UnicodeĀ® Version 12.1 Character Counts
The "Code Point Type" column specifies either a type of code point being counted,
a type of assigned character with a particular code point type, or a label for
a summation row. The "Count" column gives the total of characters (or code points)
for this version. The "Delta" column gives the change in count for this row
from the previous version. Rows that provide subtotals or totals are
highlighted in the table. For an explanation of
terminology related to code point types, see
Section 2.4, Code Points and
Characters in the core specification.
Version 12.1 (2019)
Code Point Type |
Count |
Delta |
Alphabetics, Symbols |
37,705 |
1 |
Han (URO) |
20,902 |
Han (URO Extension) |
74 |
Han Extension A |
6,582 |
Han Extension B |
42,711 |
Han Extension C |
4,149 |
Han Extension D |
222 |
Han Extension E |
5,762 |
Han Extension F |
7,473 |
Han Compatibility |
1,014 |
Subtotal Han |
88,889 |
Hangul Syllables |
11,172 |
Graphic Characters |
137,766 |
1 |
Format Characters |
163 |
Graphic + Format |
137,929 |
1 |
Controls |
65 |
Private Use |
137,468 |
Total Assigned |
275,462 |
1 |
Surrogate Code Points |
2,048 |
Noncharacters |
66 |
Total Designated |
277,576 |
1 |
Reserved Code Points |
836,536 |
-1 |