stopwatch imageThe deadline for emoji for 2019 was April 1, so any
submissions received after that date are considered for release in 2020.
The submission form <> has
undergone some revision, so please be sure to review the new text before
putting together a proposal. There is a limited number of emoji
characters considered each year, so be sure to follow the form so that
you can provide the best case for any proposed emoji.
The emoji subcommittee has also produced a new page which shows the
Emoji Requests <>
submitted so far. You can look at what other people have proposed or
suggested. In many cases, people have made suggestions, but have not
followed through with complete submission forms, or have submitted
forms, but not followed through on requested modifications to the forms.
/Over 130,000 characters are available for adoption
<>, to help the
Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages./
[badge] <>
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