That is a fair point; if you could get everyone to use keyboards that
inserted such a character, and also get people with current data (eg
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae to process their text), then it would behave as
On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 8:55 AM James Kass via Unicode <>
> On 2019-01-28 7:31 AM, Mark Davis ☕️ via Unicode wrote:
> > Expecting people to type in hard-to-find invisible characters just to
> > correct double-click is not a realistic expectation.
> True, which is why such entries, when consistent, are properly handled
> at the keyboard driver level. It's a presumption that Greek classicists
> are already specifying fonts and using dedicated keyboard drivers.
> Based on the description provided by James Tauber, it should be
> relatively simple to make the keyboard insert some kind of joiner before
> U+2019 if it follows a Greek letter. This would not be visible to the
> end-user.
> This approach would also mean that plain-text, which has no language
> tagging mechanism, would "get it right" cross-platform, cross-applications.
Received on Mon Jan 28 2019 - 02:42:12 CST
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