

Non-Latin Writing Systems: Characteristics & Impact on Product Design

Richard Ishida - Xerox

Intended Audience: Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Marketer
Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

This tutorial has become a regular feature at Unicode conferences over recent years due to highly enthusiastic audience feedback.

The tutorial will provide you with a good understanding of the many unique characteristics of non-Latin writing systems, and illustrate the problems involved in implementing such scripts in products. It does not provide detailed coding advice, but does provide the essential background information you need to understand the fundamental issues related to Unicode deployment, whatever the language in question. It has also proved to be an excellent orientation for newcomers to the conference, providing the background needed to assist understanding of the other talks!

The tutorial goes beyond encoding issues to discuss characteristics related to input of ideographs, combining characters, context-dependant shape variation, text direction, vowel signs, ligatures, punctuation, wrapping and editing, font issues, sorting and indexing, keyboards, etc., etc.

The concepts are introduced through the use of examples from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi, Russian and Greek.

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31 October 1999, Webmaster