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Technical Reports |
Version | Unicode 15.0.0 (draft 7) |
Editors | Mark Davis (markdavis@google.com) |
Date | 2022-08-08 |
This Version | https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/tr31-36.html |
Previous Version | https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/tr31-35.html |
Latest Version | https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/ |
Latest Proposed Update | https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/proposed.html |
Revision | 36 |
This annex describes specifications for recommended defaults for the use of Unicode in the definitions of general-purpose identifiers, immutable identifiers, hashtag identifiers, and in pattern-based syntax. It also supplies guidelines for use of normalization with identifiers.
This is a draft document which may be updated, replaced, or superseded by other documents at any time. Publication does not imply endorsement by the Unicode Consortium. This is not a stable document; it is inappropriate to cite this document as other than a work in progress.
A Unicode Standard Annex (UAX) forms an integral part of the Unicode Standard, but is published online as a separate document. The Unicode Standard may require conformance to normative content in a Unicode Standard Annex, if so specified in the Conformance chapter of that version of the Unicode Standard. The version number of a UAX document corresponds to the version of the Unicode Standard of which it forms a part.
Please submit corrigenda and other comments with the online reporting form [Feedback]. Related information that is useful in understanding this annex is found in Unicode Standard Annex #41, “Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes.” For the latest version of the Unicode Standard, see [Unicode]. For a list of current Unicode Technical Reports, see [Reports]. For more information about versions of the Unicode Standard, see [Versions]. For any errata which may apply to this annex, see [Errata].
A common task facing an implementer of the Unicode Standard is the provision of a parsing and/or lexing engine for identifiers, such as programming language variables or domain names. There are also realms where identifiers need to be defined with an extended set of characters to align better with what end users expect, such as in hashtags.
To assist in the standard treatment of identifiers in Unicode character-based parsers and lexical analyzers, a set of specifications is provided here as a basis for parsing identifiers that contain Unicode characters. These specifications include:
These guidelines follow the typical pattern of identifier syntax rules in common programming languages, by defining an ID_Start class and an ID_Continue class and using a simple BNF rule for identifiers based on those classes; however, the composition of those classes is more complex and contains additional types of characters, due to the universal scope of the Unicode Standard.
This annex also provides guidelines for the use of normalization and case insensitivity with identifiers, expanding on a section that was originally in Unicode Standard Annex #15, “Unicode Normalization Forms” [UAX15].
The specification in this annex provides a definition of identifiers that is guaranteed to be backward compatible with each successive release of Unicode, but also allows any appropriate new Unicode characters to become available in identifiers. In addition, Unicode character properties for stable pattern syntax are provided. The resulting pattern syntax is backward compatible and forward compatible over future versions of the Unicode Standard. These properties can either be used alone or in conjunction with the identifier characters.
Figure 1 shows the disjoint categories of code points defined in this annex. (The sizes of the boxes are not to scale.)
Figure 1. Code Point Categories for Identifier Parsing
ID_Start Characters |
Pattern_Syntax Characters |
Unassigned Code Points |
ID_Nonstart Characters |
Pattern_White_Space Characters |
Other Assigned Code Points |
The set consisting of the union of ID_Start and ID_Nonstart characters is known as Identifier Characters and has the property ID_Continue. The ID_Nonstart set is defined as the set difference ID_Continue minus ID_Start: it is not a formal Unicode property. While lexical rules are traditionally expressed in terms of the latter, the discussion here is simplified by referring to disjoint categories.
There are certain features that developers can depend on for stability:
In successive versions of Unicode, the only allowed changes of characters from one of the above classes to another are those listed with a plus sign (+) in Table 1.
Table 1. Permitted Changes in Future Versions
ID_Start | ID_Nonstart | Other Assigned | |
Unassigned | + | + | + |
Other Assigned | + | + | |
ID_Nonstart | + |
The Unicode Consortium has formally adopted a stability policy on identifiers. For more information, see [Stability].
Each programming language standard has its own identifier syntax; different programming languages have different conventions for the use of certain characters such as $, @, #, and _ in identifiers. To extend such a syntax to cover the full behavior of a Unicode implementation, implementers may combine those specific rules with the syntax and properties provided here.
Each programming language can define its identifier syntax as relative to the Unicode identifier syntax, such as saying that identifiers are defined by the Unicode properties, with the addition of “$”. By addition or subtraction of a small set of language specific characters, a programming language standard can easily track a growing repertoire of Unicode characters in a compatible way. See also Section 2.5, Backward Compatibility.
Similarly, each programming language can define its own whitespace characters or syntax characters relative to the Unicode Pattern_White_Space or Pattern_Syntax characters, with some specified set of additions or subtractions.
Systems that want to extend identifiers to encompass words used in natural languages, or narrow identifiers for security may do so as described in Section 2.3, Layout and Format Control Characters, Section 2.4, Specific Character Adjustments, and Section 5, Normalization and Case.
To preserve the disjoint nature of the categories illustrated in Figure 1, any character added to one of the categories must be subtracted from the others.
Note: In many cases there are important security implications that may require additional constraints on identifiers. For more information, see [UTR36].
Implementations may use a format for displaying identifiers that differs from the internal form used to compare identifiers. For example, an implementation might display what the user has entered, but use a normalized format for comparison. Examples of this include:
Case. The display format retains case differences, but the comparison format erases them by using Case_Folding. Thus “A” and its lowercase variant “a” would be treated as the same identifier internally, even though they may have been input differently and may display differently.
Variants. The display format retains variant distinctions, such as halfwidth versus fullwidth forms, or between variation sequences and their base characters, but the comparison format erases them by using NFKC_Case_Folding. Thus “A” and its full-width variant “A” would be treated as the same identifier internally, even though they may have been input differently and may display differently.
For an example of the use of display versus comparison formats see UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing [UTS46]. For more information about normalization and case in identifiers see Section 5, Normalization and Case.
The following describes the possible ways that an implementation can claim conformance to this specification.
UAX31-C1. An implementation claiming conformance to this specification shall identify the version of this specification.
UAX31-C2. An implementation claiming conformance to this specification shall describe which of the following requirements it observes:
This annex uses UnicodeSet notation to illustrate the derivation of some properties or sets of characters. This notation is defined in the “Unicode Sets” section of UTS #35, Unicode Locale Data Markup Language [UTS35].
The formal syntax provided here captures the general intent that an identifier consists of a string of characters beginning with a letter or an ideograph, and followed by any number of letters, ideographs, digits, or underscores. It provides a definition of identifiers that is guaranteed to be backward compatible with each successive release of Unicode, but also adds any appropriate new Unicode characters.
The formulations allow for extensions, also known as profiles. That is, the particular set of code points for each category used by the syntax can be customized according to the requirements of the environment.
If such extensions include characters from Pattern_White_Space or Pattern_Syntax, then such identifiers do not conform to an unmodified UAX31-R3 Pattern_White_Space and Pattern_Syntax Characters. However, such extensions may often be necessary. For example, Java and C++ identifiers include ‘$’, which is a Pattern_Syntax character.
UAX31-D1. Default Identifier Syntax:
<Identifier> := <Start> <Continue>* (<Medial> <Continue>+)*
Identifiers are defined by assigning the sets of lexical classes defined as properties in the Unicode Character Database [UAX44]. These properties are shown in Table 2. The first column shows the property name, whose values are defined in the UCD. The second column provides a general description of the coverage for the associated class, the derivational relationship between the ID properties and the XID properties, and an associated UnicodeSet notation for the class.
Table 2. Properties for Lexical Classes for Identifiers
Properties | General Description of Coverage |
ID_Start |
ID_Start characters
are derived from the Unicode
General_Category of uppercase letters, lowercase letters,
titlecase letters, modifier letters, other letters, letter
numbers, plus Other_ID_Start, minus Pattern_Syntax and
Pattern_White_Space code points.In UnicodeSet notation: [\p{L}\p{Nl}\p{Other_ID_Start}-\p{Pattern_Syntax}-\p{Pattern_White_Space}] |
XID_Start |
XID_Start characters are
derived from ID_Start as per Section 5.1, NFKC Modifications. |
ID_Continue |
characters include ID_Start characters, plus characters having the
Unicode General_Category of nonspacing marks, spacing combining
marks, decimal number, connector punctuation, plus
Other_ID_Continue, minus Pattern_Syntax and Pattern_White_Space
code points.In UnicodeSet notation: [\p{ID_Start}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Other_ID_Continue}-\p{Pattern_Syntax}-\p{Pattern_White_Space}] |
XID_Continue |
characters are derived from ID_Continue as per Section
5.1, NFKC Modifications.XID_Continue
characters are also known simply as Identifier Characters,
because they are a superset of the XID_Start characters. |
Note that “other letters” includes ideographs. For more about the
stability extensions, see Section 2.5 Backward Compatibility.
The innovations in the identifier syntax to cover the Unicode Standard include the following:
The XID_Start and XID_Continue properties are improved lexical classes that incorporate the changes described in Section 5.1, NFKC Modifications. They are recommended for most purposes, especially for security, over the original ID_Start and ID_Continue properties.
UAX31-R1. Default Identifiers: To meet this requirement, to determine whether a string is an identifier an implementation shall choose either UAX31-R1-1 or UAX31-R1-2.
UAX31-R1-1. uUse definition UAX31-D1, setting Start and Continue to the properties XID_Start and XID_Continue, respectively, and leaving Medial empty.
UAX31-R1-2. Alternatively, it shall dDeclare that it uses a profile of UAX31-R1-1 and define that profile with a precise specification of the characters that are added to or removed from Start, Continue, and Medial and/or provide a list of additional constraints on identifiers.
One such profile may be to use the contents of ID_Start and ID_Continue in place of XID_Start and XID_Continue, for backward compatibility.
Another such profile would be to include some set of the optional characters, for example:
Note: Characters in the Medial class must not overlap with those in either the Start or Continue classes. Thus, any characters added to the Medial class from Table 3a must be be checked to ensure they do not also occur in either the newly defined Start class or Continue class.
Beyond such minor modifications, profiles could also be used to significantly extend the character set available in identifiers. In so doing, care must be taken not to unintentionally include undesired characters, or to violate important invariants.
An implementation should be careful when adding a property-based set to a profile.
For example, consider a profile that adds subscript and superscript digits and
operators in order to support technical notations
(for example, identifiers such as the Assyriological dun₃⁺
the chemical Ca²⁺_concentration
the mathematical xₖ₊₁
or f⁽⁴⁾
or the phonetic daan⁶
That profile may be described as adding the following set to XID_Continue:
If instead of listing these characters explicitly, the profile had chosen to use properties or combinations of properties, that might result in including undesired characters.
For example, \p{General_Category=Other_Number}
is the general category set
containing the subscript and superscript digits.
But it also includes the compatibility characters [⑴🄂⒈]
, which are
not needed for technical notations,
and are very likely inappropriate for identifiers—on multiple counts.
On the other hand, a language that allows currency symbols in identifiers could have
as a profile,
since that property matches the intent.
Similarly, a profile based on adding entire blocks is likely to include unintended characters, or to miss ones that are desired. For the use of blocks see Annex A, Character Blocks, in [UTS18].
Defining a profile by use of a property also needs to take account of the fact that unless the property is designed to be stable (such as XID_Continue), code points could be removed in a future version of Unicode. If the profile also needs stable identifiers (backwards compatible), then it must take additional measures. See UAX31-R1b Stable Identifiers.
When defining a profile, it is also critical to ensure that it is compatible with the normalization form chosen for the identifiers. The example cited above regarding subscripts and superscripts preserves identifier closure under Normalization Forms C and D, but not under Forms KC and KD. Under NFKC and NFKD, the subscript and superscript parentheses and operators normalize to their ASCII counterparts. A language using that profile should conform to UAX31-R4 using NFC, not NFKC.
Implementations defining a profile that includes the ZERO WIDTH JOINER or ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER characters should implement the requirement UAX31-R1a.
UAX31-R1a. Restricted Format Characters: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall choose either UAX31-R1a-1 or UAX31-R1a-2.
UAX31-R1a-1. dDefine a profile for UAX31-R1 which allows format characters, but restricts their use to the contexts A1, A2, and B defined as described in Section 2.3, Layout and Format Control Characters.
UAX31-R1a-2. An implementation may Define a profile for UAX31-R1 which allows format characters, but imposes further restrictions on the context for ZWJ or ZWNJ in addition to those required by UAX31-R1a-1, such as by limiting the scripts allowed or limiting the occurrence of ZWJ or ZWNJ to specific character combinations, if supplying a clear specification for such a further restrictions is supplied.
Note: The ZWJ and ZWNJ characters in UAX31-R1a are not in XID_Continue; as a result, meeting the requirement UAX31-R1 Default Identifiers does not require supporting UAX31-R1a Restricted Format Characters.
The ZWJ and ZWNJ characters are invisible in most contexts, and are only added to Default Identifiers in a declared profile. They have security and usability implications that make them inappropriate for implementations that do not carefully consider those implications. For example, they should not be added via a profile where spoofing concerns are paramount, such as top-level domain names.
UAX31-R1b. Stable Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall guarantee that identifiers are stable across versions of the Unicode Standard: that is, once a string qualifies as an identifier, it does so in all future versions.
Note: The UAX31-R1b requirement is typically achieved by using grandfathered characters. See Section 2.5, Backward Compatibility. Where profiles are allowed, management of those profiles may also be required to guarantee backwards compatibility. Typically such management also uses grandfathered characters.
Combining marks are accounted for in identifier syntax: a composed character sequence consisting of a base character followed by any number of combining marks is valid in an identifier. Combining marks are required in the representation of many languages, and the conformance rules in Chapter 3, Conformance, of [Unicode] require the interpretation of canonical-equivalent character sequences. The simplest way to do this is to require identifiers in the NFC format (or transform them into that format); see Section 5, Normalization and Case.
Enclosing combining marks (such as U+20DD..U+20E0) are excluded from
the definition of the
lexical class
because the composite characters that result from their composition
with letters are themselves not normally considered valid
constituents of these identifiers.
Modifier letters (General_Category=Lm) are also included in the definition of the syntax classes for identifiers. Modifier letters are often part of natural language orthographies and are useful for making word-like identifiers in formal languages. On the other hand, modifier symbols (General_Category=Sk), which are seldom a part of language orthographies, are excluded from identifiers. For more discussion of modifier letters and how they function, see [Unicode].
Implementations that tailor identifier syntax for special purposes may wish to take special note of modifier letters, as in some cases modifier letters have appearances, such as raised commas, which may be confused with common syntax characters such as quotation marks.
Note: The ZWJ and ZWNJ characters in UAX31-R1a are not in XID_Continue, and meeting the requirement UAX31-R1 Default Identifiers does not require supporting UAX31-R1a Restricted Format Characters (or for that matter, UAX31-R1b Stable Identifiers).
These ZWJ and ZWNJ characters are invisible in most contexts, and only added to Default Identifiers in a declared profile. They have security and usability implications that make them inappropriate for implementations that do not carefully consider those implications. For example, they should not be added via a profile where spoofing concerns are paramount, such as top-level domain names.
The purpose for UAX31-R1a is to describe how to restrict the usage of ZWJ and ZWNJ to reduce the impact, for those implementations that choose to support them.
Certain Unicode characters are known as Default_Ignorable_Code_Points. These include variation selectors and characters used to control joining behavior, bidirectional ordering control, and alternative formats for display (having the General_Category value of Cf). The recommendation is to permit them in identifiers only in special cases, listed below. The use of default-ignorable characters in identifiers is problematical, first because the effects they represent are stylistic or otherwise out of scope for identifiers, and second because the characters themselves often have no visible display. It is also possible to misapply these characters such that users can create strings that look the same but actually contain different characters, which can create security problems. In such environments, identifiers should also be limited to characters that are case-folded and normalized with the NFKC_Casefold operation. For more information, see Section 5, Normalization and Case and UTR #36: Unicode Security Considerations [UTR36].
Variation selectors, in particular, including standardized variants and sequences from the Ideographic Variation Database, are not included in the default identifier syntax. These are subject to the same considerations as for other Default_Ignorable_Code_Points listed above. Because variation selectors request a difference in display but do not guarantee it, they do not work well in general-purpose identifiers. The NFKC_Casefold operation can be used to remove them, along with other Default_Ignorable_Code_Points. However, in some environments it may be useful to retain variation sequences in the display form for identifiers. For more information, see Section 1.3, Display Format.
While not all Default_Ignorable_Code_Points are in XID_Continue, the variation selectors are included in XID_Continue. These variation selectors are used in standardized variation sequences, sequences from the Ideographic Variation Database, and emoji variation sequences. However, they are subject to the same considerations as for other Default_Ignorable_Code_Points listed above. Because variation selectors request a difference in display but do not guarantee it, they do not work well in general-purpose identifiers. A profile should be used to remove them from general-purpose identifiers (along with other Default_Ignorable_Code_Points), unless their use is required in a particular domain, such as in a profile that includes emoji. For such a profile it may be useful to explicitly retain or even add certain Default_Ignorable_Code_Points in the identifier syntax.
In any environment where the display form for identifiers differs from the form used to compare them, Default_Ignorable_Code_Points should be ignored for comparison. For example, this applies to case-insensitive identifiers, and in particular for any implementation that uses the NFKC_Casefold operation, which ignores Default_Ignorable_Code_Points. For more information, see Section 1.3, Display Format.
The General Security Profile defined in Section 3.1, General Security Profile for Identifiers, in UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms [UTS39], excludes all Default_Ignorable_Code_Points by default, including variation selectors.
For the above reasons, default-ignorable characters are normally excluded from Unicode identifiers. However, visible distinctions created by certain format characters (particularly the Join_Control characters) are necessary in certain languages. A blanket exclusion of these characters makes it impossible to create identifiers with the correct visual appearance for common words or phrases in those languages.
Identifier systems that attempt to provide more natural representations of terms in "modern, customary usage" should allow these characters in input and display, but limit them to contexts in which they are necessary. The term modern customary usage includes characters that are in common use in newspapers, journals, lay publications; on street signs; in commercial signage; and as part of common geographic names and company names, and so on. It does not include technical or academic usage such as in mathematical expressions, using archaic scripts or words, or pedagogical use (such as illustration of half-forms or joining forms in isolation), or liturgical use.
The goals for such a restriction of format characters to particular contexts are to:
Thus in such circumstances, an implementation should allow the following Join_Control characters in the limited contexts specified in A1, A2, and B below.
There are also two global conditions incorporated in each of A1, A2, and B:
Implementations may also impose tighter restrictions than provided below, in order to eliminate some other circumstances where the characters either have no visual effect or the effect has no semantic importance.
A1. Allow ZWNJ in the following context:
Breaking a cursive connection. That is, in the context based on the Joining_Type property, consisting of:
This corresponds to the following regular expression (in Perl-style
syntax): /$LJ $T* ZWNJ $T* $RJ/
where the character classes like $T could be
defined with Unicode properties
(similar to UnicodeSet notation) like this:
$T = \p{Joining_Type=Transparent}
$RJ = [\p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining}\p{Joining_Type=Right_Joining}]
$LJ = [\p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining}\p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining}]
For example, consider Farsi <Noon, Alef, Meem, Heh, Alef, Farsi Yeh>. Without a ZWNJ, it translates to "names", as shown in the first row; with a ZWNJ between Heh and Alef, it means "a letter", as shown in the second row of Figure 2.
Figure 2. Persian Example with ZWNJ
Appearance | Code Points | Abbreviated Names |
![]() |
0646 + 0627 + 0645 + 0647 + 0627 + 06CC | NOON + ALEF + MEEM + HEH + ALEF + FARSI YEH |
![]() |
0646 + 0627 + 0645 + 0647 + 200C + 0627 + 06CC | NOON + ALEF + MEEM + HEH + ZWNJ + ALEF + FARSI YEH |
A2. Allow ZWNJ in the following context:
In a conjunct context. That is, a sequence of the form:
This corresponds to the following regular expression (in Perl-style
syntax): /$L $M* $V $M₁* ZWNJ $M₁* $L/
$L = \p{General_Category=Letter}
$V = \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama}
$M = \p{General_Category=Mn}
$M₁ = [\p{General_Category=Mn}&\p{CCC≠0}]
For example, the Malayalam word for eyewitness is shown in Figure 3. The form without the ZWNJ in the second row is incorrect in this case.
Figure 3. Malayalam Example with ZWNJ
Appearance | Code Points | Abbreviated Names |
![]() |
0D26 + 0D43 + 0D15 + 0D4D + 200C + 0D38 + 0D3E + 0D15 + 0D4D + 0D37 + 0D3F | DA + VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R + KA + VIRAMA + ZWNJ + SA + VOWEL SIGN AA + KA + VIRAMA + SSA + VOWEL SIGN I |
![]() |
0D26 + 0D43 + 0D15 + 0D4D + 0D38 + 0D3E + 0D15 + 0D4D + 0D37 + 0D3F | DA + VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R + KA + VIRAMA + SA + VOWEL SIGN AA + KA + VIRAMA + SSA + VOWEL SIGN I |
B. Allow ZWJ in the following context:
In a conjunct context. That is, a sequence of the form:
This corresponds to the following regular expression (in Perl-style
syntax): /$L $M* $V $M₁* ZWJ (?!$D)/
$L= \p{General_Category=Letter}
$V = \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama}
$M = \p{General_Category=Mn}
$M₁ = [\p{General_Category=Mn}&\p{CCC≠0}]
$D = \p{Indic_Syllabic_Category=Vowel_Dependent}
For example, the Sinhala word for the country 'Sri Lanka' is shown in the first row of Figure 4, which uses both a space character and a ZWJ. Removing the space results in the text shown in the second row of Figure 4, which is still legible, but removing the ZWJ completely modifies the appearance of the 'Sri' cluster and results in the unacceptable text appearance shown in the third row of Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sinhala Example with ZWJ
Appearance | Code Points | Abbreviated Names |
![]() |
0DC1 + 0DCA + 200D + 0DBB + 0DD3 + 0020 + 0DBD + 0D82 + 0D9A + 0DCF | SHA + VIRAMA + ZWJ + RA + VOWEL SIGN II + SPACE + LA + ANUSVARA + KA + VOWEL SIGN AA |
![]() |
0DC1 + 0DCA + 200D + 0DBB + 0DD3 + 0DBD + 0D82 + 0D9A + 0DCF | SHA + VIRAMA + ZWJ + RA + VOWEL SIGN II + LA + ANUSVARA + KA + VOWEL SIGN AA |
![]() |
0DC1 + 0DCA + 0DBB + 0DD3 + 0020 + 0DBD + 0D82 + 0D9A + 0DCF | SHA + VIRAMA + RA + VOWEL SIGN II + SPACE + LA + ANUSVARA + KA + VOWEL SIGN AA |
Note: The restrictions in A1, A2, and B are similar to the CONTEXTJ rules defined in Appendix A, Contextual Rules Registry, in The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) [IDNA2008].
Implementations that allow emoji characters in identifiers should also normally allow emoji sequences. These are defined in ED-17, emoji sequence in [UTS51]. In particular, that means allowing ZWJ characters, emoji presentation selector (U+FE0F), and TAG characters, but only in the particular defined contexts described in [UTS51].
While the restrictions in A1, A2, and B greatly limit visual confusability, they do not prevent it. For example, because Tamil only uses a Join_Control character in one specific case, most of the sequences these rules allow in Tamil are, in fact, visually confusable. Therefore based on their knowledge of the script concerned, implementations may choose to have tighter restrictions than specified below. There are also cases where a joiner preceding a virama makes a visual distinction in some scripts. It is currently unclear whether this distinction is important enough in identifiers to warrant retention of a joiner. For more information, see UTR #36: Unicode Security Considerations [UTR36].
Performance. Parsing identifiers can be a performance-sensitive task. However, these characters are quite rare in practice, thus the regular expressions (or equivalent processing) only rarely would need to be invoked. Thus these tests should not add any significant performance cost overall.
Comparison. Typically the identifiers with and without these characters should compare as equivalent, to prevent security issues. See Section 2.4, Specific Character Adjustments.
Specific identifier syntaxes can be treated as tailorings (or profiles) of the generic syntax based on character properties. For example, SQL identifiers allow an underscore as an identifier continue, but not as an identifier start; C identifiers allow an underscore as either an identifier continue or an identifier start. Specific languages may also want to exclude the characters that have a Decomposition_Type other than Canonical or None, or to exclude some subset of those, such as those with a Decomposition_Type equal to Font.
There are circumstances in which identifiers are expected to more fully encompass words or phrases used in natural languages. For example, it is recommended that U+00B7 (·) MIDDLE DOT be allowed in medial positions in natural-language identifiers such as hashtags or search terms, because it is required for grammatical Catalan. For related issues about MIDDLE DOT, see Section 5, Normalization and Case.
For more natural-language identifiers, a profile should allow the characters in Table 3, Table 3a, and Table 3b in identifiers, unless there are compelling reasons not to. Most additions to identifiers are restricted to medial positions, such as U+00B7 ( · ) MIDDLE DOT, which is not needed as a trailing character in Catalan. These are listed in Table 3a. A few characters can also occur in final positions, and are listed in Table 3b. The contents of these tables may overlap.
In some environments even spaces and @ are allowed in identifiers, such as in SQL: SELECT * FROM Employee Pension.
Table 3. Optional Characters for Start
Code Point | Character | Name |
0024 | $ | DOLLAR SIGN |
005F | _ | LOW LINE |
Table 3a. Optional Characters for Medial
Code Point | Character | Name |
0027 | ' | APOSTROPHE |
002D | - | HYPHEN-MINUS |
002E | . | FULL STOP |
003A | : | COLON |
00B7 | · | MIDDLE DOT |
200C | \u200C | ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER* |
2010 | ‐ | HYPHEN |
Table 3b. Optional Characters for Continue
Code Point | Character | Name |
200D | \u200D | ZERO WIDTH JOINER* |
The characters marked with an asterisk in Table 3a and Table 3b are Join_Control characters, discussed in Section 2.3, Layout and Format Control Characters.
In UnicodeSet notation, the characters in these tables are:
In identifiers that allow for unnormalized characters, the compatibility equivalents of the characters listed in Table 3, Table 3a, and Table 3b may also be appropriate.
For more information on characters that may occur in words, and those that may be used in name validation, see Section 4, Word Boundaries, in [UAX29].
Some scripts are not in customary modern use, and thus implementations may want to exclude them from identifiers. These include historic and obsolete scripts, scripts used mostly liturgically, and regional scripts used only in very small communities or with very limited current usage. Some scripts also have unresolved architectural issues that make them currently unsuitable for identifiers. The scripts in Table 4, Excluded Scripts are recommended for exclusion from identifiers.
Table 4. Excluded Scripts
Property Notation | Description |
\p{script=Aghb} |
Caucasian Albanian |
\p{script=Ahom} |
Ahom |
\p{script=Armi} |
Imperial Aramaic |
\p{script=Avst} |
Avestan |
\p{script=Bass} |
Bassa Vah |
\p{script=Bhks} |
Bhaiksuki |
\p{script=Brah} |
Brahmi |
\p{script=Bugi} |
Buginese |
\p{script=Buhd} |
Buhid |
\p{script=Cari} |
Carian |
\p{script=Chrs} |
Chorasmian |
\p{script=Copt} |
Coptic |
\p{script=Cpmn} |
Cypro-Minoan |
\p{script=Cprt} |
Cypriot |
\p{script=Diak} |
Dives Akuru |
\p{script=Dogr} |
Dogra |
\p{script=Dsrt} |
Deseret |
\p{script=Dupl} |
Duployan |
\p{script=Egyp} |
Egyptian Hieroglyphs |
\p{script=Elba} |
Elbasan |
\p{script=Elym} |
Elymaic |
\p{script=Glag} |
Glagolitic |
\p{script=Gong} |
Gunjala Gondi |
\p{script=Gonm} |
Masaram Gondi |
\p{script=Goth} |
Gothic |
\p{script=Gran} |
Grantha |
\p{script=Hano} |
Hanunoo |
\p{script=Hatr} |
Hatran |
\p{script=Hluw} |
Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
\p{script=Hmng} |
Pahawh Hmong |
\p{script=Hung} |
Old Hungarian |
\p{script=Ital} |
Old Italic |
\p{script=Kawi} |
Kawi |
\p{script=Khar} |
Kharoshthi |
\p{script=Khoj} |
Khojki |
\p{script=Kits} |
Khitan Small Script |
\p{script=Kthi} |
Kaithi |
\p{script=Lina} |
Linear A |
\p{script=Linb} |
Linear B |
\p{script=Lyci} |
Lycian |
\p{script=Lydi} |
Lydian |
\p{script=Maka} |
Makasar |
\p{script=Mahj} |
Mahajani |
\p{script=Mani} |
Manichaean |
\p{script=Marc} |
Marchen |
\p{script=Medf} |
Medefaidrin |
\p{script=Mend} |
Mende Kikakui |
\p{script=Merc} |
Meroitic Cursive |
\p{script=Mero} |
Meroitic Hieroglyphs |
\p{script=Modi} |
Modi |
\p{script=Mong} |
Mongolian |
\p{script=Mroo} |
Mro |
\p{script=Mult} |
Multani |
\p{script=Nagm} |
Nag Mundari |
\p{script=Narb} |
Old North Arabian |
\p{script=Nand} |
Nandinagari |
\p{script=Nbat} |
Nabataean |
\p{script=Nshu} |
Nushu |
\p{script=Ogam} |
Ogham |
\p{script=Orkh} |
Old Turkic |
\p{script=Osma} |
Osmanya |
\p{script=Ougr} |
Old Uyghur |
\p{script=Palm} |
Palmyrene |
\p{script=Pauc} |
Pau Cin Hau |
\p{script=Perm} |
Old Permic |
\p{script=Phag} |
Phags-pa |
\p{script=Phli} |
Inscriptional Pahlavi |
\p{script=Phlp} |
Psalter Pahlavi |
\p{script=Phnx} |
Phoenician |
\p{script=Prti} |
Inscriptional Parthian |
\p{script=Rjng} |
Rejang |
\p{script=Runr} |
Runic |
\p{script=Samr} |
Samaritan |
\p{script=Sarb} |
Old South Arabian |
\p{script=Sgnw} |
SignWriting |
\p{script=Shaw} |
Shavian |
\p{script=Shrd} |
Sharada |
\p{script=Sidd} |
Siddham |
\p{script=Sind} |
Khudawadi |
\p{script=Sora} |
Sora Sompeng |
\p{script=Sogd} |
Sogdian |
\p{script=Sogo} |
Old Sogdian |
\p{script=Soyo} |
Soyombo |
\p{script=Tagb} |
Tagbanwa |
\p{script=Takr} |
Takri |
\p{script=Tang} |
Tangut |
\p{script=Tglg} |
Tagalog |
\p{script=Tirh} |
Tirhuta |
\p{script=Tnsa} |
Tangsa |
\p{script=Toto} |
Toto |
\p{script=Ugar} |
Ugaritic |
\p{script=Vith} |
Vithkuqi |
\p{script=Wara} |
Warang Citi |
\p{script=Xpeo} |
Old Persian |
\p{script=Xsux} |
Cuneiform |
\p{script=Yezi} |
Yezidi |
\p{script=Zanb} |
Zanabazar Square |
Some characters used with recommended scripts may still be problematic for identifiers, for example because they are part of extensions that are not in modern customary use, and thus implementations may want to exclude them from identifiers. These include characters for historic and obsolete orthographies, characters used mostly liturgically, and in orthographies for languages used only in very small communities or with very limited current or declining usage. Some characters also have architectural issues that may make them unsuitable for identifiers. See UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms [UTS39] for more information.
The scripts listed in Table 5, Recommended Scripts are generally recommended for use in identifiers. These are in widespread modern customary use, or are regional scripts in modern customary use by large communities.
Table 5. Recommended Scripts
Property Notation | Description |
\p{script=Zyyy} |
Common |
\p{script=Zinh} |
Inherited |
\p{script=Arab} |
Arabic |
\p{script=Armn} |
Armenian |
\p{script=Beng} |
Bengali |
\p{script=Bopo} |
Bopomofo |
\p{script=Cyrl} |
Cyrillic |
\p{script=Deva} |
Devanagari |
\p{script=Ethi} |
Ethiopic |
\p{script=Geor} |
Georgian |
\p{script=Grek} |
Greek |
\p{script=Gujr} |
Gujarati |
\p{script=Guru} |
Gurmukhi |
\p{script=Hang} |
Hangul |
\p{script=Hani} |
Han |
\p{script=Hebr} |
Hebrew |
\p{script=Hira} |
Hiragana |
\p{script=Kana} |
Katakana |
\p{script=Knda} |
Kannada |
\p{script=Khmr} |
Khmer |
\p{script=Laoo} |
Lao |
\p{script=Latn} |
Latin |
\p{script=Mlym} |
Malayalam |
\p{script=Mymr} |
Myanmar |
\p{script=Orya} |
Oriya |
\p{script=Sinh} |
Sinhala |
\p{script=Taml} |
Tamil |
\p{script=Telu} |
Telugu |
\p{script=Thaa} |
Thaana |
\p{script=Thai} |
Thai |
\p{script=Tibt} |
Tibetan |
As of Unicode 10.0, there is no longer a distinction between aspirational use and limited use scripts, as this has not proven to be productive for the derivation of identifier-related classes used in security profiles. (See UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms [UTS39].) Thus the aspirational use scripts in Table 6, Aspirational Use Scripts have been recategorized as Limited Use and moved to Table 7, Limited Use Scripts.
Table 6. Aspirational Use Scripts (Withdrawn)
Property Notation | Description |
intentionally blank |
Modern scripts that are in more limited use are listed in Table 7, Limited Use Scripts. To avoid security issues, some implementations may wish to disallow the limited-use scripts in identifiers. For more information on usage, see the Unicode Locale project [CLDR].
Table 7. Limited Use Scripts
Property Notation | Description |
\p{script=Adlm} |
Adlam |
\p{script=Bali} |
Balinese |
\p{script=Bamu} |
Bamum |
\p{script=Batk} |
Batak |
\p{script=Cakm} |
Chakma |
\p{script=Cans} |
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics |
\p{script=Cham} |
Cham |
\p{script=Cher} |
Cherokee |
\p{script=Hmnp} |
Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong |
\p{script=Java} |
Javanese |
\p{script=Kali} |
Kayah Li |
\p{script=Lana} |
Tai Tham |
\p{script=Lepc} |
Lepcha |
\p{script=Limb} |
Limbu |
\p{script=Lisu} |
Lisu |
\p{script=Mand} |
Mandaic |
\p{script=Mtei} |
Meetei Mayek |
\p{script=Newa} |
Newa |
\p{script=Nkoo} |
Nko |
\p{script=Olck} |
Ol Chiki |
\p{script=Osge} |
Osage |
\p{script=Plrd} |
Miao |
\p{script=Rohg} |
Hanifi Rohingya |
\p{script=Saur} |
Saurashtra |
\p{script=Sund} |
Sundanese |
\p{script=Sylo} |
Syloti Nagri |
\p{script=Syrc} |
Syriac |
\p{script=Tale} |
Tai Le |
\p{script=Talu} |
New Tai Lue |
\p{script=Tavt} |
Tai Viet |
\p{script=Tfng} |
Tifinagh |
\p{script=Vaii} |
Vai |
\p{script=Wcho} |
Wancho |
\p{script=Yiii} |
Yi |
This is the recommendation as of the current version of Unicode; as new scripts are added to future versions of Unicode, characters and scripts may be added to Tables 4, 5, and 7. Characters may also be moved from one table to another as more information becomes available.
There are a few special cases:
For programming language identifiers, normalization and case have a number of important implications. For a discussion of these issues, see Section 5, Normalization and Case.
Unicode General_Category values are kept as stable as possible, but they can change across versions of the Unicode Standard. The bulk of the characters having a given value are determined by other properties, and the coverage expands in the future according to the assignment of those properties. In addition, the Other_ID_Start property provides a small list of characters that qualified as ID_Start characters in some previous version of Unicode solely on the basis of their General_Category properties, but that no longer qualify in the current version. These are called grandfathered characters.
The Other_ID_Start property includes characters such as the following:
Similarly, the Other_ID_Continue property adds a small list of characters that qualified as ID_Continue characters in some previous version of Unicode solely on the basis of their General_Category properties, but that no longer qualify in the current version.
The Other_ID_Continue property includes characters such as the following:
U+00B7 ( · ) MIDDLE DOT
The exact list of characters covered by the Other_ID_Start and Other_ID_Continue properties depends on the version of Unicode. For more information, see Unicode Standard Annex #44, “Unicode Character Database” [UAX44].
The Other_ID_Start and Other_ID_Continue properties are thus designed to ensure that the Unicode identifier specification is backward compatible. Any sequence of characters that qualified as an identifier in some version of Unicode will continue to qualify as an identifier in future versions.
If a specification tailors the Unicode recommendations for identifiers, then this technique can also be used to maintain backwards compatibility across versions.
The disadvantage of working with the lexical classes defined previously is the storage space needed for the detailed definitions, plus the fact that with each new version of the Unicode Standard new characters are added, which an existing parser would not be able to recognize. In other words, the recommendations based on that table are not upwardly compatible.
This problem can be addressed by turning the question around. Instead of defining the set of code points that are allowed, define a small, fixed set of code points that are reserved for syntactic use and allow everything else (including unassigned code points) as part of an identifier. All parsers written to this specification would behave the same way for all versions of the Unicode Standard, because the classification of code points is fixed forever.
The drawback of this method is that it allows “nonsense” to be part of identifiers because the concerns of lexical classification and of human intelligibility are separated. Human intelligibility can, however, be addressed by other means, such as usage guidelines that encourage a restriction to meaningful terms for identifiers. For an example of such guidelines, see the XML specification by the W3C, Version 1.0 5th Edition or later [XML].
By increasing the set of disallowed characters, a reasonably intuitive recommendation for identifiers can be achieved. This approach uses the full specification of identifier classes, as of a particular version of the Unicode Standard, and permanently disallows any characters not recommended in that version for inclusion in identifiers. All code points unassigned as of that version would be allowed in identifiers, so that any future additions to the standard would already be accounted for. This approach ensures both upwardly compatible identifier stability and a reasonable division of characters into those that do and do not make human sense as part of identifiers.
With or without such fine-tuning, such a compromise approach still incurs the expense of implementing large lists of code points. While they no longer change over time, it is a matter of choice whether the benefit of enforcing somewhat word-like identifiers justifies their cost.
Alternatively, one can use the properties described below and allow all sequences of characters to be identifiers that are neither Pattern_Syntax nor Pattern_White_Space. This has the advantage of simplicity and small tables, but allows many more “unnatural” identifiers.
UAX31-R2. Immutable Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall choose either UAX31-R2-1 or UAX31-R2-2.
UAX31-R2-1. dDefine identifiers to be any non-empty string of characters that contains no character having any of the following property values:
UAX31-R2-2. Alternatively, it shall dDeclare that it uses a profile of UAX31-R2-1 and define that profile with a precise specification of the characters that are added to or removed from the sets of code points defined by these properties.
In its profile, a specification can define identifiers to be more in accordance with the Unicode identifier definitions at the time the profile is adopted, while still allowing for strict immutability. For example, an implementation adopting a profile after a particular version of Unicode is released (such as Unicode 5.0) could define the profile as follows:
This technique allows identifiers to have a more natural format—excluding symbols and punctuation already defined—yet also provides absolute code point immutability.
Immutable identifiers are intended for those cases (like XML) that cannot update across versions of Unicode, and do not require information about normalization form, or properties such as General_Category and Script. Immutable identifers that allow unassigned characters cannot provide for normalization forms or these properties, which means that they:
For best practice, a profile disallowing unassigned characters should be provided where possible.
Specifications should also include guidelines and recommendations for those creating new identifiers. Although UAX31-R2 Immutable Identifiers permits a wide range of characters, as a best practice identifiers should be in the format NFKC, without using any unassigned characters. For more information on NFKC, see Unicode Standard Annex #15, “Unicode Normalization Forms” [UAX15].
Most programming languages have a concept of whitespace as part of their lexical structure, as well as some set of characters that are disallowed in identifiers but have syntactic use, such as arithmetic operators. There are Beyond general programming languages, there are also many circumstances where software interprets patterns that are a mixture of literal characters, whitespace, and syntax characters. Examples include regular expressions, Java collation rules, Excel or ICU number formats, and many others. In the past, regular expressions and other formal languages have been forced to use clumsy combinations of ASCII characters for their syntax. As Unicode becomes ubiquitous, some of these will start to use non-ASCII characters for their syntax: first as more readable optional alternatives, then eventually as the standard syntax.
For forward and backward compatibility, it is advantageous to have a fixed set of whitespace and syntax code points for use in patterns. This follows the recommendations that the Unicode Consortium has made regarding completely stable identifiers, and the practice that is seen in XML 1.0, 5th Edition or later [XML]. (In particular, the Unicode Consortium is committed to not allocating characters suitable for identifiers in the range U+2190..U+2BFF, which is being used by XML 1.0, 5th Edition.)
With a fixed set of whitespace and syntax code points, a pattern language can then have a policy requiring all possible syntax characters (even ones currently unused) to be quoted if they are literals. Using this policy preserves the freedom to extend the syntax in the future by using those characters. Past patterns on future systems will always work; future patterns on past systems will signal an error instead of silently producing the wrong results. Consider the following scenario, for example.
In version 1.0 of program X, '≈' is a reserved syntax character; that is, it does not perform an operation, and it needs to be quoted. In this example, '\' quotes the next character; that is, it causes it to be treated as a literal instead of a syntax character. In version 2.0 of program X, '≈' is given a real meaning—for example, “uppercase the subsequent characters”.
- The pattern abc...\≈...xyz works on both versions 1.0 and 2.0, and refers to the literal character because it is quoted in both cases.
- The pattern abc...≈...xyz works on version 2.0 and uppercases the following characters. On version 1.0, the engine (rightfully) has no idea what to do with ≈. Rather than silently fail (by ignoring ≈ or turning it into a literal), it has the opportunity to signal an error.
As of Unicode 4.1, two Unicode character properties are defined to provide for stable syntax: Pattern_White_Space and Pattern_Syntax. Particular pattern languages may, of course, override these recommendations, for example, by adding or removing other characters for compatibility with ASCII usage.
For stability, the values of these properties are absolutely invariant, not changing with successive versions of Unicode. Of course, this does not limit the ability of the Unicode Standard to encode more symbol or whitespace characters, but the syntax and whitespace code points recommended for use in patterns will not change.
When generating rules or patterns, all whitespace and syntax code points that are to be literals require quoting, using whatever quoting mechanism is available. For readability, it is recommended practice to quote or escape all literal whitespace and default ignorable code points as well.
Consider the following example, where the items in angle brackets indicate literal characters:
Because <SPACE> is a Pattern_White_Space character, it requires quoting. Because <ZERO WIDTH SPACE> is a default ignorable character, it should also be quoted for readability. So in this example, if \uXXXX is used for a code point literal, but is resolved before quoting, and if single quotes are used for quoting, this example might be expressed as:
'a\u0020b' → 'x\u200By' + z;
UAX31-R3. Pattern_White_Space and Pattern_Syntax Characters: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall choose either UAX31-R3-1 or UAX31-R3-2.
UAX31-R3-1. uUse Pattern_White_Space characters as all and only those characters interpreted as whitespace in parsing, and shall use Pattern_Syntax characters as all and only those characters with syntactic use.
UAX31-R3-2. Alternatively, it shall dDeclare that it uses a profile of UAX31-R3-1 and define that profile with a precise specification of the characters that are added to or removed from the sets of code points defined by these properties.
Note: When meeting this requirement, all characters except those that have the Pattern_White_Space or Pattern_Syntax properties are available for use as identifiers or literals.
Note: This requirement is relevant even for languages that do not use immutable identifiers, or that have lexical structure outside of the categories of syntax and whitespace characters. In particular, the set of Pattern_White_Space characters is chosen to make it possible to correct bidirectional ordering issues that can arise in a wide range of programming languages, visually obfuscating the logic of expressions. In the absence of higher-level protocols (see Section 4.3, Higher-Level Protocols, in [UAX9]), tokens may be visually reordered by the Unicode Bidi Algorithm in bidirectional source text, producing a visual result that conveys a different logical intent. To remedy that, two implicit directional marks are among Pattern_White_Space characters; if these can be freely inserted between tokens, implicit directional marks consistent with the paragraph direction can be used to ensure that the visual order of tokens matches their logical order.
Since the implicit directional marks are nonspacing, where a syntax requires a sequence of spaces (such as between identifiers), it should require that at least one of those be neither LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK nor RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK. The visual appearance would otherwise be too confusing to readers: “
” would be seen by the user as “elseif
” but parsed by the compiler as “else if
”, whereas “else
” would be seen and parsed as “else if
” and be harmless.
Example: Consider the following two lines:
(1)x + tav == 1
(2)x + תו == 1
Internally, they are the same except that the ASCII identifier
in line (1) is replaced by the Hebrew identifierתו
in line (2). However, with a plain text display (with left-to-right paragraph direction) the user will be misled, thinking that line (2) is a comparison between(x + 1)
, whereas it is actually a comparison between(x + תו)
. The misleading rendering of (2) occurs because the directionality of the identifier תו influences subsequent weakly-directional tokens; inserting a left-to-right mark after the identifierתו
stops it from influencing the remainder of the line, and thus yields a better rendering in plain text with left-to-right paragraph direction, as demonstrated in the following table, wherein characters whose ordering is affected by that identifier have been highlighted.
Underlying Representation Display (LTR paragraph direction) x
x + תו == 1
x + תו == 1
The simplest automatic mechanism for placement of LRM characters is around every identifier, string literal, and comment that contains RTL characters. However, this can also be reduced in some cases.
Note: Left-to-right marks are used for this purpose when the main direction is left–to-right. Correspondingly, right-to-left marks are used when the main direction is right-to-left.
This section discusses issues that must be taken into account when considering normalization and case folding of identifiers in programming languages or scripting languages. Using normalization avoids many problems where apparently identical identifiers are not treated equivalently. Such problems can appear both during compilation and during linking—in particular across different programming languages. To avoid such problems, programming languages can normalize identifiers before storing or comparing them. Generally if the programming language has case-sensitive identifiers, then Normalization Form C is appropriate; whereas, if the programming language has case-insensitive identifiers, then Normalization Form KC is more appropriate.
Implementations that take normalization and case into account have two choices: to treat variants as equivalent, or to disallow variants.
UAX31-R4. Equivalent Normalized Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall specify the Normalization Form and shall provide a precise specification of the characters that are excluded from normalization, if any. If the Normalization Form is NFKC, the implementation shall apply the modifications in Section 5.1, NFKC Modifications, given by the properties XID_Start and XID_Continue. Except for identifiers containing excluded characters, any two identifiers that have the same Normalization Form shall be treated as equivalent by the implementation.
UAX31-R5. Equivalent Case-Insensitive Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall specify either simple or full case folding, and adhere to the Unicode specification for that folding. Any two identifiers that have the same case-folded form shall be treated as equivalent by the implementation.
UAX31-R6. Filtered Normalized Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall specify the Normalization Form and shall provide a precise specification of the characters that are excluded from normalization, if any. If the Normalization Form is NFKC, the implementation shall apply the modifications in Section 5.1, NFKC Modifications, given by the properties XID_Start and XID_Continue. Except for identifiers containing excluded characters, allowed identifiers must be in the specified Normalization Form.
Note: For requirement UAX31-R6, filtering involves disallowing any characters in the set \p{NFKC_QuickCheck=No}, or equivalently, disallowing \P{isNFKC}.
UAX31-R7. Filtered Case-Insensitive Identifiers: To meet this requirement, an implementation shall specify either simple or full case folding, and adhere to the Unicode specification for that folding. Except for identifiers containing excluded characters, allowed identifiers must be in the specified case folded form.
Note: For requirement UAX31-R7 with full case folding, filtering involves disallowing any characters in the set
As of Unicode 5.2, an additional string transform is available for
use in matching identifiers:
See UAX31-R5 in Section 3.13, Default Case Algorithms in
[Unicode]. That operation
case folds and normalizes a string, and also removes default
ignorable code points. It can be used to support an implementation of
Equivalent Case and Compatibility-Insensitive Identifiers.
There is a corresponding boolean property,
Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded, which can be used to support an
implementation of Filtered Case and Compatibility-Insensitive
Identifiers. The NFKC_Casefold character mapping property and the
Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded property are described in Unicode
Standard Annex #44, "Unicode Character Database" [UAX44].
Note: In mathematically oriented programming languages that make distinctive use of the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, such as U+1D400 MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL A, an application of NFKC must filter characters to exclude characters with the property value Decomposition_Type=Font.
Where programming languages are using NFKC to fold differences between characters, they need the following modifications of the identifier syntax from the Unicode Standard to deal with the idiosyncrasies of a small number of characters. These modifications are reflected in the XID_Start and XID_Continue properties.
Certain characters are not formally combining characters, although they behave in most respects as if they were. In most cases, the mismatch does not cause a problem, but when these characters have compatibility decompositions, they can cause identifiers not to be closed under Normalization Form KC. In particular, the following four characters are included in XID_Continue and not XID_Start:
U+037A GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI and certain Arabic presentation forms have irregular compatibility decompositions and are excluded from both XID_Start and XID_Continue. It is recommended that all Arabic presentation forms be excluded from identifiers in any event, although only a few of them must be excluded for normalization to guarantee identifier closure.
With these amendments to the identifier syntax, all identifiers are closed under all four Normalization Forms. This means that for any string S, the implications shown in Figure 5 hold.
Figure 5. Normalization Closure
isIdentifier(S) → |
isIdentifier(toNFD(S)) |
Identifiers are also closed under case operations. For any string S (with exceptions involving a single character), the implications shown in Figure 6 hold.
Figure 6. Case Closure
isIdentifier(S) → |
isIdentifier(toLowercase(S)) |
The one exception for casing is U+0345 COMBINING GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI. In the very unusual case that U+0345 is at the start of S, U+0345 is not in XID_Start, but its uppercase and case-folded versions are. In practice, this is not a problem because of the way normalization is used with identifiers.
The reverse implication is true for canonical equivalence but not true in the case of compatibility equivalence:
Figure 7. Reverse Normalization Closure
isIdentifier(toNFD(S)) |
→ isIdentifier(S) |
isIdentifier(toNFKD(S)) |
↛ isIdentifier(S) |
There are many characters for which the reverse implication is not true for compatibility equivalence, because there are many characters counting as symbols or non-decimal numbers—and thus outside of identifiers—whose compatibility equivalents are letters or decimal numbers and thus in identifiers. Some examples are shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Compatibility Equivalents to Letters or Decimal Numbers
Code Points | GC | Samples | Names |
2070 | No | ⁰ | SUPERSCRIPT ZERO |
20A8 | Sc | ₨ | RUPEE SIGN |
2116 | So | № | NUMERO SIGN |
2120..2122 | So | ℠..™ | SERVICE MARK..TRADE MARK SIGN |
3300..33A6 | So | ㌀..㎦ | SQUARE APAATO..SQUARE KM CUBED |
If an implementation needs to ensure both directions for compatibility equivalence of identifiers, then the identifier definition needs to be tailored to add these characters.
For canonical equivalence the implication is true in both directions.
if and only if
There were two exceptions before Unicode 5.1, as shown in Table 9. If an implementation needs to ensure full canonical equivalence of identifiers, then the identifier definition must be tailored so that these characters have the same value, so that either both isIdentifier(S) and isIdentifier(toNFC(S)) are true, or so that both values are false.
Table 9. Canonical Equivalence Exceptions Prior to Unicode 5.1
isIdentifier(toNFC(S))=True | isIdentifier(S)=False | Different in |
00B7 ( · ) MIDDLE DOT | 0387 ( · ) GREEK ANO TELEIA | XID alone |
Those programming languages with case-insensitive identifiers should use the case foldings described in Section 3.13, Default Case Algorithms, of [Unicode] to produce a case-insensitive normalized form.
When source text is parsed for identifiers, the folding of distinctions (using case mapping or NFKC) must be delayed until after parsing has located the identifiers. Thus such folding of distinctions should not be applied to string literals or to comments in program source text.
The Unicode Standard supports case folding with normalization, with the function toNFKC_Casefold(X). See definition UAX31-R5 in Section 3.13, Default Case Algorithms in [Unicode] for the specification of this function and further explanation of its use.
The alphabetic case of the initial character of an identifier is used as a mechanism to distinguish syntactic classes in some languages like Prolog, Erlang, Haskell, Clean, and Go. For example, in Prolog and Erlang, variables must begin with capital letters (or underscores) and atoms must not. There are some complications in the use of this mechanism.
For such a casing distinction in a programming language to work with unicameral writing systems (such as Kanji or Devanagari), another mechanism (such as underscores) needs to substitute for the casing distinction.
Casing stability is also an issue for bicameral writing systems. The assignment of General_Category property values, such as gc=Lu, is not guaranteed to be stable, nor is the assignment of characters to the broader properties such as Uppercase. So these property values cannot be used by themselves, without incorporating a grandfathering mechanism, such as is done for Unicode identifiers in Section 2.5 Backward Compatibility. That is, the implementation would maintain its own list of special inclusions and exclusions that require updating for each new version of Unicode.
Alternatively, a programming language specification can use the operation specified in Case Folding Stability as the basis for its casing distinction. That operation is guaranteed to be stable. That is, one can use a casing distinction such as the following:
This test can clearly be optimized for the normal cases, such as initial ASCII. It is also recommended that identifiers be in NFKC format, which makes the detection even simpler.
In Unicode 8.0, the Cherokee script letters have been changed from gc=Lo to gc=Lu, and corresponding lowercase letters (gc=Ll) have been added. This is an unusual pattern; typically when case pairs are added, existing letters are changed from gc=Lo to gc=Ll, and new corresponding uppercase letters (gc=Lu) are added. In the case of Cherokee, it was felt that this solution provided the most compatibility for existing implementations in terms of font treatment.
The downside of this approach is that the Cherokee characters, when case-folded, will convert as necessary to the pre-8.0 characters, namely to the uppercase versions. This folding is unlike that of any other case-mapped characters in Unicode. Thus the case-folded version of a Cherokee string will contain uppercase letters instead of lowercase letters. Compatibility with fonts for the current user community was felt to be more important than the confusion introduced by this edge case of case folding, because Cherokee programmatic identifiers would be rare.
The upshot is that when it comes to identifiers, implementations should never use the General_Category or Lowercase or Uppercase properties to test for casing conditions, nor use toUppercase(), toLowercase(), or toTitlecase() to fold or test identifiers. Instead, they should instead use Case_Folding or NFKC_CaseFold.
Hashtag identifiers have become very popular in social media. They consist of a number sign in front of some string of characters, such as #emoji. The actual composition of allowable Unicode hashtag identifiers varies between vendors. It has also become common for hashtags to include emoji characters, without a clear notion of exactly which characters are included.
This section presents a syntax that can be used for parsing Unicode hashtag identifiers for increased interoperability.
UAX31-D2. Default Hashtag Identifier Syntax:
When parsing hashtags in flowing text, it is recommended that an extended Hashtag only be recognized when there is no Continue character before a Start character. For example, in “abc#def” there would be no hashtag, while there would be in “abc #def” or “abc.#def”.
<Hashtag-Identifier> := <Start> <Continue>* (<Medial> <Continue>+)*
UAX31-R8. Extended Hashtag Identifiers: To meet this requirement, to determine whether a string is a hashtag identifier an implementation shall choose either UAX31-R8-1 or UAX31-R8-2.
UAX31-R8-1. uUse definition UAX31-D2, setting:
UAX31-R8-2. Alternatively, it shall dDeclare that it uses a profile of UAX31-R8-1 as in UAX31-R1.
The Emoji properties are from the corresponding version of [UTS51]. The version of the emoji properties is tied to the version of the Unicode Standard, starting with Version 11.0.
The grandfathering techniques mentioned in Section 2.5 Backward Compatibility may be used where stability between successive versions is required.
Comparison and matching should be done after converting to NFKC_CF format. Thus #MötleyCrüe should match #MÖTLEYCRÜE and other variants.
Implementations may choose to add characters in Table 3a, Optional Characters for Medial to Medial and Table 3b, Optional Characters for Continue to Continue for better identifiers for natural languages.
Mark Davis is the author of the initial version and has added to and maintained the text of this annex. Robin Leroy has assisted in updating it starting with Version 15.0.
Thanks to Eric Muller, Asmus Freytag, Lisa Moore, Julie Allen, Jonathan Warden, Kenneth Whistler, David Corbett, Klaus Hartke, and Martin Duerst for feedback on this annex.
For references for this annex, see Unicode Standard Annex #41, “Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes.”
Version 13.0
Version 13.0 changed the structure of Table 4. Excluded Scripts significantly, dropping conditions that were not based on script. Implementations that were based on Table 4 should refer to UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms [UTS39] for additional restrictions.
Version 11.0
Version 11.0 refines the use of ZWJ in identifiers (adding some restrictions and relaxing others slightly), and broadens the definition of hashtag identifiers somewhat. For details, see the Modifications.
Version 9.0
In previous versions, the text favored the use of XID_Start and XID_Continue, as in the following paragraph. However, the formal definition used ID_Start and ID_Continue.
The XID_Start and XID_Continue properties are improved lexical classes that incorporate the changes described in Section 5.1, NFKC Modifications. They are recommended for most purposes, especially for security, over the original ID_Start and ID_Continue properties.
In version 9.0, that is swapped and the X versions are stated explicitly in the formal definition. This affects just the following characters.
Implementations that wish to maintain conformance to the older recommendation need only declare a profile that uses ID_Start and ID_Continue instead of XID_Start and XID_Continue.
Version 9.0 splits the older Table 3 from Version 8.0 into 3 parts.
Current Tables | Unicode 8.0 |
Table 3, Optional Characters for Start | Table 3, Candidate Characters for Inclusion in ID_Continue |
Table 3a, Optional Characters for Medial | |
Table 3b, Optional Characters for Continue | only outlined in text |
Version 6.1
Between Unicode Versions 5.2, 6.0 and 6.1, Table 5 was split in three. In Version 6.1, the resulting tables were renumbered for easier reference. The titles and links remain the same, for stability.
The following shows the correspondences:
Current Tables | Unicode 6.0 | Unicode 5.2 |
Table 5, Recommended Scripts | 5a | 5 |
Table 6, Aspirational Use Scripts | ||
Table 7, Limited Use Scripts | 5b | |
Table 8, Compatibility Equivalents to Letters or Decimal Numbers | 6 | 6 |
Table 9, Canonical Equivalence Exceptions Prior to Unicode 5.1 | 7 | 7 |
The following summarizes modifications from the previously published version of this annex.
Revision 36
Revision 35
Modifications for previous versions are listed in those respective versions.
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