1. Meeting Schedule, Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7:00):
Tuesday, April 23 10:30 am – 5:30 pm Wednesday, April 24 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Thursday, April 25 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
2. Meeting logistics:
To provide the best hybrid meeting experience, all participants should join the virtual meeting in Microsoft Teams, including those attending in person.
2.1 On-site attendance
Venue: The meeting will be held in the San Francisco State conference room, on the 6th floor of Adobe West Tower, located at 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95113. The nearby Press Room has also been reserved for small break-out sessions.
Please note that the meeting room has changed from previous UTCs held at Adobe and will now require an Adobe employee escort from the lobby area to the meeting room. There is no access to conference areas outside of Adobe’s secure areas.
Lunch will be provided via use of a promo code (details will be provided to in-person attendees) usable at Adobe Cafés. To facilitate ordering, attendees may wish to obtain the “Café BonApp” app (available for iOS & Android), otherwise you will need to use kiosks inside the cafes. Access to all cafes for lunch, barista coffee, etc. will require an Adobe employee escort which will be arranged as needed. Please be advised that attendees will need to purchase food and drinks beyond the provided lunch and conference area refreshments. Cash is not accepted; the only acceptable form of payment is credit card.Registration: Registration will be required for visitors to Adobe's facilities and to gain access to Adobe's guest Wi-Fi network. On-site participants should RSVP to the UTC chair at least one week in advance, providing name, affiliation and email address. Daily name badges and guest Wi-Fi network credentials will then prepared and ready for you when you arrive. See contact details below.
Transportation & parking:
- Taxis: Taxis from the San Jose International Airport (SJC) to Adobe's headquarters are about $20 one way. Some of the nearby hotels also operate their own airport shuttles.
- Caltrain: The San Jose Diridon station is located 0.6 miles from Adobe’s headquarters.
- Light Rail (VTA): there are 2 nearby stops: San Fernando (Green line) and Convention Center (Green and Blue lines) which are both about 0.3 miles from Adobe.
- Parking: Use either the East Tower entrance on Almaden Boulevard or the West Tower entrance on Park Avenue. Be sure to inform the parking attendant that you are attending the UTC meeting and a guest of Josh Hadley; there will be no charge. For those requiring EV charging, there is a single ChargePoint L2 EV charging station on the first floor of the East Tower that is reserved for visitor use. There is no charge for its use, but you will need a ChargePoint account, and will be limited to four hours of charging per session.
Arrival: Go to the Almaden Tower lobby at 151 Almaden Boulevard, which is to the right of the East Tower parking entrance. As long as you have registered in advance, there should be a badge waiting for you each day.
COVID-19 protocol: Anyone entering Adobe's facilities is asked to complete a self-assessment of their health. For the safety of all attendees, if you feel unwell, please remain home, even if you think you only have a cold or allergies.
Teams meeting: When joining the Teams meeting in the conference room, select “Don't use audio”. See below for instructions on how to join the meeting online.
2.2 Online attendance
Use the “Join online meeting” link below for all meeting days.
People planning to join the meeting should notify the chair or hosts in advance (see contact information below). You must set your Teams profile to show your full name. Then click the “Join now” button, after which you will enter a Teams meeting lobby to be admitted by a meeting host.
Note: You will not be admitted if the name appearing in the Teams meeting lobby isn’t recognized!
Join Teams Meeting
Or join by entering a meeting ID in Teams:
Meeting ID: 274 246 793 99
Passcode: 8RaGwV
Or call in (audio only):
+1 669-699-1146 (San Jose)
Conference ID: 127 920 716#
Find a local number
3. Meeting timeline (tentative):
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
A.1 Quorum
Opening of L2 Meeting
A.2 Agenda10:30 am H.1 Release Management Group report morning Liaisons:
B.1 JTC 1/SC 2morning Break around 11:45 am G. Emoji morning Lunch 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm A.4 Review of UTC action items afternoon E. CJK & Unihan afternoon Break around 3:30 pm E. CJK & Unihan (cont’d) afternoon E.1.1 Auto Spacing in CJK text (L2/24-057) 4:00 pm Liaisons:
B.2 IRGafternoon
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
A.1 Quorum
A.3 Review of UTC #178 minutes
A.5 Calendar review9:30 am C. Editorial Working Group topics morning Properties and Algorithms
F.1 PAG recommendations
F.2 Other documents
F.3 Proposed UAX updates
F.4 PRI #486 Stabilization of UAX #42
F.5 PRI #488 PU UTS #10
F.6 PRI #592 PU UTS #39morning Break around 10:45 am Properties and Algorithms (cont’d) morning Lunch 11:45 am to 12:45 pm Liaisons:
B.5 ISO TC 37/SC 2
B.11 ISO TC 46F.7 Text Terminal Working Group report 1:00 pm Liaisons:
B.12 ECMA TC 39afternoon Properties and Algorithms (cont’d) afternoon Break around 3:15 pm Properties and Algorithms (cont’d) afternoon Liaisons:
B.10 JTC 1/SC 22afternoon
Thursday, April 25, 2024
A.1 Quorum9:30 am Liaisons:
B.13 Unicode Administration / Infrastructuremorning I.2 Tracking issues morning D. Scripts morning Break around 10:45 am D. Scripts (cont’d) morning Lunch 11:45 am to 12:45 pm D. Scripts (cont’d) afternoon Break around 3:15 pm I.1 Other feedback afternoon H.2 Unicode 16.0 Beta afternoon Admin:
A.6 Closing dates for PRIs
A.7 L2 representatives
Close of meetingaround 3:45 pm INCITS/L2 meeting 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm For agenda details, see UTC #179 Agenda.
4. Hotels
These are hotels within one mile:
5. Contact information:
- Peter Constable (petercon at unicode dot org)
- Craig Cummings (craig at unicode dot org)
- Josh Hadley (johadley at adobe dot com)
- Kamile Demir (demir at adobe dot com)