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Corrigendum #3: U+F951 Normalization


Corrigendum Effective Date Applicable Versions Fixed Version Result Documented In:
Corrigendum #3: U+F951 Normalization 2002-Feb-11
3.0.0 to 3.1.1 3.2.0

The canonical decomposition mapping for U+F951 (陋) was recently found to be in error. The correct mapping is to U+964B (陋). This was printed correctly in Unicode 2.0, but was mistakenly entered as U+96FB (電) in the UnicodeData.txt file, and remained uncorrected in successive versions. This corrigendum fixes that error.

Make the following correction in UnicodeData.txt:

Correct canonical mapping for F951 from 96FB to 964B (陋).

Make the corresponding correction to the kCompatibilityVariant field for F951 in Unihan.txt.

Add the following entry to NormalizationCorrections.txt:

F951;96FB;964B;3.2.0 # Corrigendum 3

This corrigendum does not change the status of normalized text. Text that is in any of the normalization forms (NFD, NFC, NFKD, NFKC) as defined in Unicode 3.1.1 (or any earlier applicable version) is still in that same normalization form after the application of this corrigendum.


U+F951 (陋) is one of the large collection of KS C 5601-1992 compatibility CJK ideographs that were added to Unicode to provide roundtrip mapping to that Korean standard (now known as KS X 1001:1992). These characters are all exact duplicates of other existing characters; their presence in KS C 5601-1992 was to provide duplicates for CJK characters that had more than one pronunciation in Korean.

U+F951 (陋) is not a common-use character in Japanese or Korean. Most speakers of those languages will not even recognize the character or its correct unified CJK ideograph equivalent U+964B (陋). U+964B is a common use character in Chinese, but since U+F951 is a compatibility character for a Korean standard, U+F951 is unlikely to turn up in Chinese data.

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