This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Fri Feb 03 07:54:54 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230203075454
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
Horizontally-extend U+9FFD (Unicode Version 14.0) to add UTC-00441 as a new U-source source reference. This UAX #45 ideograph was included as part of the UTC's submission for IRG Working Set 2021, because U+9FFD with an M-source source reference was not yet standardized, but it is now. See IRG Working Set 2021 #00569: Its UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file entry should be changed from: UTC-00441;WS-2021;;30.10;;⿰口窄;kCowles 78;;; to: UTC-00441;URO;U+9FFD;30.10;;⿰口窄;kCowles 78;;13;4
Date/Time: Mon Feb 13 04:28:21 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230213042821
Name: Charlotte Buff
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
In USourceData.txt, the ideographic description sequence for UTC-03237 is incorrect. Current value: ⿰晶灬 Correct value: ⿱晶灬
Date/Time: Sun Mar 05 21:10:21 CST 2023
ReportID: ID20230305211021
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H U+3136B (⿱⿰丨㇎一) can be horizontally extended to add UTC-00087 as a new U-source source reference. Also, the UAX #45 USourceData.txt record should be updated to reflect an IDS, a correct kRSUnicode property value, and a kTotalStrokes property value as follows: IDS (Field 5): ⿱⿰丨㇎一 kRSUnicode (Field 3): 2.2 kTotalStrokes (Field 8): 3 In other words, change its record from: UTC-00087;NoAction;;2.4;;;kHanYu 21484.021*DYC 637.220;;;5 to: UTC-00087;ExtH;U+3136B;2.2;;⿱⿰丨㇎一;kHanYu 21484.021*DYC 637.220;;3;5
Date/Time: Mon Mar 20 11:49:25 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230320114925
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
The following nine U-source ideographs have "WS-2017" as their status values, which is no longer appropriate given that IRG Working Set 2017 has been standardized as Extension H as of Unicode Version 15.0: UTC-03086;WS-2017;;37.6;;⿱囟大;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;9;3 UTC-03103;WS-2017;;190.11;;⿱髟逄;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;21 20;3 UTC-03105;WS-2017;U+8F2F;159.9;;⿰車⿳口冖月;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;16;2 UTC-03116;WS-2017;;196.6;;⿰戎鳥;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;17;1 UTC-03118;WS-2017;;85.9;;⿰氵⿱穴文;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;12;4 UTC-03119;WS-2017;;46.11;;⿰山戛;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;14;1 UTC-03130;WS-2017;U+27708;145.11;;⿳亠𣍹𧘇;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;17;3 UTC-03133;WS-2017;U+3A9C;66.9;;⿰耑攵;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;13;2 UTC-03154;WS-2017;;134.13;;⿱輿𠀆;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;20;1 One of them, UTC-03133, can be horizontally extended to U+3A9C 㪜 per UCV #405, and its status value should be changed to ExtA. The rest should have their status values changed to FutureWS so that they can be reconsidered in the future. The following are the updated records: UTC-03086;FutureWS;U+3696 U+209F5 U+21605;37.6;;⿱囟大;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;9;3 UTC-03103;FutureWS;U+9B14;190.10;;⿱髟逄;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;20;3 UTC-03105;FutureWS;U+8F2F;159.9;;⿰車⿱口肎;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;16;2 UTC-03116;FutureWS;U+2A01A;196.6;;⿰戎鳥;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;17;1 UTC-03118;FutureWS;U+3D31 U+23D6B;85.9;;⿰氵⿱穴文;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;12;4 UTC-03119;FutureWS;U+21F1B;46.11;;⿰山戛;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;14;1 UTC-03130;FutureWS;U+27708 U+2777B;145.11;;⿳亠𣍹𧘇;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;17;3 UTC-03133;ExtA;U+3A9C;66.9;;⿰耑攵;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;13;2 UTC-03154;FutureWS;U+22E4F;159.13;;⿱輿⿻二丨;UTCDoc L2/17-204;;20;3 The following additional changes should also be made, which are reflected in the records above: UTC-03086: Add U+3696, U+209F5, and U+21605 as Unicode code points UTC-03103: Add U+9B14 as a Unicode code point; change the radical-stroke value to 190.10; remove 21 from the total stroke count UTC-03105: Change IDS to ⿰車⿱口肎 UTC-03116: Add U+2A01A as a Unicode code point UTC-03118: Add U+3D31 and U+23D6B as Unicode code points UTC-03119: Add U+21F1B as a Unicode code point UTC-03129: Add U+2777B as a second Unicode code point UTC-03154: Add U+22E4F as a Unicode code point; change the radical-stroke value to 159.13; change the IDS to ⿱輿⿻二丨; change the first residual stroke from 1 to 3 Lastly, the "WS-2017" status value should be removed from UAX #45 proper and from the head of its data file, USourceData.txt.
Date/Time: Tue Mar 21 10:45:27 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230321104527
Name: Andrew West
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
There are 76 UK-source ideographs in UAX #45 with a status value of "UK-2015". The status of these could be changed to NoAction, Rejected, or Variant as appropriate, based on the following dispositions for the 76 characters in question: UK-01318 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01326 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01327 Horizontally extended to U+2C176 𬅶 UK-01329 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01330 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01333 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01337 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01338 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01339 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01342 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01344 Horizontally extended to U+21249 𡉉 UK-01345 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01347 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01349 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01350 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01351 Unified to U+3B5F 㭟 UK-01353 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01354 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01355 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01356 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01358 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01362 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01363 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01366 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01367 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01368 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01369 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01372 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01391 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01398 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01401 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01405 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01408 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01421 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01423 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01425 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01437 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01441 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01462 Horizontally extended to U+24261 𤉡 UK-01470 Horizontally extended to U+21827 𡠧 UK-01480 Unified to U+246D1 𤛑 UK-01533 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01573 Unified to U+20266 𠉦 UK-01583 Withdrawn due to insufficient evidence UK-01586 Horizontally extended to U+2327B 𣉻 UK-01600 Unified to U+2A7CA 𪟊 UK-01627 Horizontally extended to U+23FD5 𣿕 UK-01678 Horizontally extended to U+20219 𠈙 UK-01746 Unified to U+6803 栃 UK-01834 Unified to U+2D930 𭤰 UK-01941 Unified to U+891D 褝 UK-01967 Horizontally extended to U+26C9E 𦲞 UK-02183 Unified to U+2E64B 𮙋 UK-02632 Unified to U+632C 挬 UK-02635 Unified to U+2BA65 𫩥 UK-02650 Unified to U+29466 𩑦 UK-02651 Unified to U+241C6 𤇆 UK-02656 Horizontally extended to U+2548E 𥒎 UK-02776 Unified to U+2780A 𧠊 UK-02781 Unified to U+6465 摥 UK-02782 Unified to U+22ACF 𢫏 UK-02787 Horizontally extended to U+38C7 㣇 UK-02790 Horizontally extended to U+22C3A 𢰺 UK-02821 Unified to U+2219E 𢆞 UK-02847 Unified to U+3C80 㲀 UK-02851 Unified to U+3A30 㨰 UK-02856 Unified to U+2459B 𤖛 UK-02857 Unified to U+27B0C 𧬌 UK-02873 Unified to U+23936 𣤶 UK-02876 Unified to U+297E0 𩟠 UK-02878 Unified to U+7666 癦 UK-02896 Horizontally extended to U+2DE4A 𭹊 UK-02919 Unified to U+7097 炗 UK-02922 Horizontally extended to U+2363B 𣘻 UK-02923 Horizontally extended to U+23839 𣠹 UK-02927 Unified to U+27466 𧑦
Feedback above this line was reviewed during UTC #175 in April, 2023
Date/Time: Thu Jun 22 07:56:57 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230622075657
Name: Charlotte Buff
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 468
There are a number of ideographic description sequences in USourceData.txt where the usage of ? as a placeholder can be replaced with a proper component that has since been encoded. UTC-00972: ⿰?争 to ⿰𰀈争 UTC-00974: ⿰亻? to ⿰亻𰋙 UTC-00975: ⿰亻? to ⿰亻𰅰 UTC-00983: ⿱?双 to ⿱𰅰双 UTC-00990: ⿰土? to ⿰土𰅴 UTC-00999: ⿰?定 to ⿰𰀈定 UTC-01009: ⿰忄? to ⿰忄𰀈 UTC-01010: ⿰忄? to ⿰忄𰋙 UTC-01012: ⿰忄? to ⿰忄𰅴 UTC-01014: ⿰扌? to ⿰扌𰀉 UTC-01015: ⿰扌? to ⿰扌𰃝 UTC-01019: ⿰日? to ⿰日𰀈 UTC-01021: ⿰木? to ⿰木𰅰 UTC-01023: ⿰歹? to ⿰歹𰅰 UTC-01026: ⿰氵? to ⿰氵𰀈 UTC-01027: ⿰氵? to ⿰氵𰅴 UTC-01031: ⿰牜? to ⿰牜𰋙 UTC-01032: ⿰犭? to ⿰犭𰀈 UTC-01035: ⿰目? to ⿰目𰀈 UTC-01042: ⿰立? to ⿰立𰀈 UTC-01050: ⿱罒? to ⿱罒𰅰 UTC-01054: ⿳艹? to ⿱艹𰀈 (IDC was also wrong in this case) UTC-01058: ⿰讠? to ⿰讠𰀈 UTC-01070: ⿰钅? to ⿰钅𰅴 UTC-01071: ⿰?页 to ⿰𰅴页 The following make use of the new rotation operator. UK-01373: ⿱?戈 to ⿱戈戈 UK-01397: ⿱?示 to ⿱隹示 UK-01411: ⿰虎? to ⿰虎戈 UTC-03253: 〾⿺見見 to ⿺見見 UTC-03254: 〾⿺⿺見見⿺見見 to ⿺⿺見見⿺見見 Additionally, I have provided an IDS for some ideographs that currently have none. Some of them use the new subtraction and rotation operators. UTC-00014: ⿰冫𠬤 UTC-00055: ⿲丿米丨 UTC-00062: ⿱免⺀ (the second component is U+2E80 CJK RADICAL REPEAT) UTC-00135: 朿㇏ UTC-00247: ⿰貝𪭊 UTC-00285: ⿷⿱丶匚壯 (the enclosure is ⿱丶匚 and not 亡 because this character belongs to radical 22) UTC-00950: 福 UTC-00951: 春 UTC-00952: 钱 The following sequences are malformed (don’t include any operators) and need to be corrected: UK-02945: 冫风 to ⿰冫风 UK-02946: 钅鉴 to ⿰钅鉴 UK-02947: 钅羊 to ⿰钅羊 UK-02948: 艹腾 to ⿱艹腾 UK-02949: 氵卤 to ⿰氵卤