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343 Proposed Update UTR #51, Unicode Emoji (Version 5.0) Closing Date: 2017.01.16
Status: Closed
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Unicode Mail List (Join)
Formal Feedback: Contact Form
Resolution: There will be a new draft of the document posted for review under a separate PRI.

Description of Issue:

A proposed update of UTR #51, Unicode Emoji (Version 5.0) is available for public review and feedback.

This new version adds a mechanism to support regional flags, such as Scotland or California, though the choice of which of these flags to support is left to vendors. Associated charts are available at http://unicode.org/emoji/charts-beta/index.html, and associated data files are available at http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/5.0/.

This proposed update also has a separate data file for the valid emoji presentation sequences, and reflects a small change in the ordering of SELFIE. The charts also add the newest Apple emoji. At this time, the proposed update does not add any additional recommended emoji zwj sequences, nor reclassify any existing Unicode 9.0 characters as emoji. There are proposals for doing so that will be reviewed in the next Unicode Technical Committee meeting.

Draft updated 2016-12-07.

How to Provide Feedback: For information about how to discuss this Public Review Issue and how to supply formal feedback, please see the feedback and discussion instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below, or you can look at a full page view. Feedback is reviewed by the relevant committee according to their meeting schedule.


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