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Carl-Martin Bunz - University of Saarland

Born in 1964 at Heidelberg/Germany. Beginning of academic education in 1986 at Heidelberg University: Classical Studies, Comparative and General Linguistics. Till summer semester 1988 extensive studies in linguistics of Ancient Greek including phonological reconstruction of spoken Classical Attic, Modern Greek, Sanskrit, Hittite, American Indian Languages. During the academic year 1988/89 stay at Paris. Since 1990 studies at Saarland University/Germany: Intensification of the formation in Indo-European Comparative Linguistics (Old and Middle Iranian, Vedic, Tocharian, Celtic, Old Germanic), basic courses in Georgian. Magister Artium in 1993 with a memoir on Comparative Indo-European Poetics. Since 1994 working on a doctoral disseration "The poetic language of Archilochus and its prehistory. A linguistico-poetological commentary on selected fragments". 1995/96 software development (Indo-European Fonts for Apple Macintosh - Preparation of 16-bit character processing) and Unicode promotion in Comparative Linguistics. Collaborator of the TITUS project since 1994. Since 1997 Research Assistant for Indo-European Linguistics at Saarland University. Various articles on Unicode and Historical Linguistics. Papers "Browsing the Memory of the World" presented at IUC 11, "Scripts from the Past in Future Versions of Unicode(R)" at IUC 16 and "Encoding Scripts from the Past: Conceptual and Practical Problems and Solutions" at IUC 17. Scientific consultant of several ISO and CEN committees.

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Unicode Standard Conference Board Past Conferences Call for Papers Sponsors Showcase
Registration Accommodation Travel Program Talks and Papers Next Conference
International Unicode Conferences are organized by Global Meeting Services, Inc., (GMS). GMS is pleased to be able to offer the International Unicode Conferences under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by GMS. The independent conference board serves solely at the pleasure of GMS and is composed of volunteers active in Unicode and in international software development. All inquiries regarding International Unicode Conferences should be addressed to info@global-conference.com.

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14 May 2001, Webmaster