Jamal Bentahar - Laval University
Jamal Bentahar is a PhD student at LAVAL University (Canada) where he works on
the role of argumentation in the interaction between agents. He is member of
Cognitive Informatics Laboratory were he is interesting on multi-agent systems.
Bentahar is also member of the Distance Learning Laboratory at "École Nationale
Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systémes (ENSIAS)", Rabat - Morocco
where he is responsible of the globalization of EDILE (Exam Distance Learning
Environment) on which this presentation is based. In addition, he participated,
within the PRICAM project (Canada-Morocco), in the internationalisation and the
Arabic localization of a Web based learning environment in Québec University
(Distance University). Bentahar is also a software engineer and has a background
in application design and in the multilingualism.