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232 Proposed Update UAX #9, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm 2013.01.21
Status: Closed
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Unicode Mail List (Join)
Formal Feedback: Contact Form
Resolution: The UAX will be updated with final content and published as part of Unicode 6.3.

Description of Issue:

This Unicode Standard Annex will be updated for Unicode 6.3. The Unicode BIDI algorithm is used for displaying all Arabic and Hebrew text on the web and in application programs, so any changes require careful review.

This proposed update involves a substantial extension of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to allow for the implementation of isolate runs. It also introduces new Bidi_Class property values and formatting characters in support of that extension.

There are also changes to Section 3.3.4 Resolving Neutral Types to resolve paired punctuation marks as a unit. This adds a new rule N0.

See the modifications section of the proposed update for information on specific changes to sections in the document.

The current draft of this update removes the extra property (XBidi_Class) proposed in an earlier draft, and instead adds new property values to the existing class. The corresponding characters will be part of Unicode 6.3. This draft fixes bugs in X7 and W1, and to improve clarity, adds three more definitions, a number of explanations and notes, and some examples. It also makes a fair number of editorial changes with the same purpose.

There will be frequent updates of this text as decisions of the UTC are incorporated into the text.

For information about how to discuss this issue and how to supply formal feedback, please see the feedback and discussion instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below, or you can look at a full page view.

The draft was updated on 2013-03-01


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