This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.
Date/Time: Wed Feb 05 20:22:05 CST 2025
ReportID: ID20250205202205
Name: Shieru Asakoto
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 514
I found several errors in the draft USourceData.txt for UAX #45, listed as follows: 1. Field 8 & 9 for UTC-03571~03581 are reversed. 2. The status of UTC-00588 is incorrect: should be 'WS-2021' instead of 'Rejected' because ⿰米戀 is found in WS-2021 as WS2021-03048, even though U-source is not recorded.
Date/Time: Wed Feb 05 22:51:46 CST 2025
ReportID: ID20250205225146
Name: kirk miller
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 514
1ACF is listed under the header 'Tone mark used in IPA'. It could just as easily be merged under the following header, 'Compound tone diacritics', because like those it is a compound tone diacritic. No need IMO for two headers; the 2nd works for both. 1AD0..1AD0 - the hyphenation is odd in the names. E.g. COMBINING VERTICAL-LINE-ACUTE looks like a combination of three elements [vertical + line + acute] when it's a combination of two [vertical line + acute]. But probably not bothering with at this point. 1AE2 COMBINING MINUS SIGN ABOVE - might want to add a disambiguating annotation, → 0304 combining macron. 1AE5 COMBINING SEAGULL ABOVE - might want to add a disambiguating annotation, → 1AE7 combining double arch above. 1AE7 COMBINING DOUBLE ARCH ABOVE - might want to add a disambiguating annotation, → 1AE5 combining seagull above. A7F1 has the note 'also used as a phonetic and phonemic wildcard character'. That note applies equally to all characters under the heading 'Modifier letters for Chatino (México)', and so would be better placed under the header.
Date/Time: Thu Feb 06 12:35:37 CST 2025
ReportID: ID20250206123537
Name: Bryndan Meyerholt
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: 514
The third Honorific word ligatures should go above U+FD90 instead of U+FD50