> * Does the existence of the legacy Adobe encoding Adobe-Japan1-6 shift the
> balance? It has a SQUARE TB at CID+8306.
The code point suggests that it was already there as early as
Adobe-Japan1-1 in 1993. The fact makes it seem certainly weird why it
hasn't been included like its fellows nearby. Perhaps it could be used
as a rationale that this character is erroneously missing.
> * Should I also propose SQUARE PB up to SQUARE YB? At the very least SQUARE PB
> in datacenter settings seems useful.
It does not however imply that squared *B things have some general
needs. The situation is very different than that of Reiwa. U+32FF
wasn't added for commemorative purpose, but is a critical requirement
of some legacy systems that hardcoded those squared eras as time
control characters, lest they fall into a Y2019 problem without a new
era symbol (that's why Unicode announced the code point far before the
real era name came out). From what I heard, even the Japanese
government hadn't recognized the problem in the first place but MS or
somebody listened to their clients and choosed to encode it. So far I
don't believe there's a real need because I don't know a case that KB,
MB... are used outside representational purpose, but I may be wrong.
2019年9月27日(金) 14:17 Fred Brennan via Unicode <unicode_at_unicode.org>:
> I'm sorry to write twice to the list but after some discussion on Twitter it
> is certain I'm going to write a request.
> I only have two lingering questions.
> * Does the existence of the legacy Adobe encoding Adobe-Japan1-6 shift the
> balance? It has a SQUARE TB at CID+8306.
> https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/font/pdfs/5078.Adobe-Japan1-6.pdf
> * Should I also propose SQUARE PB up to SQUARE YB? At the very least SQUARE PB
> in datacenter settings seems useful.
> (I emailed Dr. Ken Lunde with these questions, but he's on vacation until the
> next meeting of the UTC. Does anyone know how much time I have before the
> agenda closes? When does the Script Ad Hoc meet next?)
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