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Practical Java Localization: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Craig Cummings - Oracle Corporation

Intended Audience: Manager, Software Engineer
Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate

This presentation answers the infernal question, "Now that you have a properly internationalized Java application, how do you localize it?" Furthermore, it addresses what problems you should look out for and how can they be prevented.

For example, what do you do if you want to have Latin American Spanish translations, but there isn't a matching ISO language abbreviation? Or what happens if you want to display Hindi text, but are only seeing '❑❑❑❑❑'?

You will:
Unlock secrets of Locales
Learn font trickery
Design better localized GUIs and resolve geometry problems
Explore alternative ResourceBundles
Decode the mysteries of Java encodings
Gain an understanding of 'javadoc' translation

And more!"

When the world wants to talk, it speaks Unicode

Unicode Standard Conference Board Past Conferences Call for Papers Sponsors Showcase
Registration Accommodation Travel Program Talks and Papers Next Conference
International Unicode Conferences are organized by Global Meeting Services, Inc., (GMS). GMS is pleased to be able to offer the International Unicode Conferences under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by GMS. The independent conference board serves solely at the pleasure of GMS and is composed of volunteers active in Unicode and in international software development. All inquiries regarding International Unicode Conferences should be addressed to info@global-conference.com.

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11 July 2001, Webmaster