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By-Type Chart: Numbers:Number Formatting Patterns

Core Data: Alphabetic Information | Main Exemplars | Punctuation Exemplars | Index Exemplars | Numbering Systems
Locale Display Names: Locale Name Patterns | Languages (A-D) | Languages (E-J) | Languages (K-N) | Languages (O-S) | Languages (T-Z) | Scripts | Geographic Regions | Territories (North America) | Territories (South America) | Territories (Africa) | Territories (Europe) | Territories (Asia) | Territories (Oceania) | Locale Variants | Keys
Date & Time: Fields | Gregorian | Generic | Buddhist | Chinese | Coptic | Dangi | Ethiopic | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Hebrew | Indian | Islamic | Japanese | Persian | Minguo
Timezones: Timezone Display Patterns | North America | South America | Africa | Europe | Russia | Western Asia | Central Asia | Eastern Asia | Southern Asia | Southeast Asia | Australasia | Antarctica | Oceania | Unknown Region | Overrides
Numbers: Symbols | Number Formatting Patterns | Compact Decimal Formatting
Currencies: North America (C) | South America (C) | Northern/Western Europe | Southern/Eastern Europe | Northern Africa | Western Africa | Middle Africa | Eastern Africa | Southern Africa | Western Asia (C) | Central Asia (C) | Eastern Asia (C) | Southern Asia (C) | Southeast Asia (C) | Oceania (C) | Unknown Region (C)
Units: Measurement Systems | Duration | Graphics | Length | Area | Volume Metric | Volume Other | Speed and Acceleration | Mass and Weight | Energy and Power | Electrical and Frequency | Weather | Digital | Coordinates | Other Units | Compound Units
Characters: Category | Smileys & Emotion | People & Body | People & Body 2 | Animals & Nature | Food & Drink | Travel & Places | Travel & Places 2 | Activities | Objects | Objects2 | Emoji Symbols | Punctuation | Math Symbols | Other Symbols | Flags | Component | Typography
Miscellaneous: Displaying Lists | Minimal Pairs | Person Name Formats
Standard Patterns
standard-decimalEnglish: ‹#,##0.###›
#,##,##0.### ·as· ·bn· ·brx· ·ccp· ·dz· ·en_IN· ·gu· ·hi· ·kxv· ·kxv_Deva· ·kxv_Orya· ·kxv_Telu· ·ml· ·mr· ·ne· ·or· ·pa· ·sa· ·ta· ·te· ·xnr·
#,##0.### ·ta_MY· ·ta_SG··all·others·
#,#0.### ·tok·
0.###### ·en_US_POSIX·
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
#,##,##0.00¤ ·bn· ·ccp·
#,##0.00 ¤ ·ab· ·an· ·asa· ·ast· ·az· ·az_Cyrl· ·bas· ·be· ·bg· ·br· ·bs· ·bs_Cyrl· ·ca· ·ce· ·co· ·cs· ·cu· ·cv· ·da· ·de· ·dsb· ·dua· ·dyo· ·el· ·en_150· ·eo· ·es· ·et· ·eu· ·ewo· ·ff· ·fi· ·fo· ·fr· ·gl· ·gsw· ·hr· ·hsb· ·hu· ·hy· ·is· ·it· ·ka· ·kea· ·kk· ·ksf· ·ksh· ·ku· ·ky· ·lb· ·lij· ·ln· ·lt· ·lv· ·mk· ·my· ·nds· ·nmg· ·pl· ·prg· ·pt_PT· ·rif· ·rm· ·ro· ·ru· ·sah· ·sc· ·se· ·sk· ·sl· ·smn· ·sq· ·sr· ·sr_Latn· ·sv· ·szl· ·tg· ·tk· ·tpi· ·tt· ·tzm· ·uk· ·uz· ·uz_Arab· ·uz_Cyrl· ·vi· ·vmw· ·xog· ·yav·
#,##0.00 ¤ ·vec·
#,##0.00 ¤;-#,##0.00 ¤ ·no·
‏#,##0.00 ¤;‏-#,##0.00 ¤ ·ar·
‏#,##0.00 ‏¤;‏-#,##0.00 ‏¤ ·he·
#,##0.00¤ ·agq· ·bez· ·dje· ·kab· ·khq· ·km· ·ksb· ·lg· ·lu· ·luo· ·oc· ·rn· ·rwk· ·sbp· ·seh· ·ses· ·shi· ·shi_Latn· ·twq· ·zgh·
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·as· ·brx· ·ne·
¤ #,##0.00 ·de_AT· ·de_LI· ·en_AT· ·en_MV· ·es_AR· ·es_CO· ·es_PE· ·es_UY· ·fa_AF· ·ms_Arab_BN· ·ms_BN· ·ta_MY· ·ta_SG··all·others·
‎¤ #,##0.00 ·fa·
¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00 ·blo· ·en_NL· ·es_PY· ·ie· ·nl·
¤ #,##0.00;¤ #,##0.00- ·fy·
¤ #,##0.00;¤-#,##0.00 ·de_CH· ·en_CH· ·it_CH·
¤ 0.00 ·en_US_POSIX·
¤#,##,##0.00 ·bn_IN· ·dz· ·en_IN· ·gu· ·hi· ·kxv· ·kxv_Deva· ·kxv_Orya· ·kxv_Telu· ·pa· ·sa· ·ta· ·te· ·xnr·
¤#,##0.00 ·aa· ·af· ·ak· ·am· ·bem· ·bho· ·bm· ·bm_Nkoo· ·byn· ·ceb· ·cgg· ·chr· ·cy· ·dav· ·doi· ·ebu· ·ee· ·en· ·es_419· ·es_GQ· ·fil· ·ga· ·gd· ·guz· ·gv· ·haw· ·id· ·ig· ·ja· ·jmc· ·kam· ·kde· ·ki· ·kln· ·kn· ·ko· ·ks· ·kw· ·mas· ·mer· ·ml· ·mn_Mong_MN· ·mr· ·ms· ·ms_Arab· ·mt· ·mua· ·naq· ·nd· ·nr· ·nus· ·nyn· ·om· ·or· ·pcm· ·rof· ·saq· ·si· ·sid· ·sn· ·so· ·ss· ·ssy· ·st· ·su· ·teo· ·th· ·ti· ·tig· ·tn· ·tr· ·ug· ·ur· ·vai· ·vai_Latn· ·ve· ·vun· ·wal· ·xh· ·yo· ·yo_BJ· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
¤#,##0.00;¤- #,##0.00 ·luy·
¤#,##0.00;¤-#,##0.00 ·es_CL· ·es_EC· ·es_VE· ·kl· ·lo· ·sg·
¤#,#0.00 ·tok·
standard-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹¤ #,##0.00›
#,##,##0.00 ¤ ·bn· ·ccp·
#,##0.00 ¤ ·agq· ·bez· ·dje· ·kab· ·khq· ·km· ·ksb· ·lg· ·lu· ·luo· ·rn· ·rwk· ·sbp· ·seh· ·ses· ·shi· ·shi_Latn· ·twq· ·zgh·
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·dz· ·en_IN· ·gu· ·hi· ·sa· ·te·
¤ #,##0.00 ·af· ·ak· ·am· ·bem· ·bm· ·ceb· ·cgg· ·chr· ·cy· ·dav· ·doi· ·ebu· ·ee· ·en· ·es_419· ·fil· ·ga· ·gd· ·guz· ·gv· ·haw· ·id· ·ig· ·ja· ·jmc· ·kam· ·kde· ·ki· ·kln· ·kn· ·ko· ·ks· ·kw· ·mas· ·mer· ·ml· ·mr· ·ms· ·mt· ·mua· ·naq· ·nd· ·nus· ·nyn· ·om· ·or· ·pcm· ·rof· ·saq· ·si· ·sn· ·so· ·su· ·teo· ·th· ·ti· ·tr· ·ug· ·vai· ·vai_Latn· ·vun· ·xh· ·yo· ·yo_BJ· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00 ·lo·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##,##0.00 ·as· ·bn· ·brx· ·ccp· ·dz· ·en_IN· ·gu· ·hi· ·ne· ·pa· ·sa· ·te·
#,##0.00 ·all·others·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##,##0 % ·dz·
#,##,##0% ·as· ·bn· ·brx· ·ccp· ·en_IN· ·gu· ·hi· ·pa· ·sa· ·ta· ·xnr·
#,##0 % ·ab· ·bas· ·be· ·br· ·ca· ·ce· ·co· ·cs· ·cu· ·cv· ·da· ·de· ·dsb· ·dua· ·en_AT· ·en_DE· ·en_DK· ·en_FI· ·en_SE· ·es· ·fi· ·fo· ·fr· ·gl· ·gsw· ·hr· ·hsb· ·kl· ·ksh· ·lb· ·lt· ·mk· ·nds· ·no· ·qu· ·rm· ·rn· ·ro· ·ru· ·se· ·sk· ·sl· ·smn· ·sv· ·tk· ·tt· ·zgh·
#,##0 % ·oc·
#,##0% ·de_CH· ·de_LI· ·es_419· ·fr_CH· ·ta_MY· ·ta_SG··all·others·
% #,##0 ·eu·
% #,#0;% -#,#0 ·blo·
%#,##0 ·ku· ·tr·
%#,#0 ·tok·
0% ·en_US_POSIX· ·rif·
standard-scientificEnglish: ‹#E0›
[#E0] ·gu· ·hi· ·hi_Latn· ·mai· ·mr· ·pa· ·sa·
# ·lo· ·si·
#E0 ·all·others·
0.000000E+000 ·en_US_POSIX·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##,##0.00¤;(#,##,##0.00¤) ·bn· ·ccp·
#,##0.00 ¤ ·en_150· ·nn·
#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤) ·bg· ·ca· ·en_SI· ·et· ·eu· ·fo· ·fr· ·kea· ·ku· ·lij· ·pl· ·pt_PT· ·ro· ·sk· ·sl· ·sq· ·sr· ·sr_Latn· ·yav·
#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00) ¤ ·co·
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
#,##0.00¤;(#,##0.00¤) ·km· ·oc·
؜#,##0.00¤;(؜#,##0.00¤) ·ar·
¤ #,##0.00 ·en_AT· ·en_MV· ·my· ·pa· ·sa· ·szl·
¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) ·en_NL· ·es_AR· ·es_UY· ·fy· ·ia· ·nl· ·no·
¤ #,##0.00;‎(¤ #,##0.00) ·fa_AF·
‎¤ #,##0.00;‎(¤ #,##0.00) ·fa·
¤ #,##0.00;¤-#,##0.00 ·en_CH·
¤#,##,##0.00 ·hi_Latn·
¤#,##,##0.00;(¤#,##,##0.00) ·bn_IN· ·gu·
¤#,##0.00 ·bew· ·mg· ·ms_ID· ·nso·
¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) ·af· ·am· ·an· ·as· ·bem· ·bm· ·bm_Nkoo· ·brx· ·ceb· ·chr· ·cy· ·dav· ·ebu· ·ee· ·en· ·es_DO· ·fil· ·ga· ·gaa· ·gd· ·guz· ·haw· ·ig· ·ja· ·kam· ·kde· ·ki· ·kln· ·kn· ·ko· ·kok· ·kxv· ·mas· ·mer· ·ml· ·mr· ·ms· ·ms_Arab· ·mua· ·nd· ·nus· ·or· ·ps· ·saq· ·sd· ·si· ·sn· ·so· ·ta· ·te· ·teo· ·th· ·tr· ·ug· ·ur· ·uz· ·vai· ·vai_Latn· ·yo· ·yo_BJ· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
accounting-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)›
#,##,##0.00 ¤;(#,##,##0.00 ¤) ·bn· ·ccp·
#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤) ·km· ·tr·
؜#,##0.00 ¤;(؜#,##0.00 ¤) ·ar·
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·hi_Latn·
¤ #,##,##0.00;(¤ #,##,##0.00) ·bn_IN· ·gu·
¤ #,##0.00 ·ms_ID·
¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) ·af· ·am· ·bem· ·bm· ·ceb· ·chr· ·cy· ·dav· ·ebu· ·ee· ·en· ·fil· ·ga· ·gd· ·guz· ·haw· ·ig· ·ja· ·kam· ·kde· ·ki· ·kln· ·kn· ·ko· ·kok· ·mas· ·mer· ·ml· ·mr· ·ms· ·mua· ·nd· ·nus· ·or· ·saq· ·si· ·sn· ·so· ·ta· ·te· ·teo· ·th· ·ug· ·ur· ·vai· ·vai_Latn· ·yo· ·yo_BJ· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##,##0.00 ·hi_Latn· ·xnr·
#,##,##0.00;(#,##,##0.00) ·bn· ·ccp· ·gu·
#,##0.00 ·en_150· ·en_MV· ·ms_ID· ·nn· ·pa·
#,##0.00;(#,##0.00) ·af· ·am· ·ar· ·as· ·az· ·bem· ·bg· ·bm· ·brx· ·ca· ·ceb· ·chr· ·co· ·cy· ·dav· ·ebu· ·ee· ·en· ·es_UY· ·et· ·eu· ·fa· ·fil· ·fo· ·fr· ·ga· ·gd· ·guz· ·haw· ·ia· ·ig· ·ja· ·kam· ·kde· ·kea· ·ki· ·kk· ·kln· ·km· ·kn· ·ko· ·kok· ·ku· ·kxv· ·lij· ·mas· ·mer· ·ml· ·mn· ·mr· ·ms· ·mua· ·nd· ·nl· ·no· ·nus· ·oc· ·or· ·pl· ·pt_PT· ·qu· ·ro· ·saq· ·sd· ·si· ·sk· ·sl· ·sn· ·so· ·sq· ·sr· ·sr_Latn· ·sw_KE· ·ta· ·te· ·teo· ·th· ·tk· ·tr· ·ug· ·ur· ·uz· ·vai· ·vai_Latn· ·vi· ·yav· ·yo· ·yo_BJ· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
Standard Patterns using Adlam Digits (adlm)
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00 ¤›
#,##0.00 ¤ ·all·others·
‏#,##0.00 ¤ ·ar·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
¤#,##0.00 ·ig· ·zh·
‎¤#,##0.00 ·fa·
standard-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹#,##0.00 ¤›
¤ #,##0.00 ·ig· ·zh·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##0.00 ·all·others·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·br· ·ckb· ·ig· ·kl· ·nl· ·no· ·to·
#,##0% ·all·others·
Standard Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹¤ #,##0.00›
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·bn_IN·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##0.00 ·as·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
#,##0% ·bn·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
#,##0% ·ccp·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
¤#,##0.00 ·kok·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##,##0% ·ne·
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·ur_IN·
¤ #,##0.00 ·fa_AF· ·no·
¤#,##0.00 ·ks_Deva·
‎¤#,##0.00 ·fa·
standard-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹¤ #,##0.00›
¤ #,##,##0.00 ·pa·
¤ #,##0.00 ·ur·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##,##0.00 ·ur_IN·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
¤#,##0.00 ·gu·
standard-currency-alphaNextToNumberEnglish: ‹¤ #,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·gu·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##0.00 ·gu·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
#,##0% ·gu·
standard-scientificEnglish: ‹#E0›
#E0 ·gu·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Gunjala Gondi digits (gong)
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Hanifi Rohingya digits (rohg)
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
¤#,##0.00 ·ta·
standard-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00›
#,##,##0.00 ·ta·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)
standard-decimalEnglish: ‹#,##0.###›
#,##0.### ·te·
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Standard Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)
standard-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00›
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
standard-percentEnglish: ‹#,##0%›
#,##0 % ·bs·
accounting-currencyEnglish: ‹¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00¤ ·oc_ES·
¤ #,##0.00 ·no·
accounting-currency-noCurrencyEnglish: ‹#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)›
#,##0.00 ·oc·
Append-ISO-Code Pattern
appendISOCodeEnglish: ‹{0} ¤¤›
{0} ¤¤ ·ar· ·as· ·brx· ·cs· ·eu· ·gl· ·gu· ·ig· ·ml· ·ne· ·pa· ·ps· ·si· ·sq· ·tk· ·yo· ·yo_BJ·
{0} ¤¤ ·all·others·
{0} ¤¤ ·vec·
¤¤ {0} ·hi·
Currency Unit Patterns
currencies-zeroEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ar· ·blo· ·cy· ·ksh· ·lv· ·prg·
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·af· ·am· ·an· ·ar· ·as· ·ast· ·az· ·be· ·bg· ·blo· ·bn· ·br· ·brx· ·bs· ·bs_Cyrl· ·ca· ·ccp· ·ce· ·ceb· ·chr· ·ckb· ·cs· ·cy· ·da· ·de· ·doi· ·dsb· ·ee· ·el· ·en· ·eo· ·es· ·et· ·eu· ·fa· ·ff_Adlm· ·fi· ·fil· ·fo· ·fr· ·fur· ·fy· ·ga· ·gd· ·gl· ·gsw· ·gu· ·ha· ·ha_NE· ·haw· ·he· ·hi· ·hr· ·hsb· ·hu· ·hy· ·ia· ·is· ·it· ·ka· ·kab· ·kgp· ·kk· ·kl· ·kn· ·ks_Deva· ·ksh· ·ku· ·ky· ·lb· ·lij· ·lt· ·lv· ·mg· ·mgo· ·mk· ·ml· ·mn· ·mr· ·mt· ·ne· ·nl· ·no· ·nso· ·om· ·or· ·os· ·pa· ·pcm· ·pl· ·prg· ·ps· ·pt· ·rm· ·ro· ·ru· ·sat· ·sc· ·sd· ·sd_Deva· ·se· ·si· ·sk· ·sl· ·smn· ·sn· ·so· ·sq· ·sr· ·sr_Latn· ·st· ·sv· ·sw· ·syr· ·ta· ·te· ·ti· ·tk· ·tn· ·tr· ·ts· ·ug· ·uk· ·ur· ·uz· ·uz_Cyrl· ·vec· ·wae· ·xh· ·yrl· ·zu·
currencies-twoEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ar· ·br· ·cy· ·dsb· ·ga· ·gd· ·he· ·hsb· ·mt· ·sat· ·se· ·sl· ·smn·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ar· ·be· ·br· ·bs· ·bs_Cyrl· ·cs· ·cy· ·dsb· ·ga· ·gd· ·hr· ·hsb· ·lt· ·mt· ·pl· ·ro· ·ru· ·sk· ·sl· ·sr· ·sr_Latn· ·uk·
currencies-manyEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ar· ·be· ·br· ·cs· ·cy· ·ga· ·he· ·lt· ·mt· ·pl· ·ru· ·sk· ·uk·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ab· ·an· ·bew· ·co· ·cu· ·eo· ·frr· ·gaa· ·ie· ·kab· ·kl· ·lij· ·nds· ·oc· ·prg· ·rif· ·syr· ·szl· ·trw· ·za· ·zh_Hans_HK· ·zh_Hans_MO· ·zh_Hans_SG· ·all·others·
{0} {1} ·vec·
{0} de {1} ·ro·
{0}{1} ·ja· ·zh·
{1} {0} ·blo· ·ceb· ·ee· ·es_GT· ·my· ·sw· ·to·
{1}{0} ·si·
Currency Unit Patterns using Adlam Digits (adlm)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to·
Currency Unit Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)
{0} {1} ·ar·
{0} {1} ·ar·
{0} {1} ·ar·
{0} {1} ·ar·
{0} {1} ·ar·
{0} {1} ·ar·
Currency Unit Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ig· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ig· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ig· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·gd· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-twoEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·gd·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·gd·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·gd· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Gunjala Gondi digits (gong)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·oc· ·sc· ·so·
Currency Unit Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Hanifi Rohingya digits (rohg)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·oc· ·sc· ·so·
Currency Unit Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Modi Digits (modi)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Newa Digits (newa)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·sd_Deva· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·sd_Deva· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)
currencies-oneEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·sc· ·so·
currencies-fewEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs·
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·bs· ·eu· ·ff_Adlm· ·ks_Deva· ·mn· ·nl· ·no· ·oc· ·sc· ·so· ·to· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
Currency Unit Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Currency Unit Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara)
currencies-otherEnglish: ‹{0} {1}›
{0} {1} ·ks_Deva·
Miscellaneous Patterns
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·et· ·sl·
~{0} ·oc_ES· ·all·others·
≈{0} ·ab· ·be· ·co· ·cv· ·de· ·dsb· ·fr· ·hsb· ·ka· ·oc· ·rm· ·ru· ·sq·
ca. {0} ·ie· ·no·
約 {0} ·ja·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
{0} နှင့်အထက် ·my·
{0} 以上 ·ja·
{0}+ ·af· ·am· ·as· ·az· ·be· ·bn· ·brx· ·bs· ·ccp· ·ceb· ·chr· ·cy· ·da· ·de· ·dsb· ·ee· ·el· ·en· ·eu· ·fil· ·fo· ·fy· ·ga· ·gd· ·gu· ·ha· ·ha_NE· ·hi· ·hr· ·hsb· ·hu· ·hy· ·ig· ·is· ·ka· ·kab· ·kk· ·km· ·kn· ·ko· ·kok· ·ky· ·lo· ·mk· ·ml· ·mr· ·ms· ·ne· ·nl· ·or· ·pa· ·pcm· ·ps· ·si· ·sk· ·sw· ·ta· ·te· ·th· ·to· ·tr· ·tt· ·ug· ·uk· ·ur_IN· ·uz_Cyrl· ·vi· ·xnr· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant· ·zu·
‎{0}+‎ ·fa·
+{0} ·ar· ·kea· ·kgp· ·pt· ·yrl·
≥ {0} ·bg· ·ca· ·lb· ·no· ·sl·
≥{0} ·all·others·
⩾{0} ·ia· ·jv· ·ku· ·mi· ·sv· ·tg· ·ti· ·wo·
au moins {0} ·fr_CD· ·fr_CI· ·fr_ML· ·fr_RE·
Más de {0} ·es·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
ucemustáá {0} ·smn·
vähintään {0} ·fi·
atMostEnglish: ‹≤{0}›
{0} 以下 ·ja·
≤ {0} ·bg· ·et· ·no· ·sl·
≤{0} ·all·others·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0} - {1} ·my· ·pt_PT· ·ro·
{0} – {1} ·bg· ·bs· ·hr· ·jv· ·kea· ·sk·
{0} – {1} ·mk·
{0}-{1} ·ca· ·da· ·es· ·eu· ·fil· ·fy· ·gu· ·it· ·ka· ·lij· ·ml· ·nl· ·oc_ES· ·sq· ·th· ·tt· ·vec· ·vi· ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
{0}‒{1} ·et· ·sv·
{0}–{1} ·all·others·
{0}—{1} ·to·
{0}..{1} ·ie·
{0}~{1} ·ko·
{0}~{1} ·ja·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Adlam Digits (adlm)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Balinese Digits (bali)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Bangla Digits (beng)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Brahmi Digits (brah)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Chakma Digits (cakm)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Cham Digits (cham)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Chinese Decimal Numerals (hanidec)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Devanagari Digits (deva)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Full-Width Digits (fullwide)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Gujarati Digits (gujr)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Gunjala Gondi digits (gong)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Gurmukhi Digits (guru)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Hanifi Rohingya digits (rohg)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Javanese Digits (java)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Kannada Digits (knda)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Kayah Li Digits (kali)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Khmer Digits (khmr)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Lao Digits (laoo)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Lepcha Digits (lepc)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Limbu Digits (limb)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Malayalam Digits (mlym)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Masaram Gondi digits (gonm)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Meetei Mayek Digits (mtei)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mongolian Digits (mong)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Digits (mymr)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Shan Digits (mymrshan)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using N’Ko Digits (nkoo)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using New Tai Lue Digits (talu)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Odia Digits (orya)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Ol Chiki Digits (olck)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Osmanya Digits (osma)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Saurashtra Digits (saur)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Sharada Digits (shrd)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Sora Sompeng Digits (sora)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Sundanese Digits (sund)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Hora Digits (lana)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tai Tham Tham Digits (lanatham)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Takri Digits (takr)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tamil Digits (tamldec)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Telugu Digits (telu)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Thai Digits (thai)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tibetan Digits (tibt)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·
Miscellaneous Patterns using Vai Digits (vaii)
approximatelyEnglish: ‹~{0}›
~ {0} ·oc·
~{0} ·oc_ES·
atLeastEnglish: ‹{0}+›
≥{0} ·no·
Mès de {0} ·oc_ES·
rangeEnglish: ‹{0}–{1}›
{0}-{1} ·oc_ES·

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