Radouane Mrabet - The Distance Learning Laboratory, Morocco
Radouane Mrabet is Vice Director and Professor at "École Nationale Supérieure
d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systémes (ENSIAS)", Rabat - Morocco. In
addition, he is Vice-Head of the doctoral program at ENSIAS called "UFR
Architecture des Systémes d'Information et de Communication". He is also member
of the doctoral program at ENSIAS called "UFR Réseaux et Télécoms". In the past
he has been head of the Network and Communication Department at ENSIAS.
Mrabet has been Coordinator of the TELESUN project (Tele-learning system for
universities). Currently he is head of the Distance Learning Laboratory, ENSIAS.
In this role he is responsible of EDILE project (Exam Distance Learning
Mrabet is member of the PRICAM Project (Canada-Morocco). Project on the
continuing education and distance learning through Internet. He is also member
of the Continuing Education Centre.