Unicode Emoji 13.0 — Now final for 2020

From: <announcements_at_unicode.org>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:19:48 -0800

The Emoji 13.0 <http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/13.0/> are now
final, with 62 new emoji such as:

smiling face with tear
/Smiling face
with tear/
polar bear
/Polar bear/
bubble tea
/Bubble tea/
pickup truck
/Pickup truck/
transgender flag
/Transgender flag/

There are also 55 gender and skin-tone variants, including new
gender-inclusive emoji. See the seven cases in boxes below:
gender inclusive images
The new emoji are listed in Emoji Recently Added v13.0
<https://unicode.org/emoji/charts-13.0/emoji-released.html>, with sample
images. These images are just samples: vendors for mobile phones, PCs,
and web platforms will typically use different images. In particular,
the Emoji Ordering v13.0
<https://unicode.org/emoji/charts-13.0/emoji-ordering.html> chart shows
how the new emoji sort compared to the others, with new emoji marked
with rounded-rectangles. The other Emoji Charts for Version 13.0.
<https://unicode.org/emoji/charts-13.0/index.html> have been updated to
show the emoji.

The new emoji typically start showing up on mobile phones in
September/October — some platforms may release them earlier. The new
emoji will soon be available for adoption
<http://unicode.org/consortium/adopt-a-character.html> to help the
Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages.

*For implementers:*

   1. The Emoji 13.0 <http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/13.0/> test
      file (emoji-test.txt) provides data for vendors to begin working
      on their emoji fonts and code ahead of the release of Unicode
      13.0, scheduled for March 10.
   2. The emoji specification (UTS #51) will have additional guidelines
      on gender and skin tone, and other clarifications. The definitions
      in UTS #51 and data files have been enhanced to be more consistent
      and useful. The final text will be available on March 10.
   3. The CLDR <http://cldr.unicode.org/> names and search keywords for
      the new emoji in over 80 languages, and the sort order for emoji,
      will be finalized by mid-April with the release of CLDR v37.

/Over 130,000 characters are available for adoption
<http://unicode.org/consortium/adopt-a-character.html> to help the
Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages/

[badge] <http://unicode.org/consortium/adopt-a-character.html>


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Received on Wed Jan 29 2020 - 14:24:14 CST

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