Update on Internationalization at the W3CMartin Dürst - W3C/Keio University
This talk will give an update on what's going on at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) with respect to Internationalization. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is in the process of drafting a new charter for its Internationalization Activity. In order to find out what the wider Web community sees as the main priorities for Web Internationalization, the W3C held an Internationalization Workshop in association with the Twentieth International Unicode Conference (IUC20). The Conclusions of the Workshop are available, as are the Minutes, the Position Statements and the archived mail messages. You are welcome to put your comments and questions to the Web/Internet Internationalization Panel which immediately follows this talk. You are also invited to join the workshop mailing list (www-i18n-workshop@w3.org), and contribute to the discussion. To subscribe, send a mail, with 'subscribe' in the subject line, to www-i18n-workshop-request@w3.org (clicking on this link should do the job). |
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