Description of Issue:
The Unicode Consortium is conducting a review of the assignment of Identifier_Type
to existing characters of non-ideographic scripts listed as Recommended in UAX31. There
are over a thousand non-Han characters with Identifier_Type=Recommended, for which
feedback received suggests that the existing classification may be inappropriate for
the intended purpose of defining a recommended repertoire for default identifiers to
be used for orthographies that are in widespread everyday common use for living languages.
The Unicode Consortium is interested in obtaining additional information that would help
improve the assignment of Identifier_Type. For details, background, and further information
please see the review document.
How to Provide Feedback: For information about how to discuss this
Public Review Issue and how to supply
formal feedback, please see the
feedback and discussion
instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below,
or you can look at a full page view.
Feedback is reviewed by the relevant committee according to their meeting schedule.