Yves Savourel - RWS Group
Yves Savourel has been involved in internationalization and localization
for more than a decade, first at International Language Engineering
(ILE), then at Sykes Enterprises, and now at the RWS Group. While giving
internationalization classes and consulting, his main focus has always
been on developing tools and solutions for localization processes, often
including SGML and XML aspects. Yves has been involved in the creation
of various localization-related standards, such as OpenTag, the
Translation Memory eXchange format (TMX), and the XML Localisation
Interchange File Format (XLIFF). He is also working in other XML-related
activities in the localization industry, and is the author of "XML
Internationalization and Localization". Yves is a native of Brittany and
lived in France, Africa and on islands of the Indian Ocean before
settling in Boulder, Colorado