ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N1903 |
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - ISO/IEC 10646
Secretariat: ANSI
DOC TYPE: Meeting Minutes
TITLE: Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21--25
SOURCE: V.S. Umamaheswaran, Recording Secretary, and Mike Ksar, Convener
PROJECT: JTC 1.02.18 ISO/IEC 10646
STATUS: SC 2/WG 2 participants are requested to review the attached unconfirmed minutes, act on appropriate noted action items, and to send any comments or corrections to the convener as soon as possible but no later than 1999-02-15.
DUE DATE: 1999-02-15
DISTRIBUTION: SC 2/WG 2 members and Liaison organizations
NO. OF PAGES: 64 (including cover sheet)
Mike Ksar
Convener ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2
Hewlett-Packard Company 1501 Page Mill Rd., M/S 5 U L Palo Alto, CA 94304 U. S. A. |
Phone: +1 650 857 8817 Fax (PC): +1 650 852 8500 Alt. Fax: +1 650 857 4882 e-mail: mike_ksar@hp.com |
International Organization for Standardization
Organisation Internationale de Normalisation
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)
Title: |
Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21--25 |
Source: |
V.S. UMAmaheswaran, Meeting Secretary, Mike Ksar, Convener |
Action: |
WG 2 members and Liaison organizations |
Distribution: |
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 members and Liaison organizations |
Input documents:
N1751 Updated WG 2 distribution list; Ksar
N1843 2nd Call and Updated Agenda for meeting 35 in London; Ksar; 1998-09-04
The convener Mr. Mike Ksar opened the meeting at 9:10h. He welcomed the delegates to the London meeting. There are about 150 documents to go through during the four days of the meeting. We have a full agenda. Delegates were requested to cooperate to be able to finish the business in the four days. Delegates are to give any documents for distribution to the convener directly. Delegations who did not advise the SC 2 secretariat are reminded to send the confirmation of attendance to the secretariat in advance of future WG 2 meetings. He introduced Mr. Bruce Paterson representing the host, the British Standards Institution (BSI).
Mr. Bruce Paterson: I am the chair of the UK national committee of JTC 1/SC 2. I am also the project editor of 10646-1. I am speaking on behalf of the host, the British Standards Institution. Information regarding the meeting facilities is in a printout that will be distributed to the delegates. Delegates should wear the security badge issued to them at the entrance and ensure that they will be at the correct meeting room. A separate room is also available for ad hoc meetings. Ms. Bernadette Shine is the secretary of BSI, and may be contacted for additional assistance. PCs and printers are available for use. There is a cafeteria on the first floor - open for breakfast at 8:30 AM, and for lunch from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. There are also vending machines around. Tea and coffee will be made available in the meeting room. Shopping areas are nearby -- about 5 minutes walk there is also a number of restaurants etc. -- towards central London. On behalf of BSI, the delegates are invited to a social evening on Wednesday starting at 6:30 PM. A boat cruise on river Thames - Hugh Gardens Pier will be the starting point. We will cruise towards central London and return by about 9:30 PM. Delegates are requested to return the
"attendance form" for this social event.Input document:
N1751 Updated WG 2 distribution list; Ksar
The following 41 delegates representing 14 national bodies and 3 liaison organizations, including 1 observer, attended the meeting.
Name |
Representing |
Affiliation |
Alain La Bonté |
Canada |
Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor |
V. S. (Uma) Umamaheswaran |
Canada, |
IBM Canada |
Chen Zhuang |
China |
Chinese Electronics Standardization Institute |
Choijinzhab |
China |
Inner Mongolia University |
Fu Yonghe |
China |
Chinese Language Institute |
Ji Mu Yan |
China |
Nationality Affairs Committee of Inner Mongolia |
Yang Xiu-Xia |
China |
Sino-Software System Co. Ltd. |
Zon Tingxiang |
China |
China Nationality Affairs Committee |
Zhang Zhoucai |
China, IRG Rapporteur |
Mike Ksar |
Convener |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
Keld Simonsen |
Denmark, CEN/TC 304 |
Erkki I. Kolehmainen |
Finland |
Klaas Ruppel |
Finland |
Research Institute for the Languages of Finland |
Paul Dettmer |
Germany |
Independent |
Evangelos Melagrakis |
Greece |
ELOT, Hellenic Organization For Standardization |
Bernadette Shine |
Host |
Michael Everson |
Ireland |
Everson Gunn Teoranta |
Hideki Nakade |
Japan |
Mistsubishi Research Institute, Inc. |
Shun Ishizaki |
Japan |
Keio University |
Takayuki Sato |
Japan |
Myatav Erdenchimeg |
Mongolia |
The United Nations University |
Richard Moore |
Mongolia |
UNU/IIST, Macau |
Yumbayariin Namsarai |
Mongolia |
Mongolian Technical University |
Aung Maw |
Myanmar |
CE Technology |
Khin Maung Lwin |
Myanmar |
Myanmar Computer Scientists' Association |
Kyaw Thien |
Myanmar |
University of Computer Studies, Thamang College |
Thaung Tin |
Myanmar |
KMD Company Limited |
Thein Htut |
Myanmar |
Geocomp |
Maurice Bauhahn |
Observer |
Independent |
Elzbieta Broma-Wrzesien |
Poland |
Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. |
J. W. Van Wingen |
The Netherlands |
Independent |
Bruce Paterson |
U.K. |
Independent |
Christopher J. Fynn |
U.K. |
Independent |
Christopher White |
U.K. |
The British Library |
Hugh Ross |
U.K. |
Data Systems Consultants |
John Clews |
U.K. |
Sesame Computer Projects |
Patrick A. V. Hall |
U.K. |
The Open University |
Joan Aliprand |
U.S.A. |
The Research Libraries Group |
Ken Whistler |
U.S.A. |
Sybase Inc. |
Michel Suignard |
U.S.A. |
Microsoft |
Asmus Freytag |
Unicode Consortium, AFII |
Unicode Consortium |
Input document:
N1843 2nd Call and Updated Agenda for meeting 35 in London; Ksar; 1998-09-04
The convener went trough the proposed agenda. There are too many agenda items and about 150 documents to cover during the four days. All items marked FYI - we will deal with in a quick manner. Any outstanding questions on these can be picked up later in the week. Several documents are being copied. If new documents are proposed and are not copied in time when a specific agenda item is discussed, we will need to postpone the discussion on that document for later in this meeting or to a future meeting.
One copy of samples of code tables for the next edition of 10646-1 is available with Dr. Asmus Freytag (prepared by AFII). Document N1810 has only four sample pages. The full table includes Hangul but does not include Han. Delegates can contact Dr. Asmus Freytag to review and feedback on the sample code tables.
Ad hoc groups on Myanmar script (Burmese); Mongolian; and Annex N, are planned. Others were formed during the discussion of different agenda items as needed.
Comments / Discussion:
Several changes were made to the draft agenda some of the comments were:
Ms. Joan Aliprand - Move 8.2.6 to
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Future meetings to be discussed
Several new contributions were identified and added to the agenda:
Three currency signs; 2 Philippines Latin Characters; Ruby; Mathematical Symbols; Old Mongolian; Blissymbolics.
Other contributions were identified as the meeting progressed.
The modified agenda was accepted and is reflected in the table of contents of this document you are reading. Some rearrangement of the topics has been done while preparing these minutes. All the discussions have been captured under the appropriate subject titles.
Agenda Item Page No. |
1 -- Opening and roll call * 1.1 -- ROLL CALL *2 -- Approval of the agenda *3 -- Approval of minutes of meeting 34 *4 -- Review action items from previous meeting *5 -- JTC 1 and ITTF matters (FYI) *5.1 -- JTC 1 plenary - CAW recommendations (FYI) *5.2 -- Recent publications (Amendments 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, TR15285) (FYI) *5.3 -- Ballot results (summary of voting/table of replies) (FYI) *6 -- SC 2 matters (FYI) *6.1 -- Recent submittals to ITTF (SC 2 program of work document) (FYI) *6.2 -- Technical Corrigendum No. 2 (FYI) *6.3 -- Japan's proposed modifications to the SC 2 program of work *6.4 -- Contribution from the Netherlands on functioning of SC 2 (FYI) *6.4.1 -- Draft response from WG 2 to SC 2 *6.5 -- Comments on applications for registration (FYI) *6.6 -- Disposition of comments on TR15285 - CG model (FYI) *6.7 -- Ballot results and disposition of comments *6.7.1 -- Amendment 14 Yi Syllables and Yi Radicals *6.7.2 -- Amendment 17 - CJK Vertical Extension A *6.7.3 -- Amendment 18 - Symbols and other characters including EURO *6.7.4 -- Amendment 21 - Sinhala *6.7.5 -- Amendment 22 - Keyboard Symbols *6.7.6 -- Amendment 23 - Bopomofo plus other characters *6.7.7 -- Amendment 24 Thaana script *6.7.8 -- Amendment 25 Khmer script *6.7.9 -- Amendment 26 - Burmese *6.7.10 -- Amendment 27 - Syriac *7 -- Non-repertoire issues *7.1 -- Editorial corrigenda - standing document *7.2 -- Updated Annex E (FYI) *7.3 -- Next edition of 10646: content, format, responsibilities and schedule *7.4 --Procedures for character set registration *7.5 -- UTF-8 EBCDIC *7.6 -- Zones in 10646 *8 -- Repertoire issues - next edition *8.1 -- Work in progress *8.1.1 -- Repertoire additions Cumulative List 7 *8.1.2 -- Adding two Korean Bangjeom characters *8.1.3 -- Mongolian script an update *8.1.4 -- Tibetan extensions *8.1.5 -- Proposed characters repertoire from TC 46 * -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35" * - Livonian Characters * - CONDITIONAL SPACE soft space for scripts such as Khmer * - Three new symbols - SQUARE FOOT, SQUARE INCH, and PROPERTY LINE * - Greek Drachma currency sign *8.1.6 -- Yi Script PDAM 14 *8.1.7 -- Burmese script *8.1.8 -- Collections from CEN TC 304 *8.2 -- New proposals *8.2.1 -- Mapping of Electro-Technical symbols *8.2.2 -- Proposal to add Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe *8.2.3 -- Proposal to add Latin A with Dot Above *8.2.4 -- Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sami characters *8.2.5 -- Proposal to encode CROSS ACCENT *8.2.6 -- Additional Cantillation Marks *8.2.7 -- Philippines repertoire *8.2.8 -- Tifinagh script *8.2.9 -- Old Hungarian rovásírás *8.2.10 -- Additional IPA characters *8.2.11 -- Hebrew Tetragrammaton *8.2.12 -- Proposal for Ethiopic extensions *8.2.13 -- Three currency signs *8.2.14 -- 2 Philippines Latin characters *8.2.15 -- Ruby *9 -- Repertoire issues - 10646 part 2 *9.1 -- First working draft of 10646-2 *9.2 -- Old Mongolian (Soyombo script) *9.3 -- Blissymbolics *10 -- IRG status and reports *10.1 -- IRG resolutions meeting # 11 *10.2 -- Printing format for CJK characters in R-zone *10.3 -- Ideographic description sequences *10.4 -- Amendment 15 - KangXi Radicals *10.5 -- CJK Extension B for plane 2 *11 -- Defect reports *11.1 -- Amendment 5 - Hangul *11.2 -- Amendment 6 - Tibetan *12 -- Liaison reports *12.1 -- Unicode Consortium *12.2 -- AFII - Review sample charts *12.3 -- ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics) *12.3.1 Request for liaison from ISO/TC 211 *12.3.2 Discussion with TC 211 experts in Japan *13 -- Other business *13.1 -- Review of WG 2 web site and process *13.2 -- Principles and Procedures Document *13.2.1 New Annex D of Principles and Procedures document *13.2.2 New Annex on Request for Collection Identifiers *13.3 -- Future Meetings Review and Confirm *14 -- Closing *14.1 -- Approval of Resolutions of Meeting 35 *14.2 -- Adjournment *15 -- Cumulative list of action items *15.1 -- Action items from previous WG 2 meetings -- Meetings no. 25 to 31 *15.2 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 32, Singapore *15.3 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece *15.4 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 34, Redmond, WA, USA *15.5 New action items from meeting 35, London, UK * |
3 -- Approval of minutes of meeting 34
Input document:
N1703 Minutes Meeting 34; Ksar/Uma; 1988-07-02
Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran introduced document N1703 containing the minutes of WG 2 meeting 34.
The minutes were adopted with the following changes (some of the changes were pointed to the convener and the recording secretary prior to the meeting, a few during the meeting, and the rest were found by the recording secretary). Editorial corrections were received from Messrs. Bruce Paterson, Johan van Wingen, Michael Everson, and Ken Whistler.
Reference in document N1703 |
Corrections |
Significant: |
Section 4, Item (M33.15) AI-31-3-h |
Change In progress to Completed; ballot closed 97-12-15. |
Section 4, Item (M33.15) AI-31-12-a |
Change "PDAM-17" to "PDAM-19" in Status column. |
Section 5.4.1, 3rd paragraph from end of section - beginning with "A number of scripts "; 2nd sentence. |
Change "FPDAM stage at this meeting..." to "PDAM stage meeting M35...". |
Section 6.3 - Subsection marked "Identification of Collections ..", Discussion item-a, third sentence. |
Change ".. used for the part 1 collections." to ".. used for the part 2 collections.". |
Section 7.6, first paragraph, second sentence |
Change "... reflect the Half Block boundaries." to "... reflect the principle of allocation starting at Half-Row (a block of 128 code positions) boundaries.". |
Section 8.3, discussion item e. |
At the end of the paragraph add "(This comment is not related to Romani characters.)". |
Section 8.19, first paragraph, fourth bulleted paragraph, third sentence |
Change "Mr. Tolkien .. invented these scripts." to "Mr. Tolkien ..invented Tengwar and Cirth." |
Section 9.5, Relevant resolution M34.17, last sentence; |
Change "draft PDAM text" to "Working Document text". (Note: this correction also applies to the approved resolution M34.17 in document N1704). |
Section 15.4 |
Delete entire table and replace with the sentence "All the action items from meeting 31, Québec City, Canada, have been either completed or dropped.". |
Editorial: |
Section 6.2.3 - Title |
Delete "and FPDAM-20 on Ogham" from the section title. |
2nd occurrence of Section 6.2.3 |
Change section number to "6.2.4"; with corresponding change in the table of agenda items and page numbers in Section 2 of the document. |
Section 6.2.3 - item "b)" |
Move the paragraph under item 'b) to the renumbered section 6.2.4, replacing the words "No discussion". |
Section 7.4, first paragraph, third sentence |
Change "..too complex by some .." to " ... too complex in some ... ". |
Section 7.10, discussion item b, second sentence |
Change "Every time a fully composed ... " to "Every time fully composed ...". |
Section 8.2, discussion item a, first sentence |
Change "preponderance" to "consensus". |
Section 8.19, discussion item f, fifth sentence |
Change "One of the consideration ... " to "One of the considerations ... ". |
Section 8.25, second set of discussion items, item c, 2nd sentence |
Change "Kuouo" to "Kuoyu". |
Section 8.25, third set of discussion items, item b, 2nd sentence |
Change "BOPMOFO" to "BOPOMOFO". |
Section 9.3, discussion item g, eighth sentence |
Change ".. dig a deeper ... " to " ... dig deeper ... ". |
Section 15.7, action item AI-34-14-f |
Delete this item; it is a duplicate of AI-34-14-d. |
Section 15.7; action itemAI-34-2c |
Change "IETF" to "ITTF". |
Section 15.7, action item AI-34-3p |
Change " ... revised the standing document N1696..." to " .. revised standing document N1396 .. ". |
Section 15.7, action item AI-34-13f |
Change "..Thaana.." to " .. Burmese .. ". |
Section 15.7, action item AI-34-13g |
Change "..Thaana.." to " .. Khmer .. ". |
Several occurrences |
Change "Mr. Ken Whistler" to "Dr. Ken Whistler". |
One occurrence |
Change "Mr. Joe Becker" to "Dr. Joe Becker". |
A few occurrences |
Change "Michael Suignard" to "Michel Suignard". |
4 -- Review action items from previous meeting
Input document:
N1703 Minutes Meeting 34; Ksar/Uma; 1998-07-02
Dr. Umamaheswaran reviewed section 15 of document N1703 containing the cumulative list of action items. The following tables show the result of the review. Several action items were completed, some are still in progress and others were dropped. All action items that are in progress or outstanding have been carried forward for discussion at the next meeting (see section "15 -- Cumulative list of action items" on page
*).In response to question from Mr. Bruce Paterson on AI-34-3-a (also AI-34-4-a), references to TR 15285 Character Glyph Model should be included under
"List of Sources" in 10646-1.
(M34-15.1) Action items from previous WG 2 meetings -- Meetings no. 25 to 28
All the action items from meeting 25, Antalya, Turkey, meeting 26, San Francisco, CA, USA, meeting 27, Geneva, Switzerland, and meeting 28, Helsinki, Finland, have been either completed or dropped.
(M34-15.2) Outstanding action items from WG 2 meeting 29, Tokyo, Japan
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 29 Resolutions in document N1304 and Unconfirmed Meeting 29 minutes in document N1303 -and corrections to these minutes in section 3 of document N1353.) |
Status |
AI-29-10 |
China |
a |
To take comments in document N1246 and comments from this meeting (M29) as feedback to the appropriate experts on Uyghur, Kazakh and Kirgihiz. |
M35: Dropped. |
(M34-15.3) Outstanding action items from WG 2 meeting 30, Copenhagen, Denmark
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 30 Resolutions in document N1354 and Unconfirmed Meeting 30 minutes in document N1353 and corrections to these minutes in section 3 of document N1453.) |
Status |
AI-30-16 |
Latvia, Ireland and Finland |
a |
to provide additional supporting documents to address the various concerns expressed on proposal for Livonian characters in document N1322 at this meeting to permit WG 2 to better evaluate the proposal. M31 and M32: Outstanding; M33 and M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1888. |
(M34-15.4) Outstanding action items from WG 2 meeting 31, Québec City, Canada
All the action items from meeting 31, Québec City, Canada, have been either completed or dropped.
(M34-15.5) Outstanding action items from meeting 32, Singapore
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 32 Resolutions in document N1504 and Unconfirmed Meeting 32 minutes in document N1503 -with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1603.) |
Status |
AI-32-6 |
US member body (Messrs. Michel Suignard, John Jenkins) |
b |
Mr. John Jenkins is invited to prepare the draft text on the Deseret script (in document N1498) in a form suitable for inclusion in the future ISO/IEC 10646-Part 2. M33 and M34: in progress. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-32-12 |
IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur) |
c |
to prepare text on Ideograph Radical Supplement for inclusion as a separate item in the PDAM per resolution M32.10 (see action item a above), for consideration at the next WG 2 meeting, per resolution M32.15 below: WG 2 accepts the 31 Ideographic Radicals proposed in document N1492, and provisionally allocates them to code positions in the range 2FE0 to 2FFF. WG 2 further invites the IRG to assign a character name and a single graphic symbol to each. .. M33 and M34: in progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1783. |
d |
the IRG editor is to prepare PDAM text on CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A Version 1.1, for consideration at the next WG 2 meeting, per resolution M32.14 below: WG 2 provisionally allocates the set of 6585 characters of CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A Version 1.1 in documents N1423 and N1424 to code positions in the range 3400 to 4DBF, .. M33 and M34: in progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1723. |
(M34-15.6) Outstanding action items from meeting 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 33 Resolutions in document N1604 and Unconfirmed Meeting 33 minutes in document N1603 - with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1703.) |
Status |
AI-33-2 |
Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar |
a |
to instruct the future editor of ISO/IEC 10646 Part 2, to take note of resolution M33.13 (Greek Byzantine Musical signs): WG 2 accepts the repertoire of 246 Greek Byzantine Musical signs proposed in document N1582 (based on documents N1208 and N1375) with the following changes:
This repertoire will be held in a collection of characters to be encoded in the future part 2 of ISO/IEC 10646. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed. |
c |
to request through SC 2 to ISO to advise Bangladesh, with reference to their proposal on Bengali coded character set, to acquire a copy of 10646; also to arrange for a copy of the Unicode V 2.0 book to be sent to them. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1714. |
AI-33-3 |
Editor - Mr. Bruce Paterson |
to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following WG 2 resolutions: |
l |
M33.18 (Yi script and Yi radicals): WG 2 accepts: 1165 characters, their shapes and names in document N1608 for the Yi script, and their assignment to code positions in the range A000 to A48C in the BMP, and 57 characters (Note: 18 more than in resolution M32.8), their shapes and names in document N1611 for the Yi radicals, and their assignment to code positions in the range A490 to A4C8 in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to create PDAM text, with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson) and China (Mr. Mao Yong Gang), based on documents N1608 and N1611, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1774 - PDAM-14. |
AI-33-5 |
IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur) |
b |
to prepare the appropriate texts per resolution M33.29 (IRG - NPs): In accordance with IRG#9 resolutions 4 and 7 in document N1591, WG 2 instructs IRG to prepare new sub division proposals for the following projects: CJK Ideographs for Plane 2 Ideograph Structure Characters and Ideograph Component Supplement and submit them to WG 2 for consideration at its next meeting. M34: document N1680 addresses Ideograph Description Sequence; Item on CJK Ideographs for plane 2 is in progress. |
M35: Completed; see documents N1677 and N1680. |
AI-33-6 |
Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Mr. Sven Thygesen) |
to update the standing document on Principle and Procedures per following: |
a |
M33.11 (Block Assignment Guideline): WG 2 accepts the request to add Block Assignment Guideline (see document N1583 - item 72.18) with the qualification that the high frequency occurrence criterion be used when no other overriding criterion exists. WG 2 further instructs the ad hoc group on principles and procedures to update the standing document on Principles and Procedures accordingly. M34: In progress-action item transferred to Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
b |
M33.12 (Empty 00 position in a block): WG 2 emphasizes that proposals for code allocations should not leave position 00 unassigned in each block unless there are compelling documented reasons for doing so. WG 2 further instructs the ad hoc group on principles and procedures to update the standing document on Principles and Procedures accordingly. M34: In progress-action item transferred to Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
c |
add the graphical view of the road map of the BMP in document N1520, after it is updated by Mr. Michael Everson, ensuring that it is in synchronism with the road map text. M34: In progress-action item transferred to Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
AI-33-8 |
Korean member body (Professor Kyongsok Kim) |
b |
is invited to submit a proposal summary form to cover requests for Gugyeol characters (original requests in document N936) with possible updates to these documents and submit to WG 2 for consideration at meeting 34. M34: In progress. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-33-11 |
Chinese member body (Mr. Mao Yong Gang) |
a |
to assist the editor in the preparation of PDAM on Yi-script and Yi-radicals, per resolution M33.18 (Yi script and Yi radicals) - see action item AI-33-3-l on the editor. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1774 - PDM-14. |
AI-33-12 |
Irish member body (Mr. Michael Everson) |
f |
to assist the editor in the preparation of PDAM on Yi-script and Yi-radicals, per resolution M33.18 (Yi script and Yi radicals) - see action item AI-33-3-l on the editor. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1774 - PDM-14. |
g |
is invited to update his graphical view of the road map, document N1520, ensuring that it is in synchronism with the road map text in the principles and procedures document and assist Mr. Sven Thygesen in incorporating it into the guidelines in principles and procedures, currently document N1502. M34: In progress. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
(M34-15.7) Outstanding action items from meeting 34, Redmond, WA, USA
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 34 Resolutions in document N1704R and Unconfirmed Meeting 34 minutes in document N1703 - with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1903 -- this document you are reading.) |
Status |
AI-34-1 |
Meeting Secretary - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran |
a |
to finalize the document N1703 containing the unconfirmed meeting minutes and to send it to the convener as soon as possible. |
M35: Completed. |
b |
to finalize the document N1704 containing the adopted meeting resolutions and send it to the convener as soon as possible. |
M35: Completed. |
AI-34-2 |
Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar |
a |
to come up with a schedule for the revision (next edition) of 10646-1: 1993, with assistance from the editor. |
M35: Completed; see documents N1731R and N1777. |
b |
to set up an ad hoc group of interested experts, along with the editor, to consider and recommend the format for the next edition of 10646-1. |
M35: In progress. |
c |
to monitor the progress of the ITTF electronic publication of 10646 on the web - the web edition, to ensure that all the approved amendments are included; and to bring this matter to the attention of SC 2 also. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
to forward WG 2 program of work in document N1731R, per RESOLUTION M34.20, to SC 2. |
M35: Completed; see document N1777. |
e |
to forward documents N1705 and N1726 to SC 2 and to SC 2 / WG 3 per RESOLUTION M34.15 (Sub-Repertoire Identification). |
M35: Completed. |
f |
to send document N1670 as a liaison document to IETF from SC 2/WG 2. WG 2 is concerned because the initial MLSF proposal is in conflict with UTF-8. |
M35: In progress. |
g |
to forward the revised scope of 10646-2 in document N1697, per RESOLUTION M34.13, to SC 2 for confirmation. |
M35: Completed. |
h |
to send document N1711 on Mongolian script (including expert comments in document N1734) for review and feedback to experts on Mongolian - Messrs. Richard Moore, Oliver Corf and Joe Becker |
M35: Completed. |
i |
to forward document N1714 (with possible editorial changes) to the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution in response to their request in document N1634 -- copying SC 2, JTC 1 and ITTF etc. the same parties as their letter was copied to. |
M35: Completed. |
AI-34-3 |
Editor of 10646-1: Mr. Bruce Paterson |
to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, collection of editorial text for the next edition, corrigendum text, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following: |
a |
RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model): ... ... WG 2 further instructs its project editors for ISO/IEC 10646 Part 1 and Part 2 to add TR 15285 as a reference to the next edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1 and to the WD of ISO/IEC 10646-2. M34: It was clarified that the reference should be listed under the non-normative bibliography section. |
M35: In progress. |
b |
RESOLUTION M34.2 (DTC OR-2 Blocks and Collections): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1692R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of TC OR 2 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat by 1998-05 for publication |
M35: Completed; see document N1773. |
c |
RESOLUTION M34.3 (FPDAM-13 on Internal and Horizontal Ideographic Supplementation): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1679, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of DAM-13 with assistance from the IRG editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with the following target dates: DAM-1998-03 and AM 1998-10. |
M35: Completed; see document N1769. |
d |
RESOLUTION M34.4 (FPDAM-16 Braille patterns): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1695, and instructs its project editor with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson) to prepare the final text of DAM-16 (revised document N1646), and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998 for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1770. |
e |
RESOLUTION M34.5 (FPDAM-17 CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A): WG 2 accepts the proposed text for FPDAM-17 in document N1723 with the elimination of duplicate characters identified in document N1698 (reducing the number of characters in the repertoire to 6582, and moving up the code positions filling the vacated positions). WG 2 further instructs its project editor with assistance from the IRG editor to prepare the final text of FPDAM-17 and forward it to the SC 2 for further processing, with the following target dates: FPDAM-1998-07, DAM-1999-01 and AM 1999-03. |
M35: Completed; see document N1776. |
f |
RESOLUTION M34.6 (FPDAM-19 Runic script): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1695, and instructs its project editor with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson) to prepare the final text of DAM-19 (based on document N1647), and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998 for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1771. |
g |
RESOLUTION M34.7 (FPDAM-20 Ogham): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1695, and instructs its project editor with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson) to prepare the final text of DAM-20 (based on document N1648), and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998 for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1772. |
h |
RESOLUTION M34.8 (Syriac script): WG 2 accepts 73 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1718, and assigns them to code positions in the range 0700 to 074F in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to: create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates: prepare registration request and PDAM text, with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson), and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1781. |
I |
RESOLUTION M34.9 (Thaana script): WG 2 accepts 49 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1699 (excluding the REYTU SIGN), and assigns them to code positions in the range 0780 to 07BF in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to: create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates: forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1778. |
j |
RESOLUTION M34.10 (Burmese script): WG 2 accepts 84 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1729, and assigns them to code positions in the range 1700 to 177F in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to: create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates: prepare registration request and PDAM text, with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson), and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1780. |
k |
RESOLUTION M34.11 (Khmer script): WG 2 accepts 103 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1729, and assigns them to code positions in the range 1780 to 17FF in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to: create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates: prepare registration request and PDAM text, with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson), and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1779. |
l |
RESOLUTION M34.12 (FPDAM on Various New Characters): WG 2 accepts the following additional characters, their shapes and their names for inclusion in the BMP: in accordance with document N1619 on Romani characters: 021E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CARON 021F LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CARON in accordance with document N1655 on Additional Canadian Syllabic characters Eight Additional Canadian Syllabic characters in positions 166F to 1676: in accordance with document N1720 for KIP SIGN - Laos Currency: 20AD KIP SIGN in accordance with document N1668R2 on additional keyboard symbols: 20E2 ENCLOSING SCREEN 20E3 ENCLOSING KEY CAP in accordance with document N1719 on additional Syriac symbols: 2670 WEST SYRIAC CROSS 2671 EAST SYRIAC CROSS in accordance with document N1713R on Bopomofo extensions: 24 Extended Bopomofo Characters in positions 31A0 to 31B7, 02EA YIN DEPARTING TONE MARK 02EB YANG DEPARTING TONE MARK. in accordance with document N1728 on Variation Mark: 303E IDEOGRAPHIC VARIATION INDICATOR, with a shape similar to the WG 2 further instructs its editor to: create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates: prepare registration request and FPDAM text, including all the above accepted characters, with assistance from Ireland (Mr. Michael Everson) and TCA (Emily Hsu), and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
M35: Completed; see document N1797. |
m |
RESOLUTION M34.17 (Ideographic Description Sequences): WG 2 accepts the project sub-division proposal for Ideographic Description Sequences in document N1680. WG 2 instructs its project editor to prepare a project sub division submission and forward it to SC 2 with the following target dates: WD 1998-10, FPDAM-1999-04, DAM-1999-08, AM 1999-10. WG 2 instructs the IRG to prepare the Working Draft text and submit to WG 2 convener by 1998-05. |
M35: Completed; see document N1782. |
n |
RESOLUTION M34.18 (Collection Identifiers in Parts 1 and 2): WG 2 accepts the recommendations of the ad hoc on collection identifiers in document N1726, and instructs the ad hoc on Principles and Procedures to include these in the Principles and Procedures document (N1502R). WG 2 further instructs its project editors to take note of these recommendations for adoption in Parts 1 and Part 2. |
M35: Completed; see document N1796. |
o |
RESOLUTION M34.19 (Mirror Characters): WG 2 accepts the editorial corrigendum proposed in document N1708R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the necessary corrigendum text. |
M35: Completed; see document N1796. |
p |
to prepare revised standing document N1396 - incorporating as much of the published amendments and editorial corrigenda by May 98 time frame. |
M35: Completed; see document N1796. |
q |
to assist the convener to come up with a schedule for the revision (next edition) of 10646-1: 1993. |
M35: Completed; see documents N1731R and N1777. |
r |
to update document N1667 - Cumulative List #6 of Repertoire Additions. |
M35: Completed; see document N1791. |
s |
to prepare an editorial corrigendum to Amendment 6 to correct the names in the text corresponding to Annex E in AM-6 (the names in the main body are correct). |
M35: Completed; see document N1739. |
AI-34-4 |
Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard |
to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2: |
a |
RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model): ... ... WG 2 further instructs its project editors for ISO/IEC 10646 Part 1 and Part 2 to add TR 15285 as a reference to the next edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1 and to the WD of ISO/IEC 10646-2. |
M35: In progress. |
b |
RESOLUTION M34.14 (Characters for inclusion in WD of Part 2): WG 2 accepts the following: Plane 14 Characters for Language Tags according to document N1670. ETRUSCAN script in the range Plane 1 0200 to 022F, in accordance with document N1580. GOTHIC script in the range Plane 1 0230 to 024F, in accordance with document N1581, with the last three characters in that document deleted from the repertoire. WESTERN MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the range Plane 1 D100 to D1FF, starting at D103, in accordance with document N1693. and instructs its project editor to include the above accepted characters in the working draft of 10646-2. |
M35: In progress. |
c |
to update the working draft in document 1717 - accommodating the various comments during meeting 34, and to draft some text for inclusion in Part 1 referring to the architectural statements that need to be included in Part 1. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
RESOLUTION M34.18 (Collection Identifiers in Parts 1 and 2): WG 2 accepts the recommendations of the ad hoc on collection identifiers in document N1726, and instructs the ad hoc on Principles and Procedures to include these in the Principles and Procedures document (N1502R). WG 2 further instructs its project editors to take note of these recommendations for adoption in Parts 1 and Part 2. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-5 |
Co-editors of TR 15285 (Messrs. Edwin Hart, Alan Griffee) |
a |
to prepare the final text for TR 15285, and to forward it along with the disposition of comments in document N1694, per RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model), to SC 2 secretariat by 1998-05 for publication. |
M35:Completed; see document N1811. |
AI-34-6 |
IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur) |
a |
per resolution M34.5 (FPDAM-17 CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A) to produce revised text for FPDAM (revised document N1723), with the elimination of duplicate characters identified in document N1698 (reducing the number of characters in the repertoire to 6582, and moving up the code positions filling the vacated positions). |
M35: Completed; see document N1776. |
b |
per RESOLUTION M34.16 (Staging of work on Ideographs for Plane 2) to provide a new schedule for Stage 1 in synchronization with the schedule for 10646-2 by 1998-05. |
M35: Completed; see document IRG-N574F(per WG 2 N1784, resolution M11.7) . |
c |
per RESOLUTION M34.3 (FPDAM-13 on Internal and Horizontal Ideographic Supplementation) to assist the editor in preparing the final text of PDAM-13 reflecting the disposition of comments in document N1679. |
M35: Completed; see document N1769. |
d |
per RESOLUTION M34.17 (Ideographic Description Sequences) to prepare the draft WD text and submit to WG 2 convener by 1998-05. |
M35: Completed; see document N1842. |
AI-34-7 |
Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran) |
to update the standing document on Principle and Procedures per following: |
a |
RESOLUTION M34.18 (Collection Identifiers in Parts 1 and 2): WG 2 accepts the recommendations of the ad hoc on collection identifiers in document N1726, and instructs the ad hoc on Principles and Procedures to include these in the Principles and Procedures document (N1502R). |
M35: Completed; see document N1877. |
b |
to create a guideline document for submission of requests for Collection Identifiers, for inclusion in the Procedures and Guidelines document. |
M35: Completed; see document N1877. |
c |
with assistance from Mr. Michael Everson, to update the principles and procedures document with the latest agreed upon pictorial view of the roadmap. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
d |
based on input received on document N1724 - Formal Criteria for Dis-Unification, prepare draft text (with assistance from the Unicode Consortium - Dr. Asmus Freytag ) for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: In progress. |
e |
based on input received on document N1725 on Formal Criteria for Coding Pre-Composed Characters. prepare draft text (with assistance from the authors - Dr. Ken Whistler and Dr. Asmus Freytag ) for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-8 |
TCA (Ms. Emily Hsu) |
a |
to provide relevant text and tables for the Bopomofo extension characters and the two modifier characters from document N1713R, in a form suitable for an FPDAM per Resolution M34.12. |
M35: Completed; see document N1739. |
b |
to get clarification on the question -- "why the MIDDLE DOT is not the same as the new proposal for RIGHT DOT ABOVE?" (reference documents N1593 and N1712R). (The clarification was to unify RIGHT DOT ABOVE with MIDDLE DOT - per Dr. Ken Whistler.) |
M35: Completed. |
AI-34-9 |
Danish member body (Mr. Keld Simonsen) |
a |
to verify that the Tibetan character names in the Annex E list in document N1675 are in accordance with the names in the main body of AM-6. |
M35: Completed; see document N1739. |
AI-34-10 |
The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag, and some US experts) |
a |
based on comments received on document N1724 on Formal Criteria for Dis-Unification, assist the ad hoc on principles and procedures (Dr. Umamaheswaran) in preparing revised text for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: Completed. |
b |
to update document N1721 - Content under consideration for future edition of 10646-1. |
M35: Completed. |
c |
is requested to work with the American Mathematical Society, examine the proposal in document N1716 - Math Symbols, refine the proposals and draft (jointly with the US member body) an updated document for consideration at the next meeting. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
is invited to prepare a revised document N1727 - interlinear annotation - incorporating national body/liaison organization feedback. |
M35: Completed; see document N1882. |
e |
is invited to re-format the proposal on Western Musical symbols in document N1693 in a form suitable for inclusion in part 2 -- including appropriate text, in accordance with RESOLUTION M34.14.. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-11 |
Japanese member body |
a |
National SC 2 representatives to contact the Japanese national TC 211 members to understand their concerns and see why UCS cannot be used in TC 211 |
M35: Completed. |
AI-34-12 |
Chinese member body |
a |
The Chinese delegation is encouraged to consult with the authors of document N1724 on Formal Criteria for Dis-Unification, to see if the criteria can be used for resolving some of the comments on the Mongolian script. |
M35: Completed; see document N1808. |
b |
China is invited to consider and accommodate all the comments on the Mongolian script made at this meeting - including document N1734, and from other Mongolian experts on document N1711. |
M35: Complete; see document N1808. |
AI-34-13 |
Irish member body (Mr. Michael Everson) |
a |
In accordance with resolution M34.4 (FPDAM-16 Braille patterns), to assist the editor in the preparation of the final text of DAM-16 (based on revised document N1646 and disposition of comments in document N1695), to enable the editor to forward the documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1770. |
b |
In accordance with resolution M34.6 (FPDAM-19 Runic script), to assist the editor in the preparation of the final text of DAM-19 (based on document N1647 and disposition of comments in document N1695), to enable the editor to forward the documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1771. |
c |
In accordance with resolution M34.7 (FPDAM-20 Ogham), to assist the editor in the preparation of the final text of DAM-20 (based on document N1648 and disposition of comments in document N1695), to enable the editor to forward the documents to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1772. |
d |
In accordance with resolution M34.8 (Syriac script), to assist the editor in the preparation of the prepare the PDAM text on Syriac script based on document N1718, to enable the editor to forward the document to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1781. |
e |
In accordance with resolution M34.9 (Thaana script), to assist the editor in the preparation of the prepare the PDAM text on Thaana script based on document N1699 (excluding the REYTU SIGN), to enable the editor to forward the document to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1778. |
f |
In accordance with resolution M34.10 (Burmese script) to assist the editor in the preparation of the PDAM text on Burmese script based on document to enable the editor to forward the document to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1780. |
g |
In accordance with resolution M34.11 (Khmer script) to assist the editor in the preparation of the PDAM text on Khmer script based on document to enable the editor to forward the document to SC 2 secretariat in April 1998. |
M35: Completed; see document N1779. |
h |
Ireland is invited to create a "Defect Report" on changing the block name IPA Extension to IPA Latin Extension. |
M35: In progress. |
I |
to assist Dr. Umamaheswaran in updating the principles and procedures document with the latest agreed upon pictorial view of the roadmap. |
M35: Completed; see document N1876. |
j |
is invited to provide a revised draft of document N1657 on Buginese script including the answers / examples and incorporating any feed back comment received. |
M35: In progress. |
k |
to draft a proposed response, with assistance from Dr. Ken Whistler, to Korea on their request for two Bangjeom characters in documents N935 and N1599 -- appropriate clarification text on how to use the existing characters in the standard and that there is no need to add the requested characters. |
M35: Completed; see document N1738. |
l |
to work with Editor for Part 2 to provide the Text and Code Tables for Etruscan and Gothic scripts for inclusion in Part 2 - per resolution M34.14. |
M35: Completed. |
m |
to get clarification on the question -- "why the MIDDLE DOT is not the same as the new proposal for RIGHT DOT ABOVE?" (reference documents N1593 and N1712R). (The clarification was to unify RIGHT DOT ABOVE with MIDDLE DOT - per Dr. Ken Whistler.) |
M35: Completed. |
AI-34-14 |
US member body (Dr. Ken Whistler and other experts) |
a |
based on comments received on document N1725 on Formal Criteria for Coding Pre-Composed Characters, to assist the ad hoc on principles and procedures (Dr. Umamaheswaran), in preparing revised text for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: Completed. |
b |
to draft a proposed response (with assistance from Mr. Michael Everson) to Korea on their request for two Bangjeom characters in documents N935 and N1599 -- appropriate clarification text on how to use the existing characters in the standard and that there is no need to add the requested characters. |
M35: Completed; see document N1738. |
c |
is requested to work with the American mathematical society, examine the proposal in document N1716 - Math Symbols, refine the proposals and draft (jointly with the Unicode Consortium) an updated document for consideration at the next meeting. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
to prepare the proposal on Western Music Symbols in a format suitable for inclusion in Part 2, including the appropriate text, per resolution M34.14. |
M35: In progress. |
e |
is invited to provide a practical way to show the R-zone Ideographs - keeping in synch with the currently printed R-zone in the standard. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-15 |
All member bodies and liaison organizations |
a |
to feed back comments on document N1724 on Formal Criteria for Dis-Unification to the Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag). |
M35: Noted; no feedback. |
b |
to feed back comments on document N1725 on Formal Criteria for Coding Pre-Composed Characters to the authors Dr. Ken Whistler and Dr. Asmus Freytag. |
M35: Noted; no feedback. |
c |
to feed back comments on document N1660 on Tibetan extensions to Mr. Michael Everson. |
M35: Noted; see document N1756. |
d |
to feed back comments on document N1657 on Buginese script to Mr. Michael Everson. |
M35: Noted; no feedback. |
e |
to feed back comments on Egyptian Hieroglyphic characters in documents N1636 and N1637, Meroitic in document N1638, Cuneiform scripts in documents N1639 and N1640, Tengwar in document N1641, Cirth in document N1642, Klingon in document N1643, Brahmi script in document N1685, Old Hungarian in document N1686 (potentially in the BMP?), Permic script in document N1687, Sinaitic script in document N1688, and South Arabian script in document N1689 -- proposed for inclusion in Plane 1 -- to Mr. Michael Everson. |
M35:Noted; some feedback from experts in Finland and the Netherlands. |
f |
to examine the proposed list of approximately 1200 mathematical and technical symbols proposed via the WWW-links identified in document N1716 (contact Messrs. Mike Ksar or Asmus Freytag for access information) and feed back comments to the US member body. |
M35: Dropped; links have changed. |
g |
to feed back comments on document N1727 - interlinear annotation characters - to Dr. Asmus Freytag. |
M35: Noted; see document N1861. |
h |
to submit the documents in electronic form so that it can be posted to the WG 2 web- site. |
M35: Noted. |
i |
RESOLUTION M34.24 (Future meetings): WG 2 confirms the following future meeting schedule: Meeting 35: 21--25 September 1998, London, UK - Host: BSI Meeting 36: 15--19 March 1999, Tokyo, Japan (Tentative) Meeting 37: September 1999 -- Denmark Meeting 38: March 2000 --China WG 2 accepts and confirms the following IRG future meeting schedule: IRG 11: 11--15 May 1998 in Tokushima, Japan IRG 12: 14--18 December 1998 in Redwood Shores, CA, USA |
M35: Noted. |
5 -- JTC 1 and ITTF matters (FYI)
5.1 -- JTC 1 plenary - CAW recommendations (FYI)
Input document:
N1788 JTC 1 Sendai Plenary Resolution; JTC 1; 1998-06-05
A planning meeting of Cultural Adaptability Workshop (CAW) of JTC 1 is scheduled for the first week of October in Philadelphia. JTC 1 ad hoc meeting on Cultural Adaptability is scheduled for December 98 addressing the work of JTC 1 SC 2, SC 22 WG 20 and SC 35 (just created). Mr. Mike Ksar will represent WG 2. The SC 2 chair - Professor Shibano, and the WG3 convener - Mr. Evangelos Melagrakis, may also attend.
5.2 -- Recent publications
(Amendments 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, TR15285) (FYI)
Amendments 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, and 20 and TR 15285 -- are announced on the ISO web page and are marked as published. The ISO web page should be corrected to show Amendments 19 and 20 instead of Amendments 18 and 19. For Amendment 17, CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A, see also section "6.7.2 -- Amendment 17 - CJK Vertical Extension" on page
*. Mr. Mike Ksar expressed thanks to the editor and contributing editors, and the Korean national body, for their timely completion of the work.Action item: Mr. Mike Ksar to contact ITTF (Keith Brannon) about the Error in the Amendment numbers published on the web site.
5.3 -- Ballot results (summary of voting/table of replies) (FYI)
Input documents:
N1798 FDAM 11 Canadian Syllabics Summary of Voting/Table of Replies; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-06-12
N1799 FDAM 12 Cherokee Summary of Voting/Table of Replies; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-06-12
N1832 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 10 - Ethiopic; ITTF; 1998-08-27
All of these documents have been published. There was no discussion.
6.1 -- Recent submittals to ITTF (SC 2 program of work document) (FYI)
SC 2 program of work is available from the web site of SC 2. http:\\dkuug.dk\JTC1\SC2 (check the web site).
6.2 -- Technical Corrigendum No. 2 (FYI)
Input documents:
N1759 Disposition of Comments Draft Technical Corrigendum No. 2 Blocks & Collections SC 2 N3051 Equivalent to WG 2 N1692R; Paterson; 1998-04-07
N1773 Final Text, sent to ITTF, of Technical Corrigendum No. 2; Paterson; 1998-04-07
Technical Corrigendum No. 2 (TCOR 2) has been published. There are some typographical errors in TCOR.2, which the editor will correct with ITTF.
6.3 -- Japan's proposed modifications to the SC 2 program of work
Input document:
N1819 National Body Comments on JTC 1 N 5295 (SC 2 N 3132), Proposed Modifications to the SC 2 Program of Work; National Body of Japan; 1998-07-31
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Japan has found a problem with the project on 10646 part 2. It was sub-divided for extension of the repertoire. Japan agrees with the extension of the repertoire. The scope does not include provisions for non-graphic characters. Japan feels therefore that there should be a NP ballot instead of a sub-division of work. The NP should include an explanation of the nature of the non-graphic characters. There is no definition of non-graphic characters (see document N1717) in the current definitions of 10646.
Action item: Messrs. Michel Suignard, Bruce Paterson and Takayuki Sato -- to address the concerns raised by Japan in document N1819 and come up with suggested clarification / explanatory text.
6.4 -- Contribution from the Netherlands on functioning of SC 2 (FYI)
Input document:
N1822 Contribution from the Netherlands to JTC 1 on the functioning of SC 2; National Body of the Netherlands; 1998-07-14
Output document:
N1879R Report to SC 2 from WG 2 on N1822 - Comments from the Netherlands on SC 2 procedures; WG 2; 1998-09-23
Mr. Mike Ksar: Document N1822 (SC 2 N3144) is a contribution sent to JTC 1 from the Netherlands national body on the functioning of SC 2 (also JTC 1 N5499). It is for information to WG 2. I would encourage delegates to review and send their comments to SC 2.
An ad hoc group met and prepared a draft response from WG 2 to SC 2, in document N1879 see the next section for more details.
6.4.1 -- Draft response from WG 2 to SC 2
Output document:
N1879R Report to SC 2 from WG 2 on N1822 - Comments from the Netherlands on SC 2 procedures; WG 2; 1998-09-23
Mr. Erkki Kolehmainen presented the ad hoc group's draft report. The report addresses comments aimed at WG 2's work. It points out the universal nature of UCS. There may be rational limitations -- for example, no pre-composed characters. The goal of universal nature (of 10646) is widely accepted by the industry. It is also clear that any national body can have only a limited exposure on several scripts. However, several national bodies participate due to other expertise. The Netherlands has suggested that learned societies should use the Fast Track process - however, this path is not available to these societies. Even if we overcome the fast track process area, the standard becomes highly fragmented instead of a single focal point for assigning code positions in a coordinated manner.
Disposition: Revised document N1879 was accepted to be forwarded as WG 2 input to SC 2.
Action item: Mr. Mike Ksar to take the revised document N1879 along with the disposition of the Netherlands' negative ballot comments on Amendment 18 and forward to SC 2 secretariat.
6.5 -- Comments on applications for registration (FYI)
Input document:
N1844 Comments accompanying the US negative vote on Applications for Registration No. 207 - 225; NCITS/L2 - US; 1998-08-25
Document N1844 contains comments for applications for registration from US to SC 2. It is for information to WG 2. There was no discussion.
6.6 -- Disposition of comments on TR15285 - CG model (FYI)
Input documents:
N1760 Editors Report on Project 1.02.15285, An Operational Model for Characters and Glyphs SC 2 N3052; Hart and Griffee; 1998-03-30
N1793 Disposition of Comments DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model SC 2 N 3049; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-05-26
TR15285 has been published by ITTF. The referenced documents are for information to WG 2 members. There was no discussion.
6.7 -- Ballot results and disposition of comments
6.7.1 -- Amendment 14 Yi Syllables and Yi Radicals
Input document:
N1821 Summary of Voting on PDAM 14 - Yi Syllables and Yi Radicals; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-05
See section "8.1.6 -- Yi Script" on page
* for disposition of comments.6.7.2 -- Amendment 17 - CJK Vertical Extension A
Input document:
N1849 Voting Summary/Table of Replies - Amendment 17 - SC 2 3166 - Vertical Extension A; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-09-16
Output document:
N1889 Disposition of Comments on Amendment 17 (FPDAM); Bruce Paterson; 1998-09-24
Mr. Bruce Paterson: There were 20 approval votes - 6 of these had attached comments, and no disapproval votes. The FPDAM passed unanimously. Each comment was taken and discussed towards a disposition.
Comments from Sweden and Israel do not require any action.
US comment: Font should be made available to the editors.
Action item: Chinese national body to make arrangements to get the necessary fonts for printing the Ideographic code tables for the next edition of 10646-1 and for Unicode 3.0, and forward it to the convener (to forward to AFII).
UK - Technical comment - The extension A is placed in A-zone. Whereas the previous CJK were all contained in the I-zone. UK's proposal is to move the boundary between the I-zone and the A-zone.
Disposition: Accept the UK Technical comment.
UK editorial comment: Better wording is suggested to list the CJK ideographs first and then the Extension A, even though the code position orders for these are reversed.
Disposition: Accept the UK editorial comments.
Japan Comment 1:
Mr. Takayuki Sato: There are different sources for Extension A when compared with the CJK basic set. The current Annex T (from Amendment 8) does not cover these new sources for Extension A ideographs. Document WG 2 N1426 (Draft text of CJK Annex for Extension A -- IRG N379) is cited.
Accepted Annex T will be enhanced in the future through a corrigendum.
Comment 2: the proposal is to update Annex L.
This comment was accepted and Japan is invited to provide the relevant information to the editor.
Comment 1 - accepted.
Comment 2 - column headings should be aligned: Accepted in principle. The final format should be towards aligning with the next edition.
Disposition: Editor is to prepare new disposition of comments reflecting the above discussion, and send FPDAM-17 for further processing as FDAM text.
Action item: Japan is to provide relevant information to assist the editor with proper references in Annex L of FPDAM-17 text.
Relevant resolution: M35.7 (FPDAM-17 on CJK Extension A)
WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1889, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of DAM-17 with assistance from the IRG editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
6.7.3 -- Amendment 18 - Symbols and other characters including EURO
Input documents:
N1789 Draft disposition of comments on FPDAM 18 Various letters and symbols; Paterson; 1998-06-08
N1790 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies FPDAM 18; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-05-15
N1875 Defect Report -- Reverse Question Mark; US/Unicode; 1998-09-22
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1780 is the summary of replies on FPDAM 18. It was approved with 19 approval votes, and 1 disapproval vote. According to the JTC 1 procedures, the amendment is approved. We will try to accommodate as many comments as possible as long as it does not negate any of the positive votes. The final text will be sent to JTC 1 for FDAM ballot - for a YES or NO answer. Document N1789 contains the draft disposition of comments -- Ireland, the Netherlands (Negative), UK and USA, had comments.
Characters SQUARE WAVE and MONOSTABLE SYMBOL (came from different sources). They need not be separate characters -- the proposal is to keep the MONOSTABLE SYMBOL and remove the SQUARE WAVE SYMBOL.
The Netherlands does not wish to add the S and T with the Cedilla below. WG 2 had accepted to make the distinction from the S and T with Comma Below. We cannot accommodate the Netherlands comments. 19 national bodies have accepted these.
After off-meeting discussion between Messrs. Asmus Freytag, Johan van Wingen, and Bruce Paterson (possibly others) some text for annotations in Annex P was prepared and discussed.
Disposition: Mr. Mike Ksar: I believe that the proposed text for disposition of comments satisfies the Netherlands and their ballot would have been considered to have been reversed. The document will go forward for FDAM processing with the above agreed upon annotations to the four characters in Annex P.
Discussion on "Reversed Question Mark":
A defect report was prepared on the character and was discussed during the meeting (another day).
Document N1875 - Defect Report on REVERSED QUESTION MARK in FPDAM18
Input document:
N1875 Reverse Question Mark; US/Unicode; 1998-09-22
Dr. Asmus Freytag: The defect report proposes that the REVERSED QUESTION MARK should be moved from where we have currently coded at code position 2047 and the suggestion is to move it to 061F.
Disposition: Accept the defect reported in document N1875, and incorporate the proposed change in the disposition of comments for FPDAM 18.
Action item: The convener should contact Romanian national body. The wordings for Annex P annotation will be provided in writing for member bodies to review.
Relevant resolution: M35.1 (FPDAM-18 on Symbols and other characters including EURO)
WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1789R2, as amended by document N1875 (defect report), and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of DAM-18 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
6.7.4 -- Amendment 21 - Sinhala
Input document:
N1809 R Summary of Voting/Table of Replies Amendment 21 Sinhala SC 2 N 3124; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-07-02
Output document:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1841 contains the disposition of comments. There were 20 approval votes and no disapproval votes. There were a few comments -- from Ireland, Israel and the UK.
No need to take action on comments from Israel.
Comments from UK were related to quality of glyphs in the code tables.
Irish comment is to request for four more characters to take care of the Tamil language.
Procedurally I am not sure if we can accommodate the Irish comments there will be some additional points to consider.
Action item: WG 2 to consider the four characters in the ballot response from Ireland, as request for four more characters to be added to the Sinhala script.
Further Discussion:
Disposition: Accept modified disposition of comments for FPDAM-21 on Sinhala - document N1841R. Accept the four additional characters requested by Ireland for inclusion in the DAM text.
Relevant resolution: M35.2 (FPDAM-21 on Sinhala)
WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1841R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of DAM-21 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
6.7.5 -- Amendment 22 - Keyboard Symbols
Input documents:
N1682 PDAM 22 Additional Symbols Rows 21, 23, 24, 25, and 26 Letter-like, arrows, technical, control pictures, geometric shapes, and miscellaneous. This document replaces N1663 and is the same as N1663R; Bruce Paterson; 1997-12-17
N1766 Summary of Voting Amendment 22 (Keyboard Symbols) SC 2 N3067; Paterson; 1998-04-15
N1816R Second Draft Report (Proposed Disposition of Comments) on PDAM 22 - Keyboard symbols - replaces N1816 dated 1998-08-06; Paterson; 1998-09-22
N1830 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 22 - Symbols; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-04-15
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1766 contains the ballot responses. The amendment is approved with 2 disapproval votes - Germany and USA; and 19 approval votes, with comments from Ireland and UK.
Germany - regarding shape of 25FB.
The glyphs are informative and we may be able to accommodate their request.
Irish comments were accepted in part -- some names have been changed to accommodate the Irish comments.
US comments have been accommodated in different ways.
Mr. Michel Suignard: US comments have been adequately taken care of. Changes the US ballot to positive.
Symbols for xxx --- versus xxx symbol.
All the editor's notes will go away adopting one the above as appropriate as the convention to use.
UK suggestion to delete nine symbols was not accepted.
Dr. Ken Whistler: The combining characters that have been suggested do not produce the desired combined symbols with sufficient accuracy.
Disposition: Accept modified disposition of comments. Refer to document N1816, section on PDAM 22 -- the changes are to the wordings and to the glyph.
Relevant resolution: M35.3 (PDAM-22 on Keyboard Symbols)
6.7.6 -- Amendment 23 - Bopomofo plus other characters
Input document:
N1872 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 23 - Bopomofo plus others; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-09-22
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1872 contains the summary of voting and table of replies. There were 15 approval votes and none is against. Unanimously approved. There were comments with 6 of the positive votes.
Canada Typographical errors were accepted.
NGO to NNGO at 1673.
Glyphs for 20E2 and 20E3 - can be enlarged if possible in the next edition.
Glyphs for Bopomofo - can be improved by using the fonts to create the final tables - accepted.
Israel and Sweden - Noted. No action needed.
UK: Editorial - accepted.
US: Accepted all.
Editor will prepare a disposition of comments, and process the updated document N1797 as FDAM-23.Relevant resolution: M35.8 (FPDAM-23 on Bopomofo Extended and other characters)
WG 2 instructs its project editor to prepare the final disposition of comments based on the agreements at meeting 35, and the final text of DAM-23 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
6.7.7 -- Amendment 24 Thaana script
Input document:
N1834 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 24 - Thaana; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-27
Output document:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1834 has the results of the ballot. The PDAM is approved with 15 approval votes, and no disapproval.
Israel and Sweden comments - no action required.
Ireland states that the ordering of characters is not correct.
US Comment: The width of the strokes used in the code tables is too thick to see the details.
The US comment was accepted in principle, a better font would be used if the editor could find it.
Disposition: Accept in principle for further processing as FPDAM - hold till the ordering and font issues can be improved. See revised N1841, section on PDAM 24 on Thaana script.
Action item: Mr. John Clews to do some research to get the contact names, mailing address, fax etc. in the Maldivian Ministry of Education and get the information to the convener.
Relevant resolution: M35.4 (PDAM-24 on Thaana)
6.7.8 -- Amendment 25 Khmer script
Input document:
N1835 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 25 - Khmer; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-27
Output document:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1835 contains the ballot results. The FPDAM was approved unanimously with 15 approval votes and none against.
Sweden and Israel comments - no actions needed.
The names used in the current draft were based on the ad hoc at the last meeting. Mr. Maurice Bauhahn was to revisit the names - based on transliteration. The comments are based on review done by the expert on the transliteration. Ireland suggests that we accept the comments.
Accept all proposed changes from Ireland.
USA comments:
Japan: Mr. Takayuki Sato:
Technical comment A is on the currency sign:
RIAL should be renamed RIAL SIGN. Japan also has a proposal document N1856 to move the character to the general currency sign block. This is a currency sign and is not part of the Khmer script. We can accept CAMBODIAN RIAL SIGN.
The second point that we make is to move the RIAL sign to the Currency block. We received the input regarding the Cambodian Currency sign from the Cambodian embassy in Japan.
Technical Comment B
This comment is based on feedback from vendors in Cambodia, and based on their feedback there are disagreements to the code chart. These comments have to be addressed too.
Disposition: Based on the explanation presented by Mr. Maurice Bauhahn (to be captured in the disposition of comments) Japanese questions have been answered and the negative vote will be reversed. Japanese comments were accepted in part: 17DB KHMER CURRENCY SYMBOL RIEL (comment A.1)
US Comment - the forms are always combining and therefore should be shown with a dotted circle. Accept the US comment -- marking positions 17C7 and 17C8 as combining.
Relevant resolution: M35.5 (PDAM-25 on Khmer)
6.7.9 -- Amendment 26 - Burmese
Input document:
N1836 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 26 - Burmese; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-27
Output document:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
See discussion under section "8.1.7 -- Burmese script" on page
*.6.7.10 -- Amendment 27 - Syriac
Input document:
N1837 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 27 - Syriac; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-27
Output document:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1837 contains the ballot response. 14 - 1 - 3 -- was the voting result. There were some comments also. The amendment is approved.
UK - negative - 3 characters should have SYRIAC in their names.
Ireland and US - have similar comments
List of combining characters should be added in the Annex B.
The words at 708 and 709 have names SUPRALINEAR COLON and SUBLINEAR COLON should be COLON SUPRALINEAR etc.; the words DOTTED are missing in 738 and 739.
Disposition: All comments have been accepted. The editor is to prepare a revised disposition of comments and text of FDAM-27 for further processing
Relevant resolution: M35.6 (FPDAM-27 on Syriac)
7.1 -- Editorial corrigenda - standing document
Input document:
N1796 10646-1 Second Edition, First draft text with editorial corrigenda; Paterson; 1998-06-01
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1796 was distributed earlier. It is the text part of 10646-1 together with all editorial corrections, and other changes in the text due to Amendments over the last four years. Several amendments add text to main body of the standard -- in clauses 1 through 26. Annexes A through N, which were in the first edition, and Annex P from TCOR.1. Any changes to the text arising out of additional amendments approved by the Japan meeting (M36) can be included. The document includes all amendments and corrigenda that have been already published by ITTF or are already approved and are in the pipeline for publication. All have been approved at SC 2 and JTC 1 level.
Action item: All national bodies and liaison organizations to review and inform Mr. Bruce Paterson of any errors or corrections on document N1796 before the next meeting -- deadline is end of December 1998.
Input document:
N1737 Updated Annex E post meeting 34; Simonsen; 1998-04-16
For information and use by WG 2 members. There was no discussion.
7.3 -- Next edition of 10646: content, format, responsibilities and schedule
After some discussion the following responsibilities were identified.
This only addresses the paper version not the electronic version.
7.4 --Procedures for character set registration
Input document:
N1839 US Recommendations regarding procedures for character set registration; NCITS/L2; 1998-08-25
Mr. Michel Suignard: Presented the US recommendations in document N1839. Recently a number of character registrations have been sent for review in SC 2. We discovered a number of errors in the registrations that were sent for review. Registrations should keep the characters as it was in the source publications. Mapping of these characters to 10646 should be subject to review. If the name of the character is the same and the glyph is the same, the mapping decisions may be simple. The registration probably should not be the place for mappings and mapping decisions should be with an oversight committee. In order to make the above happen, it is recommended to resurrect the Registration Advisory Group.
Disposition: Accept the document N1839 - forward it as recommendations to SC 2 for endorsement and forwarding to the Registration Authority for consideration and adoption.
Action item: Convener to forward document N1839 to SC 2.
Relevant resolution: M35.9 (Procedures for character set registration)
WG 2 accepts the recommendations from the US national body contained in document N1839, and instructs its convener to forward the document to SC 2 for endorsement and to the Registration Authority for consideration.
Input document:
1848 Unicode draft technical report - UTF-8 EBCDIC - NCITS/L2 - 98/257R; Uma; 1998-09-01
Dr. Umamaheswaran: Introduced the document UTF-8-EBCDIC. Outlined the basic problem and the solutions. The transformation is similar to UTF-8 in the standard and provides similar capabilities for EBCDIC platforms like UTF-8 provides for ASCII platforms. The intent is to make the final version of UTF-8 EBCDIC an informative annex of 10646 and also a part of the Unicode standard.
Action item: National bodies and liaison organizations are to review and feedback to Dr. Umamaheswaran on the document N1848.
N1873 Feedback on Zones concept ; Asmus Freytag; 1998-09-22
N1874 Defect Report on Zones terminology and layout; US/Unicode; 1998-09-22
N1875 Reverse Question Mark; US/Unicode; 1998-09-22
Dr. Asmus Freytag: Document N1873 contains an analysis of a number of issues regarding the current definitions of zones. Document N1874 is a defect report proposing how to fix the problems identified in document N1873. Since we have the roadmap document we do not need so called A- I- O- and R- zones in the standard. We will retain the Hi-Half and Lo-Half zones in the standard.
Disposition: Accept the defect report in N1874 along with the problem statement in N1873.
Relevant resolution: M35.10 (Defect report on Zones)
WG 2 accepts the defect report in document N1874 and instructs its project editor to prepare an editorial corrigendum to ISO/IEC 10646-1.
8 -- Repertoire issues - next edition
8.1.1 -- Repertoire additions Cumulative List 7
Input document:
N1791 Repertoire additions for 10646-1 Cumulative List 7; Paterson; 1998-06-08
Document N1791 consists of a cumulative list of repertoires since the first edition of 10646. Dr. Ken Whistler pointed out the allocation concerns related to CJK Ideographic radicals (marked with a ?? in document N1791). Mr. Bruce Paterson will be updating this document to reflect deliberations at this meeting.
8.1.2 -- Adding two Korean Bangjeom characters
Input document:
N1738 US Position of adding two Korean Bangjeom characters; US/Unicode Ken Whistler; 1998-04-24
Document N1738 is a contribution from the US in response to action item from meeting M34 in Redmond, WA. This is the outcome from the ad hoc in Redmond meeting on this topic. An explanatory note to Clause 24.1 is proposed.
Action item: Since Korea was not here, the convener is to check with Korea before accepting this.
8.1.3 -- Mongolian script an update
Input documents:
N1734 Comments on Mongolian proposal N 1711; Ken Whistler; 1998-03-20
N1865 US Position - Mongolian (N1711, N1734 and N1808); US; 1998-09-18
N1808 Response to N1734 on Mongolian; China; 1998-04-30
N1833 Feedback on Ken Whistler's comments (document N1734) on Mongolian; Richard Moore; 1998-05-04
Output document:
N1878 Report of ad hoc on Mongolian and working draft for proposed Amendment 29; Mongolia, China, UNU, U.S.; 1998-09-23
Dr. Ken Whistler: An ad hoc met Tuesday night. A written report is being prepared and will be distributed at this meeting. We believe that Mongolian script work item can progress to an FPDAM stage at the end of this meeting.
Action item: China and Mongolia are to send the true type font to the convener for printing the Amendment text and the next edition of the standard.
Disposition: Accept the Ad Hoc report and process as FPDAM.
Relevant resolution: M35.11 (Mongolian script)
WG 2 accepts the 155 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1878, and assigns them to code positions in the range 1800 to 18AF, and 3 following additional characters in the General Punctuation Block:
in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
- create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates:
WD 1998-09, FPDAM 1998-10, FDAM 1999-04 and AM 1999-07
- prepare registration request and FPDAM text, with assistance from China, Mongolia, and the contributing
editor (for the three additional characters)
forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing.
Input document:
N1756 Proposed Tibetan Extensions; Everson plus; 1998-05-27
N1864 Comments on N1756 - Tibetan Extensions; China; 1998-09-17
Several experts have discussed this topic on the email among themselves experts were from China, Ireland, UK, Russia, and US.
Relevant resolution M35.18 (PDAM on Tibetan Extension)
WG 2 accepts the 25 additional Tibetan characters, their shapes, and their names based on documents N1756, N1864, and N1880 and the discussion at meeting 35 - and assigns them to code positions in the range 0F00 to 0FFF, in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
- create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates:
- WD 1998-09, PDAM 1998-10, FPDAM 1999-04, FDAM 1999-08 and AM 1999-12
- prepare registration request and PDAM text, with assistance from China, and the contributing editor
and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing.
8.1.5 -- Proposed characters repertoire from TC 46
Input documents:
N1322 Proposal for addition of Latin characters for Livonian; Everson, Ruppel & Metra; 1995-11-01
N1741 Additional Latin characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1743 Additional Greek characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1744 Additional Cyrillic characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1745 Additional mathematical characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1746 Additional combining characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1747 Additional Contraction Marks TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1748 Additional signature mark characters TC 46 input; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1749 Additional Cantillation Marks; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1809 R Summary of Voting/Table of Replies Amendment 21 Sinhala SC 2 N 3124; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-07-02
N1812 Proposal to encode CROSS ACCENT; Mattias Ellert; 1998-05-21
N1817 Proposal to add the letter MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE APOSTROPHE to BMP; Trond Trosterud, Tapani Salminen, Michael Everson; 1998-08-11
N1838 Proposal to add the letters LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE; Mark Davis, Expert Contribution; 1998-09-02
N1840 Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4; NCITS/L2 and the Unicode Consortium; 1998-08-25
N1845 Additional IPA "disturbed speech" characters - in response to NCITS/L2; Everson; 1998-09-08
N1847 Response to NCITS/L2 on TC 46 Repertoire proposals; Everson; 1998-09-08
N1857 Addition of Tugrik sign - Mongolia Currency; Mongolia & Japan; 1998-09-21
N1882 Support for implementing Interlinear Annotations - Reference documents N1727 and N1861; US; 1998-09-23
N1886 Proposal to add "Conditional Space" or "Soft Space" based on input from Khmer expert; Maurice Bauhahn, expert contribution; 1998-09-24
N1887 Proposal to add 3 symbols; Asmus Freytag; 1998-09-24
N1888 Input on Livonian characters - reference document N1322; Standards Institute; 1998-09-24
Output document:
N1884R2 66 Additional characters - Bucket 35 - Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and others from a variety of sources including TC 46. This document was revised several times at the meeting in London by the ad hoc group at meeting 35; 1998-09-25
Dr. Ken Whistler: There was an ad hoc between Dr. Ken Whistler and Mr. Michael Everson. There is a set of characters that is not controversial. Some others are potentially for further discussion and the ad hoc has agreed to remove these from the proposal.
Discussion: -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35"
Dr. Ken Whistler presented document N1884 - the ad hoc report on "Bucket 35" (a number of characters from meeting 35). A whole series of documents were considered -- from TC 46, Cyrillic Sami and others. The characters could only be listed by hand writing. We have 10 Cyrillic Sami characters in the list to be added. A long list of characters is for further study requiring more information. There are two groups of characters to be added in two different parts of the report.
The revised document N1884R is a much cleaner version of document N1884. There are two parts to be discussed. The first part is TC 46 characters and the Cyrillic Sami characters. Description of this set is included here. The second part consists of all other contractions from document N1747. Livonian characters were not discussed at this meeting but we had taken a decision earlier (from document N1322). We have taken care of document N1817 (Nenets character), document N1812 (Swedish accent), document N1838 (character required for binary normalization completion), document N1857 - Tugrik sign, and document N1845 - IPA characters for disturbed speech. The four Sinhalese letters from document N1809R for writing Tamil have been incorporated into the disposition of comments and will be processed as part of the Sinhala amendment.
Document N1886 - sub-space, document N1882 - Interlinear annotation, document N1887 (Three symbols from Dr. Asmus Freytag) -- will also be considered. Another revision of document N1884 will be done. Reference document N1847 for the best summary of a number of documents. Documents N1741, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 are summarized in 1885.
Disposition: Accept the set of characters in first part recommended by the Ad Hoc (minus the two Greek OU characters). FPDAM is desired.
There was an action item on Mr. Metra to give some answers to questions for clarification. There is a fax in response from Mr. Metra. Document N1888 contains the response from Mr. Metra.
Disposition: Accept Livonian characters from document N1322 (refer also to document N1888) - CONDITIONAL SPACE soft space for scripts such as Khmer
Mr. Michel Suignard: Introduced the document N1886 containing a proposal for a single character "CONDITIONAL SPACE" (instead of SOFT SPACE), a contribution from Mr. Maurice Bauhahn. He explained the need for a special kind of space to represent inter-word spaces in languages like Khmer. The Khmer script is using x204F - SOFT SPACE. - Three new symbols - SQUARE FOOT, SQUARE INCH, and PROPERTY LINE
Dr. Asmus Freytag: There are common uses of Square Foot, Square Inch and Property Line symbols. I have seen them on signboards. Property line symbols are used in marking boundaries. Document N1887 proposes to add these three symbols.
Disposition: Mr. Mike Ksar - We will put these three characters on HOLD till we get more documentation.
Action item: Dr. Asmus Freytag to provide more information on use of these symbols. - Greek Drachma currency sign
Mr. Evangelos Melagrakis: The Drachma Sign is being considered for proposing to be included in 10646. Will be examining the 10646 character set for any missing Greek characters -- likely 3 or 4 combinations in the extended Greek set only if the national body decides that these are valid for inclusion. Issue of Combining Characters --will be examined to ensure that correct correspondence between existing fully combined characters elsewhere and combining characters in the standard would be possible. CD on ISO/IEC 8859-7 will have the Drachma Sign (and the Euro Sign).
Relevant resolution: M35.12 (Additional Latin and other characters)
WG 2 accepts the 66 additional Latin and other characters, their code positions and names as listed in document N1884R2, and their shapes (from the appropriate source documents), for encoding in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
- create a new sub division proposal, with the following target dates:
WD 1998-09, FPDAM 1998-10, FDAM 1999-04 and AM 1999-07
- prepare registration request and FPDAM text, with assistance from the contributing editor, and
forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing.
8.1.6 -- Yi Script PDAM 14
Input documents:
N1774 PDAM Amendment 14 Yi Syllables & Yi Radicals SC 2 N 3083; Paterson; 1998-04-15
N1814 Revised Proposal for Yi Characters & Yi Radicals; China; 1998-07-26
N1821 Summary of Voting on PDAM 14 - Yi Syllables and Yi Radicals; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-05
N1831 PDAM14 - Yi Script - cover letter and N1831Yi.pdf; SC 2 Secretariat; Paterson; 1998-04-15
N1863 Explanation of N1814 - Yi; China; 1998-08-16
Output document:
N1890 Ad hoc Report on Yi - Amendment 14; Ad hoc at meeting 35; 1998-09-23
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Document N1821 contains the ballot responses on PDAM 14 -- 13 approvals with a few comments and 3 disapproval votes - from China, Ireland and US.
Irish comment is concerned with the sequence of characters.
The document that was sent out for ballot was based on the Heraklion resolution or agreement.
There are some errors in names and errors in the order.
Corrected proposal from China is document N1814. I invite other Yi experts to review the Chinese input.
Irish 2nd technical comment is on the Yi Radicals.
The proposal is to add some 4 missing radicals. The proposed code table follows the Burke's order inserting these in the code table.
There are other comments from Canada, Israel etc., which are not major.
Japan wants to identify the sources for the scripts in Annex L.
From Amendments 10 through 27 we have failed to include the sources. A specific amendment should be made to Annex L to include the source documents be included. This is a very good point brought up by Japan.
UK's comment is accepted by the correction of the errors.
True type font is available - Mr. Michael Everson has it and will make it available to Dr. Asmus Freytag.
Ad Hoc report: Ad hoc has reached an agreement. A report will be prepared and it will be part of the disposition of comments. Ireland's tech comment 1 is accepted. China has agreed. Tech comment 2 of Ireland - partially accepted. Chinese document has some items that needed fixing also. Document N1890 containing the ad hoc report was prepared and circulated before the end of the meeting.
Disposition: The editor will prepare DOC. Prepare the FPDAM text. There will be no change in schedule. China to assist the editor in cooperation with Mr. Michael Everson.
Action item: National bodies are invited to provide the sources for the scripts from Amendments 10 through 27.
Relevant resolution: M35.13 (PDAM-14 on Yi script)
WG 2 instructs its project editor to prepare the disposition of comments based on the agreements at meeting 35 as summarized in document N1890, and the final text of FPDAM-14 with assistance from China and the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
Input documents:
N1792 Comment on Proposal for Burmese Script N1729; Hugh McG. Ross; 1998-06-04
N1815 Myanmar Character Code in ISAO 10646 (Burmese); Myanmar IT Standardization Committee; 1998-07-22
N1836 Summary of Voting/Table of Replies - Amendment 26 - Burmese; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-08-27
Output documents:
N1841R Updated disposition of comments - Amendments 21 (Sinhala), 24 (Thaana), 25 (Khmer), 26 (Burmese), and 27 (Syriac) - replaces N1841 dated 1998-09-02; Paterson; 1998-09-24
N1883R2 Myanmar (Burmese) ad hoc Report and proposed disposition of comments on amendment 26. This document was revised twice at the meeting. Ad hoc at meeting 35; 1998-09-25
Document N1836 contains the table of replies and summary of responses on PDAM 26 on Burmese script. An ad hoc on Burmese script met on Monday afternoon. Mr. Michael Everson has prepared document N1883. This report consists of point by point disposition of comments. A Myanmar delegate presented document N1883. The script has been grouped into Myanmar character set and Myanmar extended character set.
(Note: My apologies to the Myanmar delegation for not having captured the name of the individual delegate who spoke during the discussion below, wherever I have indicated as "Myanmar delegate" -- Umamaheswaran.)
A revised ad hoc report was prepared (document N1883R) and presented by Dr. Ken Whistler. He explained the organization of the new report. Change the collection number for EXTENDED MYANMAR to 90 (from 89). A single Block Name - MYANMAR and two specific collections are proposed. The ad hoc has met after document N1883R was produced. There is one more technical change -- characters 104C through 104F will be reordered reflecting the agreement in the ad hoc. This change will be documented and provided to the editor in a revised document. Also, on page 7 - change XXXX MUY MUERDO to 266F MUSIC SHARP SIGN. All the experts in the ad hoc have reviewed and reached a consensus at this meeting.
As to the ballot comments:
The disposition of comments was reviewed.
Accept the ad hoc report document N1883R with further identified changes (see document N1883R2 that was distributed later at the meeting). Code tables should be sent to the editor as soon as possible -- we prefer to get these documents in the hands of SC 2 by middle October 1998, to be in time to finish all the ballots by March 99. We can process the amendment as an FPDAM. The name of the script will be changed from Burmese script to Myanmar script.
Mr. Michael Everson: As the contributing editor most of these documents are already in electronic form. The FPDAM text can be prepared very quickly.
Relevant resolution: M35.14 (PDAM-26 on Myanmar / Burmese)
WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N1883R2, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final disposition of comments and the final text of FPDAM-26 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates.
8.1.8 -- Collections from CEN TC 304
Input document:
N1881 Request for Collection Identifiers for European Repertoires; Finland & Ireland; 1998-09-22
Mr. Michael Everson: CEN ISSS is working on Multilingual European Subsets (MES) definitions. Three sub repertoires of 10646 are proposed as candidates for inclusion in Annex A of 10646. Draft versions are included - subject to finalization by CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) in the near future. The request is for 2 fixed and 2 open collections.
Disposition: WG 2 notes the contribution. No action is needed.
8.2.1 -- Mapping of Electro-Technical symbols
Input document:
N1818 Electro-Technical Symbols - Mapping between IEC 617/P1289 and 10646; Hugh McG Ross, U.K.; 1998-08-14
Mr. Hugh Ross: This contribution is to assist the work of IEC. The set of Electrotechnical symbols is widely scattered in our standard and users will need assistance. The names used in the standard are more general than the names used by the user community. I was attempting to do a mapping. There are several characters from the standard could be mapped ONE of their symbols etc. They look the same. Some queries came up during this work -- identified as notes in the contribution. Other experts are requested to assist. In several cases, the glyphs we are using in the standard, several of these could be improved from the Version 1 of the standard in our next edition. The IEC contact we have is a convener of a SC -- from Munich, Germany.
Action item: National bodies and liaison experts of WG 2 are to review and comment to Mr. Hugh Ross, copying the convener and the editor. Mr. Hugh Ross can approach IEC to ask them to include similar mapping information in their standards.
8.2.2 -- Proposal to add Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe
Input document:
N1817 Proposal to add the letter MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE APOSTROPHE to BMP; Trond Trosterud, Tapani Salminen, Michael Everson; 1998-08-11
Dr. Ken Whistler: This proposal made by Ireland is for a "single modifier letter double apostrophe". This is used in an orthography that has no digraphs in the script. The ad hoc on the TC 46 reached consensus on this. The rationale is provided in document N1817.
Accept the proposed character. Process it as part of the Bucket 35 (see section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35""on page *).8.2.3 -- Proposal to add Latin A with Dot Above
Input document:
N1838 Proposal to add the letters LATIN SMALL/CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOT ABOVE; Mark Davis, Expert Contribution; 1998-09-02
Dr. Ken Whistler: This document is a contribution from Mark Davis, Unicode Consortium. This is a first of a number of documents - which can be included in the set of characters being addressed by the ad hoc on TC 46 characters. The request is for four "binary completion letters" to the BMP -- a and A dot above, and e and E with Cedilla. There are some fully composed forms with these as components in them. Failure to encode them causes technical difficulties in the composition algorithms. The composition algorithms will be widely used in the World Wide Web.
Action item: Mr. Klaas Ruppel will provide additional explanation of the use of "A with Dot Above" to supplement document N1838.
Accept the characters, proposed glyphs and proposed names. Process it as part of the Bucket 35 (see section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35""on page
*).8.2.4 -- Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sami characters
Input document:
N1813 Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sami characters; NTS, Norway; 1998-06-09
Dr. Ken Whistler: The consensus was to accept these in the ad hoc group (on Bucket 35).
Disposition: Accept the 10 Cyrillic Sami characters for encoding. Process it as part of Bucket 35 (see section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35""on page
*).8.2.5 -- Proposal to encode CROSS ACCENT
Input document:
N1812 Proposal to encode CROSS ACCENT; Mattias Ellert; 1998-05-21
This contribution was discussed in the ad hoc group on Bucket 35. The ad hoc's recommendation is --
Cross Accent should be added to the Spacing Modifier Letters block -at U+02DF.
Disposition: Accept the single character for further processing. Process it as part of the Bucket 35 (see section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35" "on page
*).8.2.6 -- Additional Cantillation Marks
See discussion in section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35"" on page
*8.2.7 -- Philippines repertoire
Input document:
N1755 Philippines repertoire; Everson; 1998-05-27
There was no discussion. Carried forward to next meeting.
Action item: National bodies to review and feedback on documents N1755 on Philippines repertoire.
Input document:
N1757 Encoding the Tifinagh script; Everson; 1998-05-27
There was no discussion. Carried forward to next meeting.
Action item: National bodies to review and feedback on documents N1757 on Tifinagh script.
8.2.9 -- Old Hungarian rovásírás
Input document:
N1758 Encoding the Old Hungarian rovásírás; Everson; 1998-05-27
Mr. Michael Everson: Document N1686 was the original document. There is an active discussion of the subject in two different interest groups. They have settled on an 8-bit standard -- base and ligatures. They have indicated that ligatures themselves should go into 10646 - I have discouraged them. There is also debate on whether these should be RTL or LTR. Modern computer users think that it should be LTR but there is another group for RTL. They are awaiting the recommendation from WG 2. I recommended to them RTL - traditional way. Use of Directional Overrides is known. There are a large number of Internet sites using this script -- just like Ogham and Runic. The script will require 3 columns and there is room in the RTL area.
Action item: Mr. Michael Everson is invited to take the comments and prepare a revised contribution. The document is not ready for processing at this time.
8.2.10 -- Additional IPA characters
Input documents:
N1742 Additional IPA characters; Everson; 1998-05-25
N1845 Additional IPA "disturbed speech" characters - in response to NCITS/L2; Everson; 1998-09-08
Dr. Ken Whistler: The number of IPA characters from document N1845 has been pared down by the ad hoc committee- by taking into account unification, and other ways to represent them. 5 IPA letters, 2 modifier letters and 11 combining marks. 0362 is a character with a mark that extends over to the next character.
See discussion in section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35"" on page
*.8.2.11 -- Hebrew Tetragrammaton
Input documents:
N1740 Hebrew Tetragrammaton; Everson; 1998-05-07
N1807 Israeli Response to the Tetragrammaton Proposal N1740; SII; 1998-07-07
No discussion carried forward to next meeting.
Action item: National bodies to review and feedback on documents N1740 and N1807 on Hebrew Tetragrammaton.
8.2.12 -- Proposal for Ethiopic extensions
Input document:
N1846 Proposal to Encode Ethiopic Extensions; Ethiopian Quality & Standards Authority, Ethiopian Science & Technology Commission and the Ethiopian Computer Standards Association; 1998-09-08
No discussion carried forward to next meeting.
Action item: National bodies to review and feedback on documents N1846 on Ethiopic extensions.
8.2.13 -- Three currency signs
Input documents:
N1856 Addition of Rial Sign - Khmer Currency; Japan; 1998-09-21
N1857 Addition of Tugrik sign - Mongolia Currency; Mongolia & Japan; 1998-09-21
N1858 Addition of Peso sign - Philippine Currency; Philippines & Japan; 1998-09-21
Action item: Japan is to provide more information on the Peso currency sign proposed in document N1858.
8.2.14 -- 2 Philippines Latin characters
Input document:
N1859 Addition of Latin Ng and ng; Philippines & Japan; 1998-09-21
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Phillipino language requires n and g together as a single letter. Sequence of characters "ng" is required.
Action item: Mr. Takayuki Sato to provide more information on the usage of and the need for "ng" in light of the above discussion.
Input documents:
N1861 Ruby markers; Japan; 1998-09-21
N1882 Support for implementing Interlinear Annotations - Reference documents N1727 and N1861; US; 1998-09-23
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Document N1861 contains the review comments from Japan on document N1727. In the context of Ruby the solution in document N1727 should be OK. For the general case of inter-linear annotation the proposal is not adequate. Japan is of the view that we have to make a choice of narrowing the scope to Ruby only or expand the scope for general interlinear annotation. Items from document N1882 were pointed out. document N1882 is an updated document N1727 addressing some of the Japanese comments.
Accept these characters for encoding in the standard. See document N1882. Process these characters as part of the Bucket 35 (see section " -- Ad Hoc Report on "Bucket 35""on page
*).9 -- Repertoire issues - 10646 part 2
9.1 -- First working draft of 10646-2
Input documents:
N1765 Updated Scope of 10646-2 SC 2 N 3058; Suignard; 1998-04-10
N1767 First WD 10646 part 2 CJK Supplementary plane, General Scripts and Symbols Plane, General Purpose Plane (14); Suignard; 1998-04-10
N1820 National Body Comments on SC 2 N 3068 - First Working Draft for 10646-2; National Body of Japan; 1998-07-31
Comments on Part 1 from Japan:
We discussed the issue of non-graphic characters (see section "6.3 -- Japan's proposed modifications to the SC 2 program of work" on page *). It seems the best way at this time is to remove the concept of non-graphic characters altogether. One way is to define these as a subset of graphic characters. A negative description of plane 14 characters could be used.
Action item: Editor of Part 2 to take note of the comments in the preparation of the next Working Draft of part 2.
9.2 -- Old Mongolian (Soyombo script)
Input document:
N1855 Addition of Soyombo script; Mongolia & Japan; 1998-09-21
Additional information and relationship with Mongolian proposal in the BMP should also be considered.
Action item: Mr. Takayuki Sato to provide additional information.
Input document:
N1866 Encoding Blissymbolics - Plane 1; Everson; 1998-09-10
Mr. Michael Everson introduced the Blissymbolics proposal in document N1866. He gave an introduction, background and the methodology of encoding. Technical issue - there are arrows / pointers used in different locations, different orientations etc. indicating different words. Potential encoding problems in a general-purpose way.
Input documents:
N1782 Clause X Ideographic Description Sequence (IDS) IRG N575; IRG; 1998-05-06
N1784 IRG Meeting 11 Resolutions IRG N570; IRG; 1998-05-06
N1842 Proposed text for a Draft for amendment 28 - Ideographic Description Sequences; IRG; 1998-06-03
N1867 Report of IRG Editorial Meeting # 11; IRG; 1998-08-06
N1868 Summary of proposed sources for stage 2 of plane 2; IRG; 1998-05-14
N1870 CJK - Extension B - working draft - few pages only out of a very large document (approximately 40K ideographs); IRG; 1998-09-16
N1871 Super CJK - version 4.0; IRG; 1998-09-16
Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, the IRG rapporteur, presented various IRG documents, discussed under the next few sections.
10.1 -- IRG resolutions meeting # 11
Input document:
N1784 IRG Meeting 11 Resolutions IRG N570; IRG; 1998-05-06
Disposition: Mr. Mike Ksar: Per current ISO resolutions, since Hong Kong is part of China - they can be part of the Chinese delegation.
Disposition: Accept current IRG Meeting schedule.(per IRG M11.12 - in document N1784).
Appreciation: WG 2 thanks the IRG experts for participating in IRG.
Document N1867 - Report of IRG Editorial Meeting # 11-1 is for information.
10.2 -- Printing format for CJK characters in R-zone
Input documents:
N1784 IRG Meeting 11 Resolutions IRG N570; IRG; 1998-05-06
N1867 Report of IRG Editorial Meeting # 11; IRG; 1998-08-06
N1868 Summary of proposed sources for stage 2 of plane 2; IRG; 1998-05-14
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Reference resolution IRG M11.9 in document N1784 Two characters were removed from the Extension A because these were in R-zone. Their source information has been lost.
Action item: Mr. Michel Suignard to send the proposed text for Annex P for the two ideographic characters in the R-zone (corresponding to the two that were removed from the earlier
Extension A proposal) by 1st week of Nov 98.Two month ballot for FDAM 17 is scheduled (unchanged from earlier) before 1st of July 99. Amendment 17 dates are 07/98 (FPDAM) and 01/99 (FDAM) and 03/99 (AM). The schedule is unchanged - at the hands of SC 2 secretariat by January 1999. Mr. Bruce Paterson will edit the text part of Amendment 17.
10.3 -- Ideographic description sequences
Input documents:
N1782 Clause X Ideographic Description Sequence (IDS) IRG N575; IRG; 1998-05-06
N1842 Proposed text for a Draft for amendment 28 - Ideographic Description Sequences; IRG; 1998-06-03
Document N1842 is in response to an action item on the IRG. Document N1842 contains the working draft to create PDAM or FPDAM. WG 2 is to consider this document for suitability Document N1842 is edited version of document N1782 (clause X) provided by Mr. Bruce Paterson to Mr. Zhang Zhoucai.
Accept the draft in document N1842, a new block starting at 2FF0 instead of starting at 31C0, with names improved by discussion between IRG and Dr. Ken Whistler. The set is called Ideographic Description Characters. Instruct the project editor to create PDAM-28 text and submit for further processing. (pending resolution of names)Relevant resolution: M35.16 (PDAM-28 - Ideographic Description Characters)
WG 2 accepts the 12 characters, their shapes, and their names in document N1842R, and assigns them to code positions in the range 2FF0 to 2FFF in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from China and the contributing editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates.
10.4 -- Amendment 15 - KangXi Radicals
Input documents:
N1783 Replaced by N1868 on 1998-09-21 - PDAM 15 - KangXi radicals and ideographic radicals supplement; IRG; 1998-05-06
N1869 Working Draft for PDAM 15 - KangXi Radicals & CJK Radicals Supplement - replaces N1783; IRG; 1998-09-21
Document N1869 replaces document N1783 and is the proposed PDAM text for Amendment 15.
Mr. Bruce Paterson: In Singapore meeting WG 2 accepted in principle the KangXi radicals - in row 2F (3/4th of a row). Also a small set of CJK radicals were accepted - could fit at that time at the end of row 2F. In Crete meeting, WG 2 agreed to increase the number of CJK radicals - requiring 8 columns (not enough space at the end of row 2F). It cannot overflow at the end of row 2F. WG 2 failed to make a recommendation on the overflow. As editor, I made the decision to start the CJK Radicals Supplement at row 2E.
This draft PDAM is self-consistent internally.
(Note: Ideographic Description Characters were moved to 2FF0 from 31C0 see section "10.3 -- Ideographic description sequences" on page
*.)Disposition: Accept the draft in document N1869 with changes - change the starting positions for CJK supplement; correct the spelling errors in Table for CJK supplement. Process as FPDAM.
Relevant resolution: M35.17 (PDAM-15 - KangXi radicals)
WG 2 accepts the working draft in document N1869, with corrected names and moving the starting point of the CJK Radicals Supplement to 2E80 from 2E00. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from TCA, China and the IRG project editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates.
10.5 -- CJK Extension B for plane 2
Input document:
N1870 CJK - Extension B - working draft - few pages only out of a very large document (approximately 40K ideographs); IRG; 1998-09-16
N1871 Super CJK - version 4.0; IRG; 1998-09-16
Mr. Zhang Zhoucai: We have collected all the CJK characters including BMP, Extension A and Extension B procedures etc. and have collected as Super CJK in document N1871. This is an internal IRG document for cross checking and unification etc. It is used as the basis for Extension B work.
Format becomes important in the context for all the CJK Extension B etc. The lack of fonts prevents us from following the five-column format. At this time we have only one column format using a single set of glyphs. There is lack of resources -- fonts, expertise etc. Due to the heavy burden on creating the five columns we would like to discuss it at this WG 2.
Action item: IRG to review the schedule with editor of Part 2 -- should be synchronized with Part 2 plan in SC 2 Program of work.
Relevant resolution: M35.15 (IRG - Extension B Format)
With reference to IRG resolution M11.5 in document N1870, WG 2 expresses its preferred format for CJK Unified Ideographs, Extension B, to be:
Input document:
N1806 Defect Report on AMD 5 Hangul Syllables with Editors response; Kim (Korea) & Paterson; 1998-07-08
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Amendment 5 was sent to ITTF about a year ago. The camera-ready copy (CRC) came from Korea when our Korean expert (Professor Kim) was in the UK. When the second version of CRC came out - we were considerably behind schedule and rather than waiting another 6 months for the corrected version we went ahead and published the amendment. The defect arose because of an error on one of the elemental names and algorithmic generation of the names. Document N1806 proposes fixes to these defects.
Disposition: The convener to check with Korea national body on whether they have a problem of removing the long list of the names. National bodies to take a position on this approach and feedback their opinion - on whether they will have any objection to replacing the long list of names with a specification of how to arrive at the long list of names from the names of components.
Action items: Convener to forward to Korea for comment. National bodies and liaison organizations to review and invited to express their position on the approach of replacing long names with an equivalent algorithm.
Input documents:
N1739 Defect Report on AMD 6 Tibetan; Paterson; 1998-05-06
N1756 Proposed Tibetan Extensions; Everson plus; 1998-05-27
Mr. Bruce Paterson: Defect report is on Tibetan Amendment 6, which was published a few months ago. The list of characters in the Annex E - alphabetically sorted names had some characters, which were not the same as what was in the main body of the document. Since we are in the process of producing a new Amendment on extended Tibetan and the list of characters produced therein will replace the contents of Amendment 6, we could drop the defect report.
Disposition: Working draft on Tibetan Extension in document N1756 replaces the Annex E of Amendment 6 and removes the defect.
Dr. Asmus Freytag: The Unicode consortium is always interested in maintaining synchronization between 10646 and Unicode, in repertoire and other editorial aspects also. We have been working with the editor on a number of editorial alignment items. In terms of the production of the charts - we will reach complete synchronization this time around -- we will use the same names, the same character positions and the same glyphs between the two standards. The Unicode editorial group is interested in getting the kind of feedback required such as Ireland's input to us. In switching over to a combined production process, we may introduce some editorial changes to the 10646 document. We will first prioritize on areas of potential misinterpretation etc. towards minimizing the other minor differences.
12.2 -- AFII - Review sample charts
Input document:
N1810 Sample charts and name lists for next edition of 10646; AFII; 1998-07-15
Dr. Asmus Freytag: AFII has produced a review copy of the code tables. The binder has been made available for review. I have not had any feedback from anyone except the Irish national body. We are using a custom built tool to layout the code charts. Some items of formatting are programs and any changes would involve program changes. The more massive changes should be brought forward sooner to our attention. Time is of essence. Since document N1810 has been distributed a number of improvements have been made.
Mr. Mike Ksar: I am stressing the point that national bodies and liaison organization should look at document N1810 as samples. The full set of code tables have been made available for viewing / commenting. If you have specific requests contact Dr. Asmus Freytag.
Action item: Delegates attending the meeting are encouraged to review the copy of the code tables and feedback to Dr. Asmus Freytag. National bodies and liaison organizations to review and feedback on the sample charts and name lists for next edition of 10646; in document N1810
12.3 -- ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics)
12.3.1 Request for liaison from ISO/TC 211
Input document:
N1828 Request for Establishment of Liaison between ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information/Geomatics) & SC 2; SC 2 Secretariat; 1998-07-06
Relevant resolution M35.19 (TC 211 liaison)
In response to the liaison request from ISO/TC 211 in document N1828, WG 2 informs SC 2 that it has no objection to and welcomes the establishment of liaison relationship from ISO/TC 211 to JTC 1/SC 2.
12.3.2 Discussion with TC 211 experts in Japan
Input document:
N1860 Report of discussion with Japanese ISO/TC 211; Japan; 1998-07-27
Mr. Takayuki Sato: Presented his report on his discussion with TC 211 Japanese experts. The pyramid concept in the report is gone from TC 211.
13.1 -- Review of WG 2 web site and process
Mr. Mike Ksar: Some improvements can be made - by archiving some of the documents. Feedback can be sent to Mr. Keld Simonsen. Whatever documents we have generated and if we have soft copy -- please send these electronically to Mr. Keld Simonsen for placing them on the WG 2 web site. Old documents are only in paper form. Any WG 2 Numbered Document is candidate -- Word 6, plain text or PDF files can be sent to Mr. Keld Simonsen.
Action item: National body and Liaison Organizations to take note.
13.2 -- Principles and Procedures Document
Input document:
N1502 (Standing Document) Principles & Procedures of WG 2; Sven Thygesen; 1997-01-24
13.2.1 New Annex D of Principles and Procedures document
Input document:
N1876 Proposed replacement text for Annex D of N1502, Principles and Procedures document; Uma + ad hoc; 1998-09-20
Dr. Umamaheswaran presented document N1876 containing the replacement for Annex D in the Principles and Procedures document N1502.
Action item: Dr. Umamaheswaran to update the principles and procedures document taking into account the feedback at this meeting.
13.2.2 New Annex on Request for Collection Identifiers
Input document:
N1877 New Annex in Principles and Procedures document N1502 - Request for Collection Identifiers; Uma; 1998-09-20
Action items: The ad hoc to enhance the document addressing:
13.3 -- Future Meetings Review and Confirm
Next meeting was to be in Japan March 15--24, 98. There is also Internationalization and Unicode Conference (IUC), March 20-22, 1999 (in Boston) and many of the WG 2 experts are presenting. There is a potential conflict with the SC 2 meeting dates and a misunderstanding on the location. There is a proposal from Japan to move the meeting either starting March 29 or to 11th of April. It may conflict with Easter holidays, and the Greek Orthodox Easter. There are also some Jewish holidays during that time. We have to consider some of these holidays. The second possible date was to start March 1st. There is a third date possible -- 12 April (week after Easter). Delegates are to think about the possible dates and feedback during the meeting.
The meeting location has been changed to Fukuoka from Tokyo -- need to take different flight arrangements than direct flight to Tokyo or Osaka etc. There are 2 direct flights from Tokyo, 8 flights from (Kansai) Osaka. Mr. Evangelos Melagrakis has to be contacted for WG 3 meeting coordination -- before we can get back to Ms. Kimura, SC 2 secretary. If the date is not confirmed - there is possibly some penalty to pay to the meeting location by Japanese national body. SC 2 plenary is the week following WG 2. There is a 19 April 99 CEN TC 304 meeting in Tübingen, Germany.
Mr. Michael Everson: Logistically - is it less expensive in Fukuoka. Internal flights may be expensive.
Recommendation is for April 19 --28, 1998 -- will be suggested to Kimura san, otherwise March 15--24, 1998. Another alternative was to arrange for 8 March 99 (week before the current schedule).
Dr. Ken Whistler: Redmond is offered as a backup location if Fukuoka. If the conflict of dates cannot be resolved, we will stick with original date of March 15, 1999.
Mr. Mike Ksar: We have sent out an email to Kimura san about the next meeting. Proposed date is March 8--13, 1999, for WG 2, with WG3 and SC 2.meetings following WG 2 meeting. The location is Fukuoka with Denmark as the backup.
Mr. Mike Ksar: We have received from Ms. Kimura that dates are confirmed starting on Tuesday, March 9, 1998 instead of Monday the 8th. The series of meetings will end on following Thursday, March 18 (if WG 3 also meets). The next WG 2 meeting will be during the week of September 20--25 in Copenhagen (with US as backup).
Relevant resolution: M35.20 (Future meetings)
WG 2 confirms the following future meeting schedule:
WG 2 accepts and confirms the following IRG future meeting schedule:
14.1 -- Approval of Resolutions of Meeting 35
Output document:
N1904R WG 2 resolutions of meeting 35 - London; WG 2; 1998-09-25
A drafting committee with participation from Messrs. Bruce Paterson, Mike Ksar, Michel Suignard and Umamaheswaran, drafted the resolutions. These were presented as document N1904draft and were discussed on Friday morning.
Comments during the review of the draft resolutions and acceptance of the final resolutions:
Mr. Johan van Wingen - Would like to see that we include the text in document N1789R - inside the resolution.
Mr. Mike Ksar: We will modify 1789R to include all the four characters and attach the document to the set of resolutions to SC 2.
Mr. Michael Everson: Make the necessarily editing changes.
Dr. Ken Whistler: Inconsistency between Sinhala - does not mention explicit addition of 4 characters - and the next resolution M35.3.
Mr. Mike Ksar: We will delete the character addition in M35.3. Document N1842R will be prepared including the corrections for agreed upon names.
Action item: Convener - action item to contact ITTF regarding possibly holding back the publication of FDAM-17 on CJK Extension A in view of the 2nd edition.
Correction from PDAM 14 to PDAM 26 in document N1884R2
Correction to name in document N1883R2 - typo
Dr. Ken Whistler - I had an action item on checking the names
Dr. Asmus Freytag: I would like to extend an Open invitation to attend the Unicode Technical Committee meeting - Dec 2--4 1998.
Ms. Joan Aliprand: As the chair of the UTC, I would endorse the invitation and any one requiring visas etc should contact the Unicode offices -- see their web site for details.
Relevant resolution: M35.21 (Appreciation to the host)
WG 2 thanks and its host, the British Standards Institution, and its staff, especially Miss. Bernadette Shine, for hosting the meeting, and for providing excellent secretarial and administrative support. WG 2 further extends its thanks to members of the UK national committee for JTC 1/SC 2, especially Mr. Bruce Paterson, Philips Research Laboratories and Reuters International, for their kind hospitality.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 h on Friday, 1998-09-25.
15 -- Cumulative list of action items
WG 2 experts, national bodies and liaison organizations are encouraged to verify the action items against the final list given below and inform the convener Mr. Mike Ksar, and the recording secretary, Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran of completions with the relevant document numbers and of any corrections.15.1 -- Action items from previous WG 2 meetings -- Meetings no. 25 to 31
All the action items from meeting 25, Antalya, Turkey, meeting 26, San Francisco, CA, USA, meeting 27, Geneva, Switzerland, meeting 28, Helsinki, Finland, meeting 29, Tokyo, Japan, meeting 30, Copenhagen, Denmark, and meeting 31, Québec City, Canada, have been either completed or dropped
15.2 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 32, Singapore
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 32 Resolutions in document N1504 and Unconfirmed Meeting 32 minutes in document N1503 -with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1603.) |
Status |
AI-32-6 |
US member body (Messrs. Michel Suignard, John Jenkins) |
b |
Mr. John Jenkins, is invited to prepare the draft text on the Deseret script (in document N1498) in a form suitable for inclusion in the future ISO/IEC 10646-Part 2. M33, M34 and M35: in progress. |
M35: In progress. |
15.3 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 33 Resolutions in document N1604 and Unconfirmed Meeting 33 minutes in document N1603 with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1703.) |
Status |
AI-33-8 |
Korean member body (Professor Kyongsok Kim) |
b |
is invited to submit a proposal summary form to cover requests for Gugyeol characters (original requests in document N936) with possible updates to these documents and submit to WG 2 for consideration at meeting 34. M34 and M35: In progress. |
M35: In progress. |
15.4 -- Outstanding action items from meeting 34, Redmond, WA, USA
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 34 Resolutions in document N1704R and Unconfirmed Meeting 34 minutes in document N1703 - with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1903.) |
Status |
AI-34-2 |
Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar |
b |
to set up an ad hoc group of interested experts, along with the editor, to consider and recommend the format for the next edition of 10646-1. |
M35: In progress. |
c |
to monitor the progress of the ITTF electronic publication of 10646 on the web - the web edition, to ensure that all the approved amendments are included; and to bring this matter to the attention of SC 2 also. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-3 |
Editor of 10646-1: Mr. Bruce Paterson |
to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, collection of editorial text for the next edition, corrigendum text, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following: |
a |
RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model): ... ... WG 2 further instructs its project editors for ISO/IEC 10646 Part 1 and Part 2 to add TR 15285 as a reference to the next edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1 and to the WD of ISO/IEC 10646-2. M34: It was clarified that the reference should be listed under the non-normative bibliography section. M35: It was clarified that the reference could be included under the annex on "sources for scripts". |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-4 |
Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard |
to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2: |
a |
RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model): ... ... WG 2 further instructs its project editors for ISO/IEC 10646 Part 1 and Part 2 to add TR 15285 as a reference to the next edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1 and to the WD of ISO/IEC 10646-2. |
M35: In progress. |
b |
RESOLUTION M34.14 (Characters for inclusion in WD of Part 2): WG 2 accepts the following: Plane 14 Characters for Language Tags according to document N1670. ETRUSCAN script in the range Plane 1 0200 to 022F, in accordance with document N1580. GOTHIC script in the range Plane 1 0230 to 024F, in accordance with document N1581, with the last three characters in that document deleted from the repertoire. WESTERN MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the range Plane 1 D100 to D1FF, starting at D103, in accordance with document N1693. and instructs its project editor to include the above accepted characters in the working draft of 10646-2. |
M35: In progress. |
c |
to update the working draft in document 1717 - accommodating the various comments during meeting 34, and to draft some text for inclusion in Part 1 referring to the architectural statements that need to be included in Part 1. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
RESOLUTION M34.18 (Collection Identifiers in Parts 1 and 2): WG 2 accepts the recommendations of the ad hoc on collection identifiers in document N1726, and instructs the ad hoc on Principles and Procedures to include these in the Principles and Procedures document (N1502R). WG 2 further instructs its project editors to take note of these recommendations for adoption in Parts 1 and Part 2. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-7 |
Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran) |
to update the standing document on Principle and Procedures per following: |
d |
based on input received on document N1724 - Formal Criteria for Dis-Unification, prepare draft text (with assistance from the Unicode Consortium - Dr. Asmus Freytag ) for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: In progress. |
e |
based on input received on document N1725 on Formal Criteria for Coding Pre-Composed Characters. prepare draft text (with assistance from the authors - Dr. Ken Whistler and Dr. Asmus Freytag ) for inclusion in Principles and Procedures document. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-10 |
The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag, and some US experts) |
c |
is requested to work with the American Mathematical Society, examine the proposal in document N1716 - Math Symbols, refine the proposals and draft (jointly with the US member body) an updated document for consideration at the next meeting. |
M35: In progress. |
e |
is invited to re-format the proposal on Western Musical symbols in document N1693 in a form suitable for inclusion in part 2 -- including appropriate text, in accordance with RESOLUTION M34.14. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-13 |
Irish member body (Mr. Michael Everson) |
h |
is invited to create a "Defect Report" on changing the block name IPA Extension to IPA Latin Extension. |
M35: In progress. |
j |
is invited to provide a revised draft of document N1657 on Buginese script including the answers / examples and incorporating any feed back comment received. |
M35: In progress. |
AI-34-14 |
US member body (Dr. Ken Whistler and other experts) |
c |
is requested to work with the American mathematical society, examine the proposal in document N1716 - Math Symbols, refine the proposals and draft (jointly with the Unicode Consortium) an updated document for consideration at the next meeting. |
M35: In progress. |
d |
to prepare the proposal on Western Music Symbols in a format suitable for inclusion in Part 2, including the appropriate text, per resolution M34.14. |
M35: In progress. |
e |
is invited to provide a practical way to show the R-zone Ideographs - keeping in synch with the currently printed R-zone in the standard. |
M35: In progress. |
15.5 New action items from meeting 35, London, UK
Item |
Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 35 Resolutions in document N1904R and Unconfirmed Meeting 35 minutes in document N1903 this document you are reading.) |
Status |
AI-35-1 |
Meeting Secretary - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran |
a |
to finalize the document N1903 containing the unconfirmed meeting minutes and send it to the convener as soon as possible. |
b |
to finalize the document N1904 containing the adopted meeting resolutions and send it to the convener as soon as possible. |
AI-35-2 |
Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar |
a |
RESOLUTION M35.9 (Procedures for character set registration): |
b |
RESOLUTION M35.19 (TC 211 liaison): |
c |
to contact ITTF (Keith Brannon) about the Error in the Amendment numbers published on the ITTF (ISO) web site. |
d |
to contact ITTF regarding the possible holding back of the publication of FDAM-17 on CJK Extension A, in view of the 2nd edition coming along soon. |
e |
to take the revised N1879 along with the disposition of the Netherlands' negative ballot comments on Amendment18 and forward to SC 2 secretariat. |
f |
to contact Maldivian Ministry of Education regarding the ordering of characters in Thaana script with assistance from Mr. John Clews. Mr. John Clews is to do some research to get the contact names, mailing address, fax etc. in the Maldivian Ministry of Education and get the information to the convener. |
g |
to contact Romanian national body, regarding the acceptability of the Annex P annotation regarding s, S, t and T with comma below, as part of FPDAM-18 disposition of comments (see document N1789R2). |
h |
to check with Korea if the explanatory note to Clause 24.1 regarding two Bangjeom characters proposed in document N1738 meet their requirements. |
i |
to check with Korea for their position on the proposal to replace the Korean Hangul long names in Amendment 5 with an equivalent algorithm which generates these names (see defect report in document N1806). |
AI-35-3 |
Editor of 10646-1 Mr. Bruce Paterson and contributing editor Mr. Michael Everson |
to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, collection of editorial text for the next edition, corrigendum text, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following: |
a |
RESOLUTION M35.1 (FPDAM-18 on Symbols and Other characters including EURO): |
b |
RESOLUTION M35.2 (FPDAM-21 on Sinhala): |
c |
RESOLUTION M35.3 (PDAM-22 on Keyboard Symbols): |
d |
RESOLUTION M35.4 (PDAM-24 on Thaana): |
e |
RESOLUTION M35.5 (PDAM-25 on Khmer): |
f |
RESOLUTION M35.6 (FPDAM-27 on Syriac): |
g |
RESOLUTION M35.7 (FPDAM-17 on CJK Extension A) |
h |
RESOLUTION M35.8 (FPDAM-23 on Bopomofo Extended and other characters) |
i |
RESOLUTION M35.10 (Defect report on Zones): WG 2 accepts the defect report in document N1874 and instructs its project editor to prepare an editorial corrigendum to ISO/IEC 10646-1. |
j |
RESOLUTION M35.11 (Mongolian script): 202F NARROW NO BREAK SPACE 2048 QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK 2049 EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
k |
RESOLUTION M35.12 (Additional Latin and other characters):
l |
RESOLUTION M35.13 (PDAM-14 on Yi script): WG 2 instructs its project editor to prepare the disposition of comments based on the agreements at meeting 35 as summarized in N1890, and the final text of FPDAM-14 with assistance from China and the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. |
m |
RESOLUTION M35.14 (PDAM-26 on Myanmar / Burmese): |
n |
RESOLUTION M35.16 (PDAM-28 - Ideographic Description Characters): Dr. Ken Whistler has volunteered to check the names of characters. |
o |
RESOLUTION M35.17 (PDAM-15 - KangXi radicals): WG 2 accepts the working draft in document N1869, with corrected names and moving the starting point of the CJK Radicals Supplement to 2E80 from 2E00. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from TCA, China and the IRG project editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates. |
p |
Messrs. Michel Suignard, Bruce Paterson and Takayuki Sato -- to address the concerns raised by Japan in document N1819 (regarding definitions for non-graphic characters) and come up with suggested clarification / explanatory text. |
AI-35-4 |
Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard |
to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2: |
a |
Messrs. Michel Suignard, Bruce Paterson and Takayuki Sato -- to address the concerns raised by Japan in document N1819 (regarding definitions for non-graphic characters) and come up with suggested clarification / explanatory text. |
b |
to take note of the comments regarding the nature of Plane 14 characters during the discussion at this meeting (reference to document N1820 from Japan) in the preparation of the next Working Draft of part 2. |
c |
IRG to review the schedule for CJK Extension B with editor of Part 2 -- should be synchronized with Part 2 plan in SC 2 Program of work. |
AI-35-5 |
IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur) |
a |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.17 (PDAM-15 - KangXi radicals): WG 2 accepts the working draft in document N1869, with corrected names and moving the starting point of the CJK Radicals Supplement to 2E80 from 2E00. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from TCA, China and the IRG project editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates. |
b |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.7 (FPDAM-17 on CJK Extension A) Japan is to provide the missing references for source characters in Extension A Ideographs, to update Annex L in Amendment 17. |
c |
IRG to review the schedule for CJK Extension B with editor of Part 2 -- should be synchronized with Part 2 plan in SC 2 Program of work. |
AI-35-6 |
Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran) |
a |
to update the principles and procedures document taking into account the feedback at this meeting format improvements in Annex D tables, 1K boundary principle for allocations in Plane 1 with UTF-16, |
b |
update the procedure for requesting collection identifiers with:
before incorporating into the principles and procedures document. |
AI-35-7 |
Chinese member body |
a |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.17 (PDAM-15 - KangXi radicals): WG 2 accepts the working draft in document N1869, with corrected names and moving the starting point of the CJK Radicals Supplement to 2E80 from 2E00. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from TCA, China and the IRG project editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates. |
b |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.16 (PDAM-28 Ideographic Description Characters): |
c |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.13 (PDAM-14 on Yi script): |
d |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.11 (Mongolian script): 202F NARROW NO BREAK SPACE 2048 QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK 2049 EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
e |
to make arrangements to get the necessary fonts for printing the Ideographic codes tables for the next edition of 10646-1 and for Unicode 3.0, and forward it to the convener (to forward to AFII). |
AI-35-8 |
TCA (Ms. Emily Hsu) |
a |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.17 (PDAM-15 - KangXi radicals): WG 2 accepts the working draft in document N1869, with corrected names and moving the starting point of the CJK Radicals Supplement to 2E80 from 2E00. WG 2 further instructs its editor to prepare the PDAM text, with assistance from TCA, China and the IRG project editor, and forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing, with unchanged target dates. |
AI-35-9 |
Mongolian national body (Ms. Myatav Erdenchimeg) |
a |
to assist the editor of ISO/IEC 10646-1 with: RESOLUTION M35.11 (Mongolian script): 202F NARROW NO BREAK SPACE 2048 QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK 2049 EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK in the BMP. WG 2 further instructs its editor to:
forward these to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. |
AI-35-10 |
UK member body (Mr. John Clews, Mr. Hugh Ross) |
a |
Mr. John Clews is to do some research to get the contact names, mailing address, fax etc. in the Maldivian Ministry of Education and get the information to the convener. |
b |
Mr. Hugh Ross is encouraged to approach IEC to ask them to include similar mapping information (as in his contribution document N1818 on mapping of Electrotechnical symbols) in relevant IEC standards. |
AI-35-11 |
Irish member body (Mr. Michael Everson) |
a |
Mr. Michael Everson is invited to take the comments at this meeting (M35) and prepare a revised contribution on Old Hungarian in document N1758. |
AI-35-12 |
Japanese member body (Mr. Takayuki Sato) |
a |
Messrs. Michel Suignard, Bruce Paterson and Takayuki Sato -- to address the concerns raised by Japan in document N1819 (regarding definitions for non-graphic characters) and come up with suggested clarification / explanatory text. |
b |
is invited to provide the missing references for source characters in Extension A Ideographs, to update Annex L in Amendment 17. |
c |
to provide more information on the usage of and the need for "ng" and the need of "ng" in document N1859, taking into account the comments made at this meeting. |
d |
to provide more information on the Peso currency sign proposed in document N1858. |
e |
to provide additional information on Old Mongolian (document N1855) and its relationship to the Mongolian script proposal in the BMP. |
AI-35-13 |
The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag) |
a |
to provide more information on use of the three proposed symbols -- SQUARE FOOT, SQUARE INCH, and PROPERTY LINE in document N1887. |
AI-35-14 |
Finnish member body (Mr. Klaas Ruppel) |
a |
Mr. Klaas Ruppel is invited provide additional explanation of the use of A with Dot Above to supplement document N1838. |
AI-35-15 |
The U.S. national body (Mr. Michel Suignard) |
a |
Mr. Michel Suignard to send the proposed text for Annex P for the two ideographic characters in the R-zone (corresponding to the two that were removed from the earlier Extension A proposal) by 1st week of November 98. |
b |
Dr. Ken Whistler has volunteered to check the names of characters in the PDAM-28 text for Ideographic Description Characters (see resolution M35.16). |
AI-35-16 |
All member bodies and liaison organizations |
a |
are encouraged to submit WG 2 contributions in Word 6, plain text or PDF files to the convener suitable for posting on the WG 2 web site. |
b |
to review the WG 2 web site and feedback on possible improvements to WG 2 convener. |
c |
to review and feedback on the sample charts and name lists for next edition of 10646-1; in document N1810 |
d |
to review and express their position on the proposal to replace the Korean Hangul long names in Amendment 5 with an equivalent algorithm which generates these names (see defect report in document N1806). |
e |
to review and feedback on documents N1846 on Ethiopic extensions. |
f |
to review and feedback on documents N1755 on Philippines repertoire. |
g |
to review and feedback on documents N1757 on Tifinagh script. |
h |
to review and feedback on documents N1740 and N1807 on Hebrew Tetragrammaton. |
i |
to review document N1818 on mapping of Electrotechnical Symbols and feedback to Mr. Hugh Ross. |
j |
to review the scripts that they have contributed in the different amendments 10 through 27 to the standard and provide to WG 2 the source references for the scripts and individual characters for inclusion in Annex L. |
k |
to review document N1848 on UTF-8-EBCDIC and feedback to the author, Dr. Umamaheswaran. |
l |
all action items related to providing fonts (to the convener / AFII) should be completed in time to enable the printing of the next edition of 10646-1 on schedule. |
m |
to review document N1796 and inform the editor -- Mr. Bruce Paterson -- of any corrections before the next meeting by the end of December 1998. |
n |
SC 2 program of work is available from the web site of SC 2. http:\\dkuug.dk\JTC1\SC2 (check the web site). |
o |
RESOLUTION M35.20 (Future meetings): Meeting 36: 09--15 March 1999, Fukuoka, Japan Meeting 37: 20--24 September 1999 -- Copenhagen, Denmark Meeting 38: March 2000 --China Meeting 39 September 2000, Greece, Finland as fall back WG 2 accepts and confirms the following IRG future meeting schedule: IRG 12: 07--11 December 1998 in Redwood Shores, CA, USA IRG 13: May 1999, Hong Kong. |