This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Sat Jul 10 13:18:17 CDT 2021
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #431 (UAX #42) feedback
I checked all known versions of the Unihan database, and I cannot find the kWubi property that is documented in Section 4.4.23, Unihan properties, of UAX #42 as follows: code-point-attributes &= attribute kWubi { text }? This property is also not mentioned in UAX #38. Unless someone can find a version of the Unihan database that includes this particular property, I recommend that its entry be dropped from UAX #42.
Date/Time: Sun Jul 11 09:00:18 CDT 2021
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Additional information for PRI #431 (UAX #42) feedback
The following information is relevant to my recommendation that the kWubi property be dropped from Section 4.4.23 of UAX #42: 1) The proposal that included the kWubi property was L2/06-208: 2) This proposal was discussed during UTC #107 and reflected in the minutes: The following are the relevant Consensus and Action Items: >From 2006-05-18: Properties - New Unihan Fields (B.14.6) [107-C25] Consensus: Add kFourCornerCode and kWubi to Unihan.txt as provisional properties for Unicode 5.0, subject to clear title to the data. [L2/06-206] [107-A57] Action Item for Deborah Goldsmith: Investigate the title and licensing questions about kWubi and kFourCornerCode data for Unihan.txt, and report to the Unicode officers by May 25th, 2006. Note: see also 107-A68, 107-A69, and 107-A70 regarding kWubi data. Action 107-A57 was done, and reported back later in the meeting resulting in removal of kWubi data from the release. >From 2006-05-19: Properties - Unihan (B.14.6) [107-A68] Action Item for John Jenkins: Remove kWubi from the Unihan database beta and generate a revision of Unihan.txt for the Unicode 5.0. [L2/06-208] [107-A69] Action Item for John Jenkins, Richard Cook: Remove references to kWubi from Unicode Technical Report #38: A User's Guide to the Unihan Database. [107-A70] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Make relevant updates to the Unicode 5.0 text to remove references to kWubi data. In other words, the kWubi property was never added to a released version of the Unihan database, and should therefore be removed from Section 4.4.23 of UAX #42.