Re: Unihan variants information

From: Michel Mariani via Unicode <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 14:03:00 +0100

FYI, the "Unihan Variants" utility has been recently added to the open-source application Unicopedia Plus <>.
It provides both the linear and structured informations planned about one year ago.
I think that the graph view available in SVG format can be especially useful to spot possible inconsistencies between variant properties...

        --Michel MARIANI

> I've developed an open-source, multi-platform desktop application called Unicode Plus <>, which is a set of utilities related to Unicode, Unihan and emoji.
> The basic Unihan-related utilities are almost completed, and now I would like to add more useful information about the Unihan variants:
> 1. First option: "Linear Information"
> - A linear list of all the variants *related* to one given Unihan character would be displayed, similar to what can be found in Apple's Character Viewer (or Palette), or in the "Unihan Variant Dictionary" application.
> - Two sources of data could be merged:
> 1. The information provided by the "Variants table for Unicode" data file UniVariants.txt <> by Prof. Kōichi Yasuoka.
> 2. The information extracted from the relevant Unihan DB tag properties: kSemanticVariant, kSimplifiedVariant, kSpecializedSemanticVariant, kTraditionalVariant, kZVariant.
> - Discarding self-variants, assuming that Z-variants are somehow symmetrical, and possibly merge the different types of variants tags would result into independant sets of *related* Unihan characters. Accessing the info would then simply imply testing which set a given character belongs to, and omit the character itself for display.
> - This kind of information is most certainly user-friendly, however it lacks structural information about the relationships between the different variants.
> 2. Second option: "Structured Information"
> - This is probably more ambitious and challenging: ideally, the information could be displayed graphically as a diagram of characters joined by arrowed links, indicating the type of variant. It would support one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relationships...
> Any ideas, comments, suggestions are most welcome...
> -- Michel MARIANI
Received on Fri Jan 17 2020 - 10:19:34 CST

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