

Walter Smith - Global Sight Corporation

Walter Smith has over 11 years of high-tech experience, with a focus in the fields of internationalization, localization and multilingual publishing. Prior to joining Global Sight, he was the emerging technology analyst at International Language Engineering Corporation (ILE), a leading globalization services provider. At ILE, Smith worked closely with strategic clients including HP, Sun, Microsoft, Amazon.com and Lucent Technologies, to create customer-specific globalization solutions. Smith served as technical chair to OSCAR, the special interest group of the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA), which established an XML-compliant standard for Translation Memory eXchange (TMX). Smith has presented at numerous international conferences such as MIM '97, SGML '97 and SIGDOC '98. As a keynote speaker at LISA '98, he elucidated on the benefits of OpenTag and other XML-based open standards for the localization industry.

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31 October 1999, Webmaster