[Unicode] Unicode Technical Notes

Unicode Technical Note #49

A Review of Shifts in Gurage Orthography

Version 1
Authors Daniel Yacob, Fekede Menuta
Date 2022-09-22 
This Version https://www.unicode.org/notes/tn49/tn49-1.html
Previous Version N/A
Latest Version https://www.unicode.org/notes/tn49/



This note reviews the historical shifts and developments in the Gurage orthography. The aims of the review were (1) to record, and add clarity to, the history of the Gurage orthography which does not appear to have been written before, (2) to acknowledge and credit people who have developed the past orthography,(3) to provide a reference for the orthography whereby a person finding any Gurage language document from the last 50 years can refer to the note and determine what the letter is, and (4) to promote the current orthography to technical and general users by showing its continuous development, grapheme patterning and simplicity.


This document is a Unicode Technical Note. Sole responsibility for its contents rests with the author(s). Publication does not imply any endorsement by the Unicode Consortium.

For information on Unicode Technical Notes including criteria for acceptance, see https://www.unicode.org/notes/.


The body of this note is contained in the file "UTN49-Gurage-Orthography-v1.pdf".