On Sun, Sep 02 2018 at 4:16 +0200,
> So you can understand that I’m not unaware of the complexity of UCD. Though
> I don’t think that this could be an argument for not publishing a medium-size
> CSV file with scalar values listed as in UnicodeData.txt.
For a non-programmer like me CVS is much more convenient form than XML -
I can use it not only with a spreadsheet, but also import directly into
a database and analyse with various queries. XML is politically correct,
but practically almost unusable without a specialised parser.
On Sat, Sep 01 2018 at 15:15 +0200, unicode_at_unicode.org writes:
> On 31/08/18 10:47 Manuel Strehl via Unicode wrote:
>> To handle the UCD XML file a streaming parser like Expat is necessary.
> Thanks for the tip. However for my needs, Expat looks like overkill, and I’m
> looking out for a much simpler standalone tool, just converting XML to CSV.
I think CSV and XML can coexist peacefully, we just need an open source
round-trip converter.
Last but not least, let me remind that the thread was started by a
question what is the most convenient way to describe the properties of
PUA characters.
Best regards
-- , Janusz S. Bien emeryt (emeritus) https://sites.google.com/view/jsbienReceived on Mon Sep 03 2018 - 01:24:34 CDT
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