Accumulated Feedback on PRI #474

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Mon Jul 03 08:47:34 CDT 2023
ReportID: ID20230703084734
Name: Alexei Chimendez
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 474

1. The heading has a typo: "Interespersed" should be "Interspersed".

2. In section 5.2 "Conversion to Plain Text", line 27 reads "Prepend FSI to
Atom". All other instances of prepending a character use the
phrasing "Insert FSI before Atom" (e.g. line 13). For consistency and
clarity, line 27 should use the same phrasing.

3. In the table in section Identifier Chunks, which gives examples
of various types of identifier boundaries, the following two rows are

> dromedaryCamel     | dromedary🐫🎩Camel     | 🐪
> snakeELEPHANTSnake | snake🐫ELEPHANT🎩Snake | 🌹📦

The meaning of the two notes is not clear. The first appears to indicate
that "🐪" is an abbreviation of "🐫🎩". The second seems to be some sort of
rebus: "rose package"? Further explanation in text should be added to
clarify the meaning of these two notes.