This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Sun Mar 12 07:37:17 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230312073717
Name: Ray
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Confusables Sheet
Letter coptic vedi 'Ⲃ' is not listed as confusable. It is in fact confusable with latin B and its lookalike characters. This leads to unicode text normalization errors where presense of these characters fail to reduce the unicoded string to its ASCII form.
Feedback above this line was reviewed during or prior to UTC #175 in April, 2023
Date/Time: Mon Apr 17 16:44:35 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230417164435
Name: Peter G Constable
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 463
In section 4 of PU UTS #39, there is a block of new text defining bidiSkeleton. The following is included in the steps to derive a bidiSkeleton: Apply rule L3 of the UBA: move combining marks after their base in Z; this yields the sequence R′. But "Z" has not been defined in the prior steps.
Date/Time: Thu May 25 18:27:09 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230525182709
Name: Asmus Freytag
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 463
The statement of conformance for UTS #39 should be brought into better alignment with the way conformance is stated in other UTSs and UAXs. Currently: C1 An implementation claiming to implement the General Profile for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.1, General Security Profile for Identifiers. Alternatively, it shall declare that it uses a modification, and provide a precise list of characters that are added to or removed from the profile. C1.1 An implementation claiming to implement the IDN Security Profiles for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.2, IDN Security Profiles for Identifiers. Alternatively, it shall declare that it uses a modification, and provide a precise list of characters that are added to or removed from the profile. C1.2 An implementation claiming to implement the Email Security Profiles for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.3, Email Security Profiles for Identifiers. Alternatively, it shall declare that it uses a modification, and provide a precise list of characters that are added to or removed from the profile. (italics lost in plain text). Note that the phrases starting with "Alternatively" are needlessly repetitive. And, because of the term "Alternatively" they can be interpreted as overriding the *entire* "shall" clause in the preceding sentence, erasing any reference to Sections 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, which cannot be intended. Also, except for the use of italics, the presentation as a separate indented paragraph fatally resembles the informative notes present on so many definitions, rules and clauses elsewhere, and thus casting into doubt the force and formal nature of these phrases. It would be better to consolidate them into their own clause which generically covers the conformance to a modified profile. And used the phrase "in addition" to make sure that specifying the modifications alone without reference to the underlying profile is not sufficient. Finally, conformance without reference to version is meaningless for these profiles, so a clause remedying that omission is also proposed. While these proposals do not intend to make any effective changes to the de-facto requirements for conformance, they clarify the language and therefore preclude certain unintended interpretations. This means a formal change to normative language and is therefore proposed here so it can be reviewed by UTC. PROPOSED: C1 An implementation claiming to implement the General Profile for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.1, General Security Profile for Identifiers. C1.1 An implementation claiming to implement the IDN Security Profiles for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.2, IDN Security Profiles for Identifiers. C1.2 An implementation claiming to implement the Email Security Profiles for Identifiers shall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.3, Email Security Profiles for Identifiers. C1.3 An implementation claiming conformance according to the profiles in C1, C1.1, or C1.2, but wishing to use a modification, shall additionally provide a precise list of characters that are added to or removed from the profile. C1.4. An implementation that claims to conform to this specification must reference the version it conforms to. The version number of this document is synchronized with the version of the Unicode Standard which specifies the repertoire covered. See also The Unicode Standard, Section 3.1 Versions of the Unicode Standard. (All but the very last paragraph in italics) Another question that might be considered is whether to rename the "C" clauses by a unique prefix "UTS39-", which would bring them more in line with e.g. UTS10 or the UAXs.