List Id Generations, Basic Case Conversions, and Other Text Transformation Algorithms in Mozilla
Intended Audience: |
Software Engineer |
Session Level: |
Beginner |
Mozilla is the cross-platform, open developing, Unicode based open source
of the next generation internet client. This paper discusses several
algorithm we developed for Mozilla which related to Unicode and
internationalization. We will first look at how we will support the basic upper /lower case conversion for the whole Unicode by using a table less than 1K
bytes [Note- Based on Unicode 2.0]. Then, we will look at how we generate
different id for CSS2 list-type, including greek, cjk-ideograph, armenian,
hebrew, georgian, etc. We will also discuss some number generation
algorithms for future work. Then, we will examine our Unicode based Hankaku to
Zenkaku (Japanese half width kana to full width kana) conversion. Line
breaking and word breaking issue / algorithms will also be discussed in
this paper. At the end, a demo of the work will be presented to the audience.