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Guidelines and Suggested Amendments to the Greek Unicode Tables

Yannis Haralambous - École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne

Intended Audience: Software Engineers, Content Developers, Font Designers, Technical Writers, Unicode Users
Session Level: Beginner, Intermediate

The Greek and Greek Extended tables of Unicode are used for encoding texts in Greek language as well as Greek mathematical symbols. As a result of the nature of Greek language, of unfortunate political choices in recent Greek history and of illogical features of encodings merged into Unicode, these tables are neither easy to understand, nor to use. On the other hand, more and more people are using Unicode daily for writing Greek, weither in Greece or abroad. Because of the lack of documentation, confusion becomes inevitable.

This paper aims to give a certain number of guidelines which make the use of Greek Unicode tables unambiguous and consistent. It is divided in three parts: (a) a list of guidelines, suggestions and caveats, together with the necessary linguistic and historical explanations, (b) some remarks to section 7.2 of the Unicode book (European Alphabetic Scripts: Greek), (c) a proposal for adding a certain number of new characters, which the author considers to be necessary for proper encoding of Greek.

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4 March 2002, Webmaster