The Conference will take place at the:
Doubletree Hotel San Jose
2050 Gateway Place
San Jose, California 95110
Tel: +1-408-453-4000
Fax: +1-408-437-2899
For those traveling by air the nearest major airports are San Francisco
and San Jose. From San Francisco Airport, a regular bus transportation
service called 'Airport Service' runs to and from the hotel.
Reservations should be made 3-4 days in advance at tel: 415-494-0200 or
fax: 415-494-0208. From San Jose Airport a complimentary hotel shuttle
runs and can be booked on arrival at a courtesy telephone in the baggage
pick-up area. No reservations are required. For both San Francisco and
San Jose Airports car rental is also available.
To reach the Doubletree Hotel from Cupertino:
* Take 280 South and exit 880 North;
* From 880 exit at Coleman Avenue and follow to Airport Blvd.;
* Make a right turn on Airport Blvd. towards North 1st Street.
* Exit on Gateway Place (before North 1st Street.)
To reach the Doubletree Hotel from San Francisco:
* Take 101 South to Airport Blvd./Guadelupe Parkway exit;
* Make a left turn from Guadelupe Parkway onto Airport Blvd.;
* From Airport Blvd., exit at Gateway Place.
To reach the Doubletree Hotel from the San Jose International Airport:
* Drive around to Airport Blvd.;
* Make a left turn onto Airport Blvd.;
* Make a right turn on Airport Blvd. towards North 1st Street;
* Exit on Gateway Place (before North 1st Street).