Re: A sign/abbreviation for "magister"

From: James Kass via Unicode <>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 09:48:01 +0000

Julian Bradfield wrote,

>> consists of three recognizable symbols.  An "M", a superscript
>> "r", and an equal sign (= two lines).  It can be printed, handwritten,
> That's not true. The squiggle under the r is a squiggle - it is a
> matter of interpretation (on which there was some discussion a hundred
> messages up-thread or so :) whether it was intended to be = .

I recall Asmus pointing out that the Z-like squiggle was likely a
handwritten "=" and that there was some agreement to this, but didn't
realize that it was in dispute.  FWIW, I agree that the squiggle which
looks kind of like "こ" is simply the cursive, stylistic variant of "=",
especially when written quickly.

> Just as it is a matter of interpretation whether the superscript and
> squiggle were deeply meaningful to the writer, or whether they were
> just a stylistic flourish for Mr.

A third possibility is that the double-underlined superscript was a
writing/spelling convention of the time for writing/spelling abbreviations.

Even if someone produced contemporary Polish manuscripts abbreviating
magister as "Mr", it could be argued that the two writers were simply
using different conventions.
Received on Fri Nov 02 2018 - 04:48:28 CDT

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