Regex imageRegular expressions are a powerful tool for using patterns to
search and modify text. They are a key component of many programming
languages, databases, and spreadsheets.
Starting in 1999, UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions has supplied
guidelines and conformance levels for supporting Unicode in regular
expressions. A proposed update of that specification is now available
for public review and comment. The following are the main modifications
in this draft:
* Broadened the scope of properties to allow for properties of
strings (as well as properties of code points).
* Added 11 Emoji properties including RGI sets as Full Properties in
Level 2.
* Added other new properties as Full Properties in Level 2:
Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph, Vertical_Orientation,
Regional_Indicator, Indic_Positional_Category,
* Provided a draft data file with property metadata for matching and
validating non-UCD properties and their values for syntax such as
\p{/pname/=/pvalue/}, so that such properties can be used in the
same way as UCD properties. See Annex D.
There are a number of review notes requesting feedback on these and
other possible changes. In particular, the Unicode Technical Committee
would appreciate feedback on the discussion of and syntax for properties
of strings, and on the recommended properties to be supported at Level 2.
The review period closes on 2020-01-06. For more information on
reviewing and supplying feedback, see Proposed Update UTS #18, Unicode
Regular Expressions <>.
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