Unicode Adlam Chart Font Updated

From: <announcements_at_unicode.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 12:37:18 -0700

Adlam chart imageThe Unicode Consortium has recently updated the current
code charts for the Adlam script specifically to provide improved
reference glyphs that align with current community practice. The new
font is an updated Ebrima font, with the update coordinated by Judy
Safran-Aasen and the font designed by Jamra Patel.

The new Adlam code chart <https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1E900.pdf>
can be viewed along with all of the current code charts

The Unicode Standard is the foundation for all modern software and
communications around the world, including operating systems, browsers,
laptops, and smart phones—plus the Internet and Web (URLs, HTML, XML,
CSS, JSON, etc.). The Unicode Standard and its associated standards and
data form the foundation for CLDR and ICU releases.
/Over 136,000 characters are available for adoption
<http://unicode.org/consortium/adopt-a-character.html>, to help the
Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages/

[badge] <http://unicode.org/consortium/adopt-a-character.html>


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Received on Mon Jun 10 2019 - 14:45:07 CDT

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