On 2019-01-17 11:50 AM, Martin J. Dürst wrote:
> Most probably not. I think Asmus has already alluded to it, but in good
> typography, roman and italic fonts are considered separate.
So are Latin and Cyrillic fonts. So are American English and Polish
fonts, for that matter, even though they're both Latin based. Times New
Roman and Times New Roman Italic might be two separate font /files/ on
computers, but they are the same type face.
The point I was trying to make WRT 256-glyph fonts is that they pre-date
Unicode and I believe much of the "layering" is based on artifacts from
that era.
Lead fonts were glyph based. The technical concept of character came later.
Received on Thu Jan 17 2019 - 06:41:15 CST
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