Tammy Young - Basis Technology Corporation
Tammy Young, project manager at Basis Technology Corp.,has worked closely with Trillium
on its Japanese localization as well as numerous other internationalization projects at
Basis. Before joining Basis Technology, Tammy managed the Japanese customer and
distributor communications for SilverPlatter Information, including Japanese partner
training. Other responsibilities included maintaining a Japan-specific website and
cooperating with partners on industry trade shows in Japan. Tammy has two degrees in
East Asian Studies: a Bachelor of Arts from Middlebury College and a Master of Arts from
the Yale Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. As part of her Japanese studies, she spent
the 1988-89 school year at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan, and a summer of intensive
training at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies in Yokohama, Japan in 1995.