The W3C Character Model for the World Wide Web
Intended Audience: |
Software Engineer, Systems Analyst |
Session Level: |
Intermediate |
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides basic technology
to lead the Web to its full potential. Internationalization (I18N)
of this technology is an important concern. The Character
Model is a document developed by the W3C I18N Working Group,
with the help of the W3C I18N Interest Group.
The Character Model defines a framework and requirements
for upcoming W3C specifications, based on earlier i18n
work for HTML and XML. It also contains introductory material
to familiarize writers of specifications, implementors, and
content providers with the problem area.
In particular, the Character Model deals with character encoding,
early normalization, character indexing.
The Character Model is still being evolved; the presentation
will include the newest developments.