <>.
About the Unicode Consortium
The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization founded to develop,
extend and promote use of the Unicode Standard and related globalization
The membership of the consortium represents a broad spectrum of
corporations and organizations, many in the computer and information
processing industry. Members include: Adobe, Apple, Emojipedia,
Facebook, Google, Government of Bangladesh, Government of India, Huawei,
IBM, Microsoft, Monotype Imaging, Netflix, Shopify, Sultanate of Oman
MARA, Oracle, Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha, SAP, Symantec, Tamil Virtual
University, The University of California (Berkeley), plus well over a
hundred Associate, Liaison, and Individual members. For a complete
member list go to
For more information, please contact the Unicode Consortium
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