UTC #178 Logistics
and General Information
January 23 – 25, 2024

Hybrid meeting, hosted by
Google, Sunnyvale, CA
and virtually via Google Meet

1. Meeting Schedule, Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8:00):

Tuesday, January 23 10:30 am – 5:30 pm
Wednesday, January 24 10:30 am – 5:30 pm
Thursday, January 25 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

2. Meeting logistics:

To provide the best hybrid meeting experience, all participants should join the virtual meeting in Google Meet, including those attending in person.

2.1 On-site attendance

The meeting will be held in the Libby conference room of Google building MPD237, located at 237 Moffett Park Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Enter via the lobby on the north side of the building. Visitors will need to show a government-issued photo ID.

Transportation & parking: There is a parking garage on the northeast side of MPD237. From Borregas Ave., drive past the north lobby to get to the garage entrance. After entering the garage, turn left (north) for visitor parking. There is also surface parking in a lot north of the building, across from the lobby. Enter from the next entrance to the north on Borregas Ave.

The VTA light rail "Borregas" station is a few blocks north, about 0.4 miles / 9 minutes walk.

See this map, which has markers for the details above.

Google Meet meeting: When joining the Google Meet meeting when attending in person, make sure to select “Use Companion mode” (or “Ask to use Companion mode”) in order to disable your computer audio—both mic and speakers. See the Online attendance section below for additional details.

Hotels: see below for some hotel options.

2.2 Online attendance

Use the “Join online meeting” link below for all meeting days.

People planning to join the meeting should notify the chair or hosts in advance (see contact information below). You must set your Google Meet profile to show your full name. Then click the “Ask to join” or “Join now” button, after which you will enter a Google Meet lobby to be admitted by a meeting host.

Note: You will not be admitted if the name appearing in the Google Meet lobby isn’t recognized!

Join online meeting: https://meet.google.com/byq-seam-hyr

Or dial (US) +1 253-289-6787   PIN: 742 354 075 31#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/byq-seam-hyr?pin=4764468177060

3. Meeting timeline (tentative):

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A.1 Quorum
A.2 Agenda
A.4 Review of UTC action items
A.8 Recording & document practices
10:30 am
C.1 Editorial Committee report morning
B.5 TC 37/SC 2
B.1 JTC 1/SC 2
Lunch 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
G. Emoji 1:30 pm
Properties and Algorithms
F.1 PAG recommendations
F.2 Feedback on L2/23-286
F.3 Proposed UAX updates
F.4 Stabilization of UAX #42
F.5 Proposed update UTS #10
F.6 Proposed update UTS #39
F.7 Proposed update UTS #55
Break around 3:15 pm
F.1 PAG recommendations (cont’d) afternoon
B.3.1 ICU-TC
B.3.2 ICU4X-TC

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A.1 Quorum
A.3 Review of UTC #177 minutes
A.5 Calendar review
10:30 am
F.8 Text Terminal Working Group report 10:45 am
B.10 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22
B.12 ECMA TC 39
B.13 Unicode Admin & Infrastructure
H.1 Release Management Group report morning
Open discussion: UTC working groups & release processes morning
Lunch 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
D. Scripts afternoon
Break around 2:45 pm
E. CJK & Unihan 3:00 pm

Thursday, January 25, 2024

A.1 Quorum
9:30 am
B.11 ISO TC 46
D. Scripts (cont’d) morning
Break around 11:00 am
D. Scripts (cont’d) morning
Lunch 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
D. Scripts (cont’d) afternoon
Break around 3:15 pm
D. Scripts (cont’d) afternoon
I.1 Other feedback afternoon
H.1 Release Management Group report (cont'd) afternoon
A.6 Closing dates for PRIs
A.7 L2 representatives
INCITS/L2 meeting 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

For agenda details, see UTC #178 Agenda.

4. Hotels

These are hotels within one mile:

5. Contact information: