

International Features of New Netscape 6 Mail

Katsuhiko Momoi & Naoki Hotta - Netscape Communications

Intended Audience: Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Marketer
Session Level: Intermediate

This paper presents new international features of Netscape 6 Mail, which is a successor to Communicator 4.x Messenger but is based on a completely new Unicode-based Gecko layout engine. The new layout engine has made it easier to support many new features helpful to international users while keeping good features from the earlier version, Communicator 4.x. Some features concern character encoding such as MIME-charset Honoring and Multilingual header display. Other charset-related features are Per Folder Encoding, Charset Override, Simultaneous Display of Attachments with Multiple Encodings, Auto-Detection integration, and Auto charset for Reply messages. Another set of features include integration with MySidebar, e.g. Instant Messenger. New Netscape 6 Mail supports multiple IMAP, POP, and News accounts. AOL Mail is integrated into Netscape 6 Mail with added features such as Buddy Presence. Multilingual Address Book also includes features such as auto Address collection. Mail Composer is also multilingual and is able to work with any language input.

These feature discussions are accompanied by demos. We will also discuss strategies involved in re-writing 4.x Messenger code (e.g. MIME code) into Unicode-based one, which would be of interest to those facing similar tasks. Finally, we will deal with what lies ahead for Netscape 6 Mail.

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19 Jun 2000, Webmaster